ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THIURSDAY, DECEMBER 28th, 1967 _ ________ month there were two retire- Lalkeshore Playoffs to -Albpert û L CLU D J UUJ A I ~~La D i mants, on1e admission, one trans- Cole bya er slm nagn tdgii SC11O01 Board iuêius Mnnua. Chrmisras Banquet fer in and one transfer out. for3.11.S. Juniors defeated St., Pet- Mr. Thom visited the school fr ers, Peterborough, 25- in the 'Board Chairman Forbes Hley- installed in the gy-mnasiumi at a a nsweV Qr sheets, and directions the inspection of teachers hold-ýJu!nior Lakeshore Playoffs. iad el'corned the Durhamn Coun- cost of $44. for the administeriag score and ing Temporary Certificates. ". 'Mr. Bail took Grade 12 stud- tyDitrict High School Bocard, The 'board also ado pted the aalyze by computer the Sequen- number of boys donated blood at' ent,ý to visit Orono Reforestation. the (Co-orlinating Eduication recommenidations of the Bow- Lial Tests of Education Progress th1e rs lnea h in giutr tdnsfo rd ~Ommttethe Priacipals o mnil Local Committee's re-iat a cost of about $750. These re- Centre. Mr. Austin and Mr. Le- 10J anj Il spent the' day at the CorieSecondary School, Bow- port that Miss Lynda Arbour's sults are of great value for pîac- Gresley atteadedt the Cente-~iai, Royal Winter Fair. manilClakothoe n resignation as a member of the ing Grade 8 students in the prop- Conference for Science Teachers "'The sehool play entitled "In- Millrook Higch Schools, the ýteaching staff be accepted, to be er courses in Secondary School, I oot.hrtteWid lydtrepr bor'effice staff and the press effective December 3lst, and thef it was pointed out. "Mr.. Short attended the AIl formancés. The play was well to, the annual Christmas banquetitappointment of Miss M. Mossop Guidance Brochures have been 'Ontario workshop of the Ontario pre 1sented and-well received. The bdiin Bowmanville High Schl to teach English, effective Jan. prepared for distribution to Music Education Association. production, iavolved over 60 pu- zpfeteriaR recentl. 3rd, be confirmed. Grade 8 classes to describe the Studeat teachers from the Col-' Ipuls. The tables were attractively The Co-ordinating Guidance courses available. Parents Of lege of Education speat a week, "r omto pn a deoatd in a Yuletide themne. Committee report was also ap- Grade 8 students are invited to at practice teaching. a atYr iwn nls There was a splendid buffet wvith1 proVýed and adopted. This report the schools as follows: Bowman- classes in the four year A. anq S, two turkeys, ham, salinon, differ-1noted that the committee now ville, January 8; Clarke, January "Students on Centennial Ex- Mr- Clarke and Mr. MeMullen en,,t salads, an array oIf vegcet- ï deals with many items in addi- 9; Courtice, January 17; Mill- change from Cochrane _H.S. re- Ispent a day at the University of ables a n d festive strawberry tion to guidance. "The liaison brook January 10, and Port Hope turned after attending classes at Waterloo attending a session' per- shorteake. Board Chairman Hley-1,with the Elementary School sy- January 17. B.H.S. for -a- week. B.H.S. stud- tainînig to computers. land on ' behl-&f of al peetIse s are u ytiscm oaiot ftasotto ents returned from Cochrane af- "The annual Commencement thaniked Mrs. Lyle McM-àýahoni forý mittee is most beneficial and f'or the school year September ter a parallel experience.. evening was well attended. Par- 1he arrangement and preparation wiII be most helpful in prepar- 1967 - June 1968, will amount to "Senior Home Economies clas- ents of Grade 9 pupils wcre in- ý,f the delicious dinner. ing for the new systemi proposed $173,841 . The Transportation ses visted the Kindergarten clas- vited to the school where they At the board meeting after- 'by Premier Robarts", the report Committee's report concerning ses. at Central Public School. met teachers concernied and were arsthe appointmient of D. stated. contracts for tr ansportation of Driver Training was initiated at able to meet privately if desired. Aarto bc Assistant Hlead of It recommended that the name pupils by Burley Bus Lines, j, B.H.S. under the direction of Mr. Many interested parents attend- the Courtice Secondary School of the Co-ordinating Guidance A. Carscadden, W. Gillis, L.È Olan LeGresley. ed." Mahmtceffective January 1, Committee be changed to Co- L. Thompson and Stock Brothers "Remembrance Day Service Clark High Sehool Principal, ,was approeved. Other recommend- ordinating Education Committee was approved. was held in the auditorium. E.G. Witherspoon reported en- ationis subýmitted in the Courtice and that it be concerned withl Bowniville High School Pria- Grade 9's, viewed a film entitled rolment as of November 3th L-cal Comrmittee's report were mratters of educational policy. j'ipai L. Lucas in bis report for "Shane" la the Town Library. was 343, and the percenitage of aloapproved as folloýws: the Also recommiended was that November showed that' enrol. This film îs connected with Eng- attendance during the month snow plouighing to be done by A. the services of the Etobicoke ment at the end *of last month àlish studies. Grade 12 studeats month Was 95.3. CStark and Sons at $9 per hour, Board of Education be employed was 639, and the percentage of1 wrote a SA.T.O. test. B.H.S. Sen- "Ëducational, Clarke High ànd that black-out curtains be to supply sample practice sheetsatndnefr9..Dra h ors lost the final game in the (Conejnued on page 6) 'r ai k ai r1 4' 5/ o" 4, .4' a.' t t' 'o'. The Government of Ontario introduces.C, opH-ealth RK.egistration Board Y ~ I If you have either Ontario Medical Services agencyfor both OMSI Pand Ontario Hospital OMSI P and Ontario Hospital Insurance 1insurance Plan (OMSI P) or Ontario Hospital Insurance.- will continue to provide their present cov- Insu rance (OHI) you wili soon be hearing of HI RB will be the central reg istration office erage. The only difference is that, from the Heaith Insurance Registration Board which wiII handie enrolnent, billings and nowi on, when you see HIRB, you'li know it (HIRB). premium collections, and answer inquiries means the Hlealth Insurance Registration The Health Insurance Registration Board about Ontario's medical or hospital, insur- Board is servingyou on behaîf of Onitario's has been set up by the Province to act as an ance plans. . health insu rance plans. li you have any questions about provincial health insurance enrolîment or pirmiums just wite to: lealAth m ac eitainBoard 2195 Yonge Street, Toronto 7 GOVERNMENT 0F ONTARIO Hon. JOHN P. ROBARTS, Prime Minister