ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY,, DECEMBER 28th, 19 jIn à world that is constantly f being alerted to new and start- 1 Repot Fom guee 's P rk ling social and teclinologicalï ch anges, we need once in a whiles Ceuteninial year witli its mem- lique. t be reminded of the past. ories of historic and national ev- Events of Centennial Year have That past , visualized, on so, ents is drawing to, a close, and made us acutely aware of, thisimany occasions during this cen- I with the ushering in of 1968 we need, and the recent Coufedera- tennial year, is a story of men stand on the threshold of our tion of Tomorrow Conference and women pitted againpt the second century of uaLtionhood. brought the realization that a- wilderness without convenieuces As twenty million Canadians, mong the probiems facing our or comforts, and often with littie heirs of the 3,635,000 wlio inliab- nation, the sharing of a common hope that co nditions would im- ited the country one hundred purpose is the most critical. prove. years ago, we have had the op- The wizard Merlyn said to King No country has a -more glorlous, portunity' during 1967 to examine Arthur iu the story The Once and past than Canada, and no country our reflection iu the mirror of Future King,, "The destiny of is in a better position to make its w orld opinion. ,That reflection Man is to unite not to, divîde. If future bright and full of promise. has revealed much of which we you keeD on dividing you end up That future is based on how we, can be justly proud. a a collection of monkeys throw-1bestir ourselves today. Great material and social pro- ing nuts ut each other from sep- gress has been made. Our bound- arate trees.'" Iess wealth of natural resources Canada was flot built by peo- Kený,dal News undream-ed of by the Fathers of next pay, nor by people whoi A baby boy Glen Martin Foster Coufederation. The utilization of were content to live by bread was born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin these resources and the impres- alone, nor by those wlio came to1 Foster on Decegiber the 20th lu sive development of transporta- believe that their present well port Hope Hospital. tion by land, water, air and pipe- beiug justified relaxation in the On December the 22nd a liue, have revolutionized ourshelter of a welfare state.Chita Cocr shed n way of living to the point that Il was buiit by pious, law abid-1I Çbristas Coce rs ih Wd we flow enjoy the second highest ing people, shariug a common.accomphnied the singers in their standard of living in the world. ideal lu an enviroument that ai-,tros, duets etc. Three girls dress- were unabie to forscc these mar- the individual. May it not be said on, 'The Days of Fifty Years Ago'. ve'ous e!opments but within of Our second century that the IXere was a beautifufly decorat-' their s opa; of knoxledge, and civilization, created through the ed treeanad Sauta came on sched- with idealistie spirits and pract- sweat and tears of the past, fell ule. ical. hands, they -constructed a: apart iu the midst. of petty bick- 'rti uny vsa foundation on which many races' eritug. 'Élie dissolution of Canada, and cultures could establish a if it sliould corne to pass, wouid I ,Wrh Thwie Gift S 'day l Keual united nation. be like the blowing out of can- Chur 'h. the wt ccift of as A nation, however, does not dies in a castle, oua by ouae, until hised onthefru e acouu thfe ive by statistics a#',ne True it ail the castle is dark. hidst fogra nin days i Ath must have impressîve employ- Sir Charles G. D. Robaris'iwoodsl igr eisl.A ment ard production figures, but poam addressed to Canada be- bout ,the year 1800. This was giv-i theýe are not enough. It needs ýau gins: O chuld of nations, giant 1nb r1 .Cahat enviroument lu which people of limbed, who stands among the1 Rev, T. .Suelgrove gave, n differc-nt persoual traditions, cul. nations now,", and coutains a Christmas message on the three turès, religions, backgrounds 'and phrase whicli las meaning for ail dimensions of Christmas. God earning power, may acquire, a of us: "O falterer let thy past came down to man in the birth of sense of shariug something un- convince thy future." ýthe Christ chiid. Man reaches up __________________________________________________to God. Then His love overflows ______________________ 'inl service to His fellow man. ow a vill There was a, fine attendance _________ __________ and the White Gift offering'was fortyfive dollars and a haîf. This JANU RY P ONE 2355 9 lis given to Missions. Christmas Day was rathýr rain, DECEMBER 31 SUNDAY MID-NITE SHOW y and foggy and lu the aveu 'ing lit began to snow heavily. This' made the hilis very slippery. A Some people lied to leave their andï cars eat the foot of the hli and Iwalk home. Cullse of'iothe tWerewolff Dec ember. It looks like winter to see SUTN., MON., TUES.- DECEMBER 31 JANUARY 1, 2 it ail lit up at niglit for skiing. One Complete Show at 7:30 p.m. Those new Cliristmias'ski togs are being tested this week. a M At Christmas time we hear THE 0"'(X %%0 NE S from many friends we hayen't Cuty e oma edy ie WCo or However there are always one or Rodd Mcowal, Dbbi Wasontwo missing eadî year. On June 2, 1955 our new Ham- FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY - JANUARY 5, 6, 7 moud organ was dedicated. Mrs. J. S. McLea, 'tlie donor, came to present it to Kendal churcli in THA T 0F LOV'E memory of lier husband who was COLOR boru at Kendal. Every Christ-,j James Garner, Dick Van Dyke mas since, she lias sent me a, Aegie Diekenson, EIke Sommer 'caird and I have writteu lier tel __________________________________________________ ing lier that we have a fine sen- ior organist and a higli scliooi FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY - JANUARY 12, 13, 14 girl who does well as assistant 1 organist. 1 told lier about our, junior choir of higli school stud- THE -ARk. B EEDents and of the fine Centennial COLOR service held hast May led by Mr.j James Stewart, Maureen O'HaraJ M. ,McCoy and many of lis Excel- _________________________________________________ fsior choir members, and lis FRIDY, ATUDAYS'UDAY- JNUAR 19 20;21 public school Pupils. Howeverý FRIDY, STURAY, UNDY - ANUAY 1, 20 21 this Christmas we missed Mirs. cMcLean's card. Now we learu thtshe passed away a few weeks COLR Ho COORjA baby girl was boru to Mr. Jerry Lewis, Susan Bay and Mrs. Richard. Foster lu Port Hope Hospital on Christmas Day SPECIAL FEATURE - TWO WEEK-ENDS Recember' 25. They are calling FRIDAY, SATU1IDAY, SUNDAY - JANUARY 26, 27, 28 lier Tammy Auinett Foster. MATINEE SATURDAY JANUARY 27, also __ FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 2, 3, 4 BEAVER AS A SUPPLEMENTARY TO SiR WTH LOVEFA ICI:ago a colony o Sidney Poitier, Judy Geeson beaver set up liouse-keeping on al .arm inc-ome from the sale of of formnerly flooded baud and r.- peits. Earby this fa11, after trap- alized about $75.00 worth of feed. ping just enougli that a breeding If le had retaine d the beaver lie ,tck was ieft, lic real.ized, $200.1J would have nmre' than doubied from tlie fur.J hi S income from the portion ofý The first farmer harvested the thef arm this year, and could have mersh grass from the three acres doue so for sevýîra1 years. GREASE JOB 9 Plus FREE COFFEE with every Oit Change ilave a FREE car With Gas. COFFEE whlýile we fiLt up yoI"r SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS HIGHWAY 115 AT E NTERPRISE- PHONE 983,~9988j E tbevpont -of pou trtetinge fur 1*8, tfrom eUof ut,5 at tbe Orono 5c To $1 Store