ORONO WEEKLY TIME~S, THURSDAY, Onitarlo MNuseum on NovemberonNvior2t.CnnL - h ç 1 7th. nts: On Dccemiber l8th Grade (Cotinedfro pae Graes12 anid 13 English stu- 1A- ndB r, 1e ging o Lk dens atededtheshwinofth view Hyf\dro Therm-al Plant in thle ScToiCmecm n rgram î!film "APan1for AIl- Seasons" morning and Ryersonin ustitte of washed n ovmbr lt n C.h .Gae 0HsoY TchnoloýMgy in the afternoon.-Th he a s d ioic m wi h r . P t C s a t nd d C u ty C u t ni S u e t C oun il are holding th eir pnan a th gue t hs e akro C b g n N m e O .C r s m s D ance on D ece miber 15 1 ad would like to thnkqIl tosV'r.B iost )epartmentale îi! 19ih Grade 11OC areCO senbers of the b ýoard wo 1hPogram Consuit n Classie isitintg the Bell Telephone Cm- ~iede. iste tefscow on December >ý ýany ln Oshawa." hlr 'lhm. heAra Sp~in5th Trmexaiiîý n are be, Courtice Scnay Sho rtndnt vs&edth chol~ iý edfomDeei br tht ?rineipal James Speer's report ~oveber secionGadet ~ ~ Uo~urrculr~aor November showed tfor the âmes late was 8.9, and there vere 823 stude its on the roll as of November 30th. * "Student Activities. Math. ,Seminar at Queen's University at- t tend(ed by MVr. Adair and 'four imath studenits, Novemaber 10 and 1.Courice Soccer Team - C.O. ,S.S.A. championship in an unde. featx.i season of play- coach Mr. "Bys basketball teamns organi- ized with coaches Mr. 'Rose, Mr. Vaniderkuuir, Mr. McClurg. Girl-s Ibask7etball season completed teamis, coached by Mïss, Munro, ~ Mvrs. MeMulleni. Girls volîcybali. season comnpleted, at presenit do-' ing a gymnastics programn. "Student Assemblies: Remem- 'brance Day r. November" 10. Nov 3 emiber 22 -. Assembly with school baud. December 6 - Centennial__ programn. Grade 9 classes viewed the film "A'Man for AIl Seasons" in Oshawa, Deçember 7. E--amini- ations December 13 to 21. "Lakeshore Principal's meeting at Courtice. Principals froin ed. December 8-9 - Your Princi- neighboring high schools attend- pal attended seminar held by .he Ontario Researcli Council. "Commencement: We had a good turnout of parents oný Dec- ember L. We extend a votc eofa p-I preciation to th&e board, members who were presenlt."' RR 6. Bowmanville, who was a- ville. ,warde'd $2,500. Both were award- J Linda Làke, 17, of 85 Bond St., Ad costs.! Lindsay, who was also throvn Ti-tey ,vere suing, the ambulance ouit, later died of her injuries. ' "r7ew, Beverley liai-ris, 111 Pac- Thiere wýas no claimi on hej: behaiýf. ifcAeToronto) and Donald Sh!e was involved in the previous- Hry,32 Qucen St. Bowmiani- Àccdent wîthà Mr. Hen1ry. HliAAIONS îINSURAN.CE SERVICE ATIGPOND7 ~AND SOUGUT ~EmniskiLlen Conservation area~f' wilI get a bathing pond but it on't ýnecessarily be ready forj* ;he sumrmer. Enniskillen, is about 20 milles northeast of Oshawa. The Central Lake Ontario Con- y 3ervation Authority has an option to buy three acres of land, which ïs vital 'to the development of the pond, for $1,000 per acre, but nitting through the red tape suirrouindinýg the purchase could take another six months. 1-ayar Muroc, utorty NESTING FUR~ 'chairman, si preparation of h ponid for, use by the public will O~ rono, Ont. be determined by the length of _________________ 'imeit takes to purchase the west side of the pond which is land. 1, lerU 7_ etsI ftePn hc The three acres are 'on the r 111 IU"I117 at the southerly limnit of the 66- /~'.~- 11 LIII IIrN fl acre coinservation area. 19? ~*L.-2 Publîc School (Continued from page 1) Whcel and Slent Night. 11. Vicki Clark, recitation 'My j Shadow'. 12. Tumbling Club under the leadership of Mrs. I. Brown. 13. Terry West, a piano solo f Greensleeves. 14. Grade Five , play 'Jimmy's Unlucky Morning.' 15. Bonnie Partner, recitation, The Tom Boy.? 16. Twîce Upon A Time, a trio, Heather McGill, Diane Mahier, Richard Bunting, accompanied .by Ranidy Adams on the guitar Trains and Boats and Pans The Fren.ch Song. 17. Barbeýra Gustar, a.pianoiý sol- o- 'Skatinig on the Iée.' 1 8. Thef Senior Glee Club - Pup)ils from rae 5, 6, 7 aýndI 8, unpder the direction ,of jMiss C. Scott anid ?Mrs. F. Lunin. MVr. Moffat thaujked thýIe oo- inig people for their hielp, Mlrs. A. Van" den H1-euvel for mnake up and àances; Mr. E. Dent for lighting, and props and Mrs. C. Wanna- Scott for music. j' - - -- - - -------- ------ --------------- ;-Qe lKA