OxtONO WEEKL IMfNES, TUURSDAY,_DECEMBER l4th,, 1i'87 ___ Orono Junior, Gardeners Ever noticed how quickly they grow? HoId Christmas Show This Christmas give them a Growth Savings Certificate.. it wiII grow with them. Decide now to give them the gift with a future- a Growth Savings Certificate, In 6 years, theyll roceive- $1-0.00 for every.$7.50 you invest-a one third increase. Christmas Growth Savings Certif icates are easy to buy, avaifable in denominations of $10.00 upwards and cash- able at any time. Ask about thom at any Commerce branch. Give the gift with a future ..and watch it growl 4>L CANAD IAN IMPERIAL BANK 0F COMMERCE Despite bad weather conditions there was, an excellent turnout for the Orono Junior Gardeners' Award night dinner and Christ- mas Show. There were 67 entries in the show which were judged by 3 members of the Bowman- ville Kiwanis Club President,~ Bob Carruthers, Ken Nimigon, Cecil Alldred. Forty-seven members and par- ents sat down for supper. At Head Table with Director Mrs. T. Fairbrother were Co-Directors Mr. and Mrs. 0. Challice, Mrs. E. Couvier, Mr. and Mrs. C. Billings Mrs. E. Brown and Mrs. J. Quin- ton. Afterwards a sing song led by Mrs. Brown and games conducted by Mrs. Challice and Mrs. B. West were mueh enjoyed. Awards wei'e as follows: Cathy. Milîson - winner of the Royal Winter Fair, Indian Corn lst prize was presented with a cheque oný behaîf of the Ontario Horticultural Association by Mr. Challice. Bowmanville Kiwanis Trophies were presented by President Bob Carruthers to: Best Garden '67 - Dale Evansý Most points in Annual Show - Jamie Quinton. Achievement '67 - Donna Chal- lice The 40 Award '67 (Character, Challenge, 'Creativity, Competi- tion) - was presented by Mr. Chai- lice *to Gay Marie Quinton. Orono Jr. Gardeners'- Club Christmas Show prize winners are as folloWs: Class 1, Table Arrangement, Seniors (11-16 years) - Laurie Schmid, Donna Challice,Chr maine Newman. Juniors (6.11 years) Yvonne Schoenmaker,, Susan West. Class 2. Door Decoration, Sen- iors - Donna Challice, Charmaine Newman, Dale Evans. Junior - Janet SchoenmakNç, Marian, DeVas, Jamie Quinton. Class 3. Mantle Arrangement, Se,,pors- Donna Challice, Char-, maine Newman, Dale Evans. Juniors - Yvonne Schoenmaker, Marian DeVos, Jamie Quinton. Ciass 4, 1867 Winter Scene, Seniors - Laurie Schmid, Dale - Evans, Charmaine Newman: Juniors, Janet Schoenmaker, Susan West, Jamie Quinton. Class 5, Gift Box, Seniors- Charmaine Ne~Wman, Laurie Schmid, Gay Marie Quinton. Juniors - Vyonne Schoenmaker, Kim West, Susan West. Class 6, Corsa ge, Seniors - Don- na Challice, Laurie Schmid, Dale Evans. Juniors - Yvonne Schoenmaker, Marian DeVos, Susan West. Class 7. Cône Animal, Seniors Laurie Schmid, Charmaine New- man.1 Juniors - Yvonne Schoenmaker, Janet Schoenmaker.' Class 8. Christmas Card, Sen- iors - Dale Evans, Laurie Schmid, Donna Challice. Juniors - Yvonne Schoenmaker Kim West, Cathy Milîson. Colouréd Year Book Special- Donna Challice (prize donor, Mrs. Fairbrothr) Best Arrangement of Nat ural Material Special - Donna Challice (prize donor, Mrs. H. E. Milîson). Membership Drive - Dale Ev- ans (prize donor, Mrs. O. Chal- lice). :Christmas Show Posters, Sr. Laurie Schmid. Jr. Y Ivonne Schoenmaker, Jan- et Schoenmaker, Jamie Quinton. FUN, FOR EVERYONE Sponsored by the Orono Athletic Association i and Orono Chamber of Commerce RO NOA RENA MASQUERADE PARADE - CARNIVAL QUEEN RACES FOR CIIILDREN, Snowman Contest for Ghildren andi Snowmiobile Races (weather permitting) Commencing 7:00 p.ni. SATURDuAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1967 San ta Claus ~" Makes His Annual Visit at titis Winter Carnival FREE. ADMISSION Durham Federaution 'Heurs Community College Speauker Lester Robinson of the Durham Çommunîty1 College situated in Oshawa to serve a greater part of the Ontario and Durham County area, was guest speaker at the Durham Federation November meeting helId in Bowmanville on Thursday evening. A d elegation from Ontario County Federation were present on invitation to hear the guest speaker. Mr. Robinson, introduc- ed by Bruce Taylor, O.F.A. mem- ber, is an Acronautical Engîneer with a vast experience in Tech- nical works who originated in England and came, from Ottawa whcre he had served as instructor in similar courses for several years. He explained the functîon of Community- Colleges as advanced education above the Grade XII level for those who for various reasons would not go to Univers- ity. As yet, no agricultural cours- es are included in the curriculum. Mr, Robinson deftly fieldcd the questions posed him and was thanked by President Dalton Dor- rcll for providing much factuai information. From the correspondence a no- tice of possible change of rates to affect those landowners where the Ontario Hydro will be plac- ing new towers, poles etc. Durham County Federation has for many years'had a property committee that works with its provincial counterpart to assist local land-oweners who r»ay be adversely affected by expropria- tion. The new proposais were turncd over to ths commitnee chaired by Eric Fallis for their perusal and comments. The Ontario Federation of Ag- riculture, at the request of, its members' has made overtures to the Ontario Farmers Union at provincial level, to work together to create one farm organization to represent ail farmers in Ontar- io with one strong- single voice. It was with regret that we read the correspondence from the Pro- vincial Secretary of Farmers Un- ion declining' any action in this direction. In the past, goverament bod- ies have frequently cited the lack unanimity of the farm voices as their excuse for not implernent- ing various requests calculated to improve the farmers lot. With the Màrch on Ottawa and other occasions, it has proved that the rank and file of bath organizations can and are desirous of working in harmony for a common good. When the Executive of any or- ganization f ails to heed the de- sires of its members, those mem.- bers' have an obligation to re- place them with representativez that will., Elected representatives have an obligatio n to heed the. desires of those who support them, notto 'dictate a policy te perpetuate themselves in office to the detriment of those engag- cd in agriculture. Mr. Bruce Taylor was selected to attend the Pollution Confer- ence - a problem of deep con- cern to, almost everyone, It was decided to again pro- vide a trophy and prizes for the Jr. Farmer Car Rally, a contest that lays emphasis on safe driv- ing habits. Delegates were named to At- tend the 3-day O.FA. Convention in Toronto. Discussiontook place on providing a scholarship to as- sist a Junior Farmer ini the County desirous of taking ad- vanced- education' in agriculture. Final arrangements were made for the Durhamn Federation An- nual Banquet to be held on Tues- day, November 21st, in Bethany. Wc are fortunate to have as guest speaker, Mr. Charles Monroe, President of the Ontario Federa- tion of Agriculture. Tickets are available from any Federation Di1- rector.