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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jan 1968, p. 2

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- - - RONO' WEEKLY TMES, TIIUESDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1968 flection, Solomap said, "This is DISTRICT BIRTH R~ATE iawa General lospital had record- T11E S E À D HP O I Eyour rewardJ." DROPS - OSHAWA 300 ed 2,170 births. Last year th,,2 Taken from a sermon preached ceiling. His room reflected thBsw h f h auead TeOW 1966ateceably in 1967. b e.Basil Long. Ibeauty of the adjoining room o imenmaii y bte pverse a___________ fig ,ure was 2,4e29,ndthe total I that a quick glance would ______o______ _____er sr, igr ws ,49an î,e 0t! Seripture Lesson - Hebrews 1: woien1alrom.that God will not be decelved if _a__2--16 1-4 our lives are just a reflection their far1ms. Theendof he ea an th latim Slomn cme o vewinstead of the real thing. But we Sorry to report that Mrs. Van- During this samnepridta- can be equally certain that as we not7s in Bowmanville Hospital, Ajax-Pickering hospitalecde beginning of the new is one of the resuits. H1e was thrilled at labou diligently in the service sfengfromn a broken hip. She 482 births, down from 531 hu the occasions whien we are most thle magnficence of the diligent, of Christ we w ill,, -find that our is the mother of Mrs. Percy Bur- 1966. con1selous of time. This morning workman's room and amazed to joy will be increased. ley and Mr. Cecil Vannatto. She' we renew our thinking about find the'other room* of equal, use to live in Kendal in the house This is happening alaro what it means to be good stew-i beauty and magnificence. He sum - now owned by Mr. -and Mrs. T. North América, I. H. Mitchell. ards of the time we have been moned both to appear at the pal- Ke N Garbut Assistant administrator of Ost-, ace that they might receive their Uad l News ut awa General says. "lIt could hý Some Fts reward. There the king g ave ord Ms ilim Mrerla e social factors, medical factors, oï SrE ac eso lisacrin - ers, to , is servants to- place a' Symipathy is extended to Mrs.'turned to hier home in Kendal economic factors. I would hesil- dahpro a etis- large bag of gold upon the table Robert Nîchols on the, loss of after lier long stay 'in -hospital.taeopintonysgethn montoftieathi o hr for the diligent workman, 'The her grandfather who passed a- She is able to get around better. as. the cause. posal.'lazy workmian struggled to con- way in Bridgenorth during the New Years weekend was fine Each person will bie confronted1 ceai his satisfaction as another Christmas week. The flowers at for the Ski-doo owners, several of Mr. Mitchell went on to Say by many opportunities.baofodwspacdunth the pulpit on December the 31st them were observed on the side that the dropping birth rate lu ronds.fsomething e lias nuticedhe table. He stepped ,forward ex- were in lis memory. ISm f u eda k oas omn m edical ouns rcentlin Each person has been given, a! cetînto li tbt îpd oeo u edlfok okmn eialjunl eeti portion of talents or abilities to spteîng o aîm tbut.Thped a Two more farmns have been in the New Years Eve Party at and that it is widespread. Hfe- use. a h igsi owi.Te sold. Mr. Laverne Patterson and Newtonville. Tliey enjoyed the feels that many people are liti ,mirrýor was placed next to the Mr. David Johnson both living teni o'clock supper and fun that in attributing the drop, to the. No one knows how mudli time bag of gold. Pointing, to the re- south of the sixth lune,'have sold followed. i birtli control pilis. he lias.1 Eaci one will be required te give an accountiig: The Stewardship of Time The writer of Ecclesiates speaks concerning tlie nature of time when lie says, "To every- tliing there is a season and a time for every purpose under the sun." He speaks of a time to be born, and a time to die; a Urne. to plant, and a timne to reap. We realize that this is time over which we have no control. We do not choose to be born, nor can we stop the seasons. There is a time, liowever, over which we can and must exercise clioice* This is the time of