ORONO WEEIZLY TIMES, THURSDAY, 'DECEMIBER 14th, 1967 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES (AuthorJzed as Secoïid Cla8s mlPt Office Departmenit, Ottawa) Published every Thursday at the office of publicatiaoe Mwain Street, Phone 109, oJrono, OinLario F~1ahs i -1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Edttor and Manager Now is the season when we sing Peace on earth'. An inséparable part of the aceless Christmas message is the angels' exhortation to the shepherds outside Bethie- hemn; ". . . on earth peace, good wilI toward men." It is a goal which men of goodwill have sought through all the centuries of Christendomi. The quest has been beset by almost constant frust- ration. Wars have grown in scope as the world's population has grown and their destructive ferocity has increased with the increase of man's scientific kniowledge. d Nearly 2,000 years after the first Christmas, when the Son of God came to bring peace to the world, there is no peace. Even though there is no ominous nuclear flash on the horizon, no gunfire sound in the streets, we know peace is stîli not with us. There were wars and rumors of wars, social unrest and injustices of ail kinds when our Lord was born, and this condition ihas mnaintained. There are times when it seemns we must surely conclude "times of trouble" is here to stay. It may be asked-what this has to do with Christmas 1967? Howevcer Christmas is the season of the year whcn our thoughts, by the very nature of the event we celebrate, shouhd cause us to think of peace and how best we can fulfili the mission that the Christ came toearth to perform.ý Too sombre a themne for the Christmas season? We think not. l3efore we becomne immcnrsed in Yuhetide pheas- antries shouhl we not give sincere, thought to the true meaning of Christmas? The least we can do, if we profess tQ be men of goodwill, it to honor the Christmas message andç its Author. When we do this, we will then have every right to rejoice and be glad and join' the heavenly throng, in sirAgjng: "Ghory to God ia the highest, and on earth peàce, goodwvill toward men." Ol RONO1 fS PO'nRT BRIEFS a Unit Leader- Orono U.C.W. Instal ofies 21- Mrs, . S w 4- Mrs. A. Mfitchiell 5i Ms A. Joaston Recruitig 6i 3Mrs. E. Newell Recritin - eniediction closed t and lunch was served On December l5th the U.C.W,i- held a Christmas meeting ia the Mrs. IW. Brandt Main Auditoriumi of the Church. Stewa,,,rtsip anda Presideat Mrs. 0. Chatterton Mrs. A. Drummond weicomed members and guests and especially Mr. Long who hadi îcorne to instaîl the new officers for 1968. She gave a ýshort read- S ing on the themie 'Christmas Qar- . ol' and then turned the meeting1i over to Mlrs. Long and the Uniti Sand 5 ladies for the devotional' period. It was very beautiful with ... MVrs. Long showing colourful! slides of the Christmas story, be-, tween which the lîghts were dim-1 mcd and one of the ladies rend1 the corresponding Passage and then everyone joined la singing a Christmas hymn or Carol, alsoý fitting that particular phase of \the story. Mrs. Wm. Reid closed the devotional with prayer and ail were most warmly thankejî by Mrs. Chatterton for a truly Christ- Smas message, Mrs. A. Drummond played the music for us, aiding as 4 she is alwnys so willing to do, to 'mak any meeting just a little more enjoyable. During the usual period of bus- iness- the new slate of officers was read and Mrs. Chatterton de- clared the old execuive nil. Due to illness the new president, Mrs. O. Challice was absent so Mrs. Chatterton finished the meeting' for her. Mr. Long offered pràyer and en- Icouragemient to the new Qfficers as he installcd therii and the new Past President - Mrs. O. Chat- terton President Mrs. O. Challice lst Vice President - Mrs. E. James 4 ATOMS WIN Bantams came up with a 3-1 vic-' Aen , rei The Orono Atom Hockey Club tory over. the second. OshawaAle are now on a two-gamce winning club. Randy and Craig Tennant Recording Sccre xtrcak having, dcfeatcd, hast wcckscorcd two of the goals with the Bowins ah club from Oshawa and a club-1third by Steven Boyd. Steve Cox, Press Secretary rom Bowmanvilc, John Brennan, and Jim Partner ig The win over an undcfeatedi were credited with assists. ing Oshawa club was by a score of ýCorrespondingS 3 to i on Wcdnesday hast. Friday: MIDGETS TIE G. Carson evcning -Chris Robinson ., and, WITH NEWCASTLE Nicky Vanscgglen scored two ý The Orono and Newcastle Mid- Treasurer - Mrs. goals for the Orono club to bank-gtcu payitoa-ilic n Chairmen of I et Bowmiafviile by a score of 2-0. 1 Friday evening in what proved mfittees- to bie a good game of'hockey. The1 i PEE WEES KO local boys are showing phenty of Christian Citizer PORT HOPE hockey sense and good scoring iai Action - Mrs. F The, Orono Pee Wees showcd piays were resulting. Steve West Loucks their strength on Friday evening scorcd two of the Orono goals Community Fricr when they defeated a Port Hopel while Bill Robinson scorcd the iting - Mrs. Wm.1 club 5-0. John Gilbart proved Or-.ý third taliy for the local boys. Co-operation ia oéno's sharp-shooter with twol ainanfiso goals whihc Steve Sawyer, Pierre JUVENILES PLAY M.Catio admsi Fluery and teve Allia colectedlIN A DONNYBROOK Mr. . am the other three. Assists 7ent to Saturdny evening the Orono Fiance AiMrs.C Steve Allen, Stève Sawyer, John and Newcastle Juveniles chashed jFoes-Ms Deabecker, Mark Carman and Pi- at thé Orono Rink with Orono Literature and erre Fleury. coming up with a decisîve 6-2 -Mrs, C. Biiings win... Membership -Mi B&ANTAIMS WINAmccboeotdrn thf Nomination AliV The O1rono Bantams have join- game with at least ten phayersi ton ed the other Orono teams in reg- gctting a game suspension. S !PociamFuctios istering victories and over the Doug Taylor was the play mak-batS o-cFnono weekend ,von out over two Osh- er for Orono, figuring in five as- atCocvei- aiwa clubs. sists on the six Orono goals. er Onl Friday night the BantamsSteven West and Erie DuvalI Supply and Soci toGok a 3-2 win over an Oshawa' scored two goals apiece while' elubl. Goals werè scored by Robin Gary Black and Larry Adams _______ Wiater, Randy Eastabrook aad scored the other Orono goals. Bl1ai Moffat. Assists went tol Friday eveniag is hockey nighti Bclain Moffat, John Brennan andat the Orono Rink and evcryone j Stevea Boyd. Is invited to sec the youag ath-1 Saturday moraing the local letes in action at the rink. LBowmaniville MO NDAY, TUESDAY, l.WDNSDAY, 7:30 p.m. DEC. 25-27 AnteFuniceloa, Fabian (Color) JECEMBDER 25, 1VONDAY MID-NIGHT SHOW PREHISTORIC WOMENS TUIE DEVIL'S OWN ,Aduit entertajumnent (Color) IMERIRY CHIRISTMAS TO EVERYONE .9 i.: the mneeting- by Unit 6. -IK10NE 983-5102 ORONO, ONTARIO Our Directors and Staff wish - ail ou'r Members and Customers A, Very erryv Chrustmas and a Hlappy and Prospîerous New Year We will he closed December 25th and 26th for Christmas holidays. Also M1onday, January lst. May t-he true spiritual' meaning of Christujas gladdýen your holiday and enrîck your f~~iiswî epcontentment amIwainasso ciatîéus. ORONO, ONTARIO eAL