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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Dec 1967, p. 5

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OI~QNQEJ~K~Y TIi~4~ ~HUR~PAY, ÇE~WBEJt IM$i, îg~ Polluti ORONO PUBLIC SIIOOL TALENT NIGHT ormeno own Ral Wed., December 2Oth 8.00 p.un. TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM THE STUBE NTS Ta oticeTa The Coulncil of, The Corporation of the Township of Clarke mntends to construct as local improvements the fellowing works: Storm Sewers including 'catch basins and mauhoies-on:' MAIN STREET fromt Centre Street te apprex. 370 feet south of Park Street f EASEMENTS front Main Street te, Headwal PARK STREET frem Church Street te apprex. 570D feet-east et Church Street CENTRE STREET frem Church Street te approx. 620 feet east et Church Street CHURCH STREET from approx. 190 feet north ef Dickson Street te Headwaii, approx. 350 feet seuth ef Park Street -- Total estimated cost Sterm Sewers Curb, Gutter and Pavement on: CIIURCH STREET NORTH from Churchill Avenue te apprex. 150 feet south et Aliin's Lane CENTRE STREET'from Main Street te -approx. 800 feet of Church Street PARK STREET front Main Street te apprex. 550 feet east east ef Church Street IJUCHESS STREET front Main Street te Church Street DICKSON STREET from Miii Street te Church Street Total estimatedl cost ef curb, gutter and pavement Total estimated cost ef project Net ýcost tô be debentured $12,000 2,300 7,500 9,500 21,600, $52,900 $28,200 11,700 9,100 4,500 2,300 $55,800 $108,700 $38,080 -ion, Is A People Wage Parity Problem States Speaker Offered Dy G "Pollution is a people problexx controi it" was how Arnold Ed- inburgh summed Up the receni Ontario Pollution Control Con. ýference. Probiems nôt oniy of air. pol- lution, which has been front page Inews iateiy, but aiso- contamina. tion of water and soil were dis- cussed and studied at the con. ference. One of the mo st thought-pro- voking papers was deiivered by Dr. C. H. D. Clarke, chief of the Fish and Wildllfe Branch of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests. Hée warned that pol- lution, which today is kiliing off fishes 'and other forms of wiid- a life, could indicate a future dan.- ýter to humnan life. 'PThere is no hiard and. fast way to determiine the èffects of dom. estie anmd industriai wastes on the environment stated Dr. Cilarke. But the simpiest way to measure good environment for human be- ings was to sec if wiidiife thrived in Wit He c spoke against the 'heavy- handed business' of appiying pest-, icides - "you poison the coyotes that ate the gophers, because ini- cidentaiiy they kili a few sheep. Then you have to poison the go- phers. It's a big deal if your in the poison business. E Dr. Clarke said that DDT lias - ruined reproduction of trout in a couple' of important Ontario lakes. With trout and saimon it has been estAlishied that a concen- tration of 2.9 parts per million in the yolk sac is the threshold of trouble in the survivai of the fry. At varying leveis higlier than that (but not much) the egg wili hatch, but when the fry start to absorb thé contents of the yeik sac they die. We are1 afraid that it is only a, matter of time until trout eggs from one of these sources can no longer be used. Dr. ýCiarke stated that our Only hope isthat one day the trade will use non-persistent chemicais, and then in time DDT will disappear from the environ- ment. The Pollution Control Confer- ence, called and sponsored by te.Ontario. Governmnent, was quite a success. For the first time the Government stated what programns and legislation it bas in, the Pollution control field. The three hundred invited delegates, of which the writer was one, are now in a position to detail this information to their various as- sociations, who in turn may send constructive comments and per- haps dletailed briefs to, the Gov- erament. Perhaps the gr eatest problem in the pollution control field is deveioping an intl)rmed public opinion, which in turn, will de- mand government action. TORONTO HYDRO TO USE GAS FOR STEAM In an- attempt to reduce air pollution,. Toronto Hydro-Electric SYstem wilI convert its down- town steami plan to gas for five months next May. and intends to assess the whole of the net cost upon ail the rateable preperty i the Police Village of Orono. 2. The estimated cost of the work is $108,700iOO ofwhich ýamount ne part ,is te be paid by the Corporation and after deducting an anticipated subsidy and amount to be paid by the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham the balline of $38,08û0O0 is to be levied on the rateable Property in the said Police 'Village.: The estimated annuai rate is 11.269 milis and is te be paid in five annual instalments. 3. Application will be made by the Corporation te the Ontario Municipal Board for its appreval of the undertaking of the work and, (a) whlere this ferm is pubiished under subsection »3 of Section 8 of the LocaIl improvement Act, any owner may within 21 days after the ifirst publication of this notice file with the cierk his objection te 0he work beingundertaken; or <b) where tisq form-is mailed and published under subsection 3a ef the said Se¶ftion 8, anir owner m#y within 21 days after the publication or maiimng of the notice, whichever is later, file with. the cierk his objecýtion te thewrk being undertaken. 4. The Board miay approve of the work being undertaken but before' doing se t m ay appoint a time --aud place when objections te the werk wiil becensidered. Dated at thie Township ef Calrke this 6th day Decembller 1967. H.E. 3MILLSON, CLERK, Blox 219, Orono, Ontario. liow about a front-load ng. dishwasheryou canuse a... portable now, build in later whnyou desire. Choose..... the ail-niew KitchenAid SuperbaVairiCyceconvert. ible-portable. No install. ation expense. Easy rolling, no-tip desrign. And just look at ail these features: " Beautiful new styling " 4 Push Button cycle selectiort " SaniCycle for extra tiealth protection m Big, Versatile capacity " New 4-Way Wash * Exclusive FIo-Thru Drying " Solid mhaple cutting top Guide Bar 0 Automatic Power Cord Reel Mod!el K"DS-55 WHI Dont be switched from the best PORTABLE OR BUILT-IN DISHWASHERS - ROLPH PHONE 983-5207' HAR DW ARE ORONO, ONTARIO Shop at Fred's Fruit Market Highway 115, South of Orono Wage parity with United Sta- tes auto workers was2 offered Wednesday to the United Auto Workers union. by General Mo- tors of Canada - but on several conditional terms. Arnold Stapleton, Oshawa per- sonnel administrator and chair- man of the GM negotiating team, toid a press conference yesterday merning that "parity wouid be granted enly if there in increased and efficient production in our plants . . , parity of wages aise requires parity of work prac- tices." The GM o ffer proposes parity in five steps, over, a 2½2 year perioid ending in June 1970. The basic rate for assemblers would increase from $2.72 an hour to about $3.59 an heur (20 cents immediately) and for sk!ii led tradesmen fromn. $3.36 an heur to about $5.90 an hour (50 cents immediately). Mr. Stapieton said lie expected GM wouid rua inte "'considerable opposition" frein the UAW on the proposai te, revise the Can&~ dian work practice system te a tag relief system'used la the U.S. Clifford Piikey, UAW' interna- tional representative lias been re- ported as stating 'that' Canadian workers are 'not accustomed to the tag, relief system and would net accept it. lHe said that of (Continued page 7) For Fan»cy AppAe Xma Packages

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