dur- ation between the beginning of life and the coming of death; be- tween the beginning of an op- portunity and the end of an op- portunity. Unless we face the challenges of life as they~ arise we mnay lose that whidh is of greatest value. Jesus said to his disciples, "Walk wvhle you have light, lest darkness come upon An epitapli being placed on a tomb-stone read, "Born a humai- being, died a wholesale grocer." When asked about this wlsh, to 'have this strangce epitaph as a re- minder of his life the man re- plied, "I was so busy selling groceries that 1 did net lhave trne to get married and have a famîily; to travel, even thougli I had the mnoney to do it; to enjoy' drama, lectures, concerts or read.! in,,: to be a part of community service; to accept political res- ponsibility or to seek meaninga in religion. AIl were crowded out by. business." So often the beautifuli and hielpful thîngs of lîfe are missed because we have not been good stewards of our time. An Aecounting One of the un!chaqngeable facts of life is that w must giv-e an a-ccounting of our use of time wihether it be soon or late. The, Bible pts it very plainly, "Be not d-eeved;, God is flot mocked: for wha-_tsoever a: iman seweth, tha",t shah h le also rca>,p." One of the stor*ies associated wihthe lifeý and wýisdomi of King Solo0man telîs how the king summoned two skihed craftsmen and instructed eachi to build for hlm a rooma of unequalled mag- nificence. The workmen could re- quest for his use any material no matter how costly. They were to have a period of six mnonths in which to do the work, at the end oif which the work wouild be ex- amnined by Sollomnan and if satis- factory, a generous reward would be given. One craftsmnan was diligent and îmimediately requisitionied costly materials, precious jewels and deictey oven fabrics. The oth- er craftsmian was lazy. Two monhs assdthen five. The diligent workman wsnearing the compýleton but the other had just realized how; little time was left. H1e was filled wîth dismay, thien panic siezed himn. What could le do? Then he thougît of a plan whereby he miglit deceive the king. As the two roomns were adjacent hie contrived the idea ofi -tising mirrors on the walls and1 Services Insuranc with O SP Frorn the first of January 1968, t'Lhe Ontarîo Medical Services Insu rance ~VYacc applications for G3roup Insurance coverage. You will find several advantages inthis new provision: S MAIL GROULPS: Nawgrou pcoverage isavail[able ta small groupstoa. OMSIPwili offer group insurance ta 5mai! groups-minimum size, 6 per- sans. Since other plans have in many cases required a mini- mum of at Ieast 20 persons to obtain group cove rage the new OMSIP plan1 will widen the availability of medical insur- ance ta many small grOU PS, as well as large. COLLECTOR ANID EMPLOYMENT GROUPS: An innovationoffered by OMSIP group coverage is its availabilitytogroupswith somne common bond other than emn- ploymnent. For instance, memn- bers of a business or 'profes- sional association might form a group in order ta take advan- tage of mnore convenient medical, insurance c overage. Employment groups, those made up of people at a com- mon place of employment, are of course also eligible. RATES: The same low OMS! P rates wil! be available ta groups a~s they are ta individuals:' TYPE 0F CONTRACT eThe single person *The famlly of two eThe famiJy of three or more $O 5.0PArymot $15.00 every month $12,50 everv rnnth E '~veDates of Couerage: A) If theapplicant applies within 30 days of the termination of coverage by a group medical insurance plan, OMSIP coverage begins on the day ~i following the termination of the former coverage. B) OMSI P coverage of other group applicants becomes effective thr r-!' c f o 1~' the date when applicatio s received andapred OMSIP helps pay your doctor's bills. OMSIP pays 90% o tao Medical Association schedule of teus. HEALTH INSURANCE REGISTRATION ARD Medical and Hospital Insurance Services for Ontan:O 2195 Yonge Street, Toronto 7 GOVERNMENT 0F ONTARIG Hon. JOHN P. ROBARIS, Prime Minister y» I

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