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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jan 1968, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, O1ra nn Hnrku-v Nl!ei %Y3 URF BANTAMS REGISTER OUT OVER NEWCASTLE CLUB The Orono Bantam Club registered a 5-0 shu er Necsl antams lat ono Rink last Friday Ionnie Allen, in goal foi registered the shuiît-out, Up with somne good sav, nie was quite, alert in go quîck on his skates ané ahead of the play. On F received good protecti front from Brian Blai Randy Tennant. The Orono goals werc by Steven Mercer, Briâi Dean Cox, Randy Tenml JACK RICÂB REALTO] 99 King StL, E. BOWMAN VILLE WThen Buylng or Sel WILFI:HAWI YOUR ORONO AR] REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Mexnbers of Oshawa ai trict Real Estate Bc Dr. P.I. Maarti DENTIST Orono, Ontario Orono Medical Cen Office Hours:. 9:00 to 1:00; 2:00 ta Saturday 9:00 to 1 Phone 983-5825 Ocono Buildi Brick - Block Con stnle Work Carpentry -Cabinet Floors - Tile 983-5441 R Local News Mr. and Mrs. Donald McGee ini October and iin Northu.mber- and family, Richimond Ili, Mr!land County in November, and ~,and MsT J C.radle~v of , titts- Imeat inptian jqnow the re- Mr. and Mrs. ari are pat- vFille and Mrs. S. Snell of Peter- sponsibility of' the Department of SHUT- Fra-ser RiLtchie. Blain Moffat was ins n Bomnvll IVeoiavooul erc recent visitors with Agriculture. a mnost progressive player for the Ioptl Mr. and Mrs. L. G. M1cGee. 1 Oroo ean e e toîg h aJ M. . . ruil spent Christ- Mr. anid Mr. aul Gýroeneveld General Rlemarkis nokiot aperon thie score card bis 1mas and Newndtw iemer Hoky efforts onithefo lard îj hîýpedma ùNe Years with his and famï-ily, Simcoe, visited on DrHonadtw mebr itut 0pt bis daugter Mrs J. Canning, Mr.,theî zeeendvitb rel'atives and of the Boa.-rd (if lHalth MIýr. L. tthe Or. Orono cl utu in front. Thie Canning and famnily in Oshawa. 11riends in Orono. Gibson, (chairn), Milibrooli, eei, "n âcldoes Play good bock- ' and Mr. R. A. Foster, Kendal, at- evening . ndoi Fiayptipa ie r. .S.MLae!bsben New Yea-r's Day guests with tended the meeting in Toronto of r ono ofensivec front oe a bigger and engaged by the C-reTwhpMr, and Mrs. Carl billîngs were ýBoard members of llealth Units. "Oml"-" hcavi clublic Shool Board to teacli Gr. Mr. and M\rs. George Cole, Port iMtrs-. G. Edwrards, member of the es. Don- 1 '3 r-n takvile chol, Hope, Miss A4%udrey Billings, 0sh- Boar-d of HeaIth, is Vice Presi- )albeig AOMSLOS OU aid atStakvile ehol. awa, Mr. and MIrs. Alex Watson, dent of Hlealth Units Association. d always, The Orono Atoms were defeat- f M,ýiss Deanna Tregunna anid Mr., and Mlrs. Wayne Bailey, M1r. 'riday lie ed by Newcastle Atoms on Fni- Miss Debbie Gordon were the!and Mrs, Carl Kimmett, Mrs. N. Dr. Horner attended the Reg-. ion out day evening by a score of 3-1. winners of twýo Cbristmas draws1 F. porter and Mrs. H. Bailey. lonal meeting of the Ontario Tub- ick and The lone Orono goal was scored held at Stutt's Pharmacy on Dec- 1fruoi soito n Ptr by Chris Robinson. Don Martin, I be 23rd. Miss Tregnna won Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Rickaby, M1r. ebruoAsociain in eter- e ordBrian McLeon and Allie Adair 'the race set whiîe Miss Gýr- and Mrs. George Webster, Jnic bo rugh on Nvpube he2th nrs , crdwere the Newcastle scorers, don won the giraffe. and Karen, Bowmanville, Mrs. C. Mr.eepulc eatnrs in Black, On Saturday m6orning .the Or- Billings, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne lin Bowmanville, was in Kingston ýat andon Clb erdeatd83Te Mrs. E. Beecher of Regina iS aly r n r.Cr Kim- 'for three days at a Maternai. and Oron gols e~e y Dvid i .vsiting with bier niece Mrs. Johni mett were Saturday niglit dinner Child Health Course held for O sronogalChris bnsoDanid AN- Forrester, Mr. Forrester and sons. guests with Mrs. Ilarry îey uses teaching prenatal classes., le Van Seggelen. Dr. and Mrs. Pal Ruthrdd _____ This course was sponsored by the PEEWEE PLY Iregional Qoffice of the Departmnent PEE EES LAYand family spent the New Year's NORTHUMBERLAND - DUR- of 1 Health la Kingston, and in- TO A T' weekend with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. HIAN HEALTH UNIT REPORT cluded nurses fromi the eastern Th Oo1aPe ee payd ORutherford. . FOR NOV1) regi9à7 ek D a -3 tie ith Pot Hope n Fri-(Continued fo ae1 day evening. Both clubs strived Mrs. Carman Cornish recently hard for the win but were unable received a Service Pin from the n Bowmanville, lias assisted the Miss Clark, Brighton and Miss Rto corne up with the needed gýoal. Memorial Hospital in Bowmnan- Health Unit since May 1960 UP Ogilvie, Cobourg, were in Toron- The Orono goals were by Ted ville, having been with the hos- to the presenit ini the, Meat In- to f or a two-day conference on Robinson, Warren JQbnson and pîtal in nursing for five years. i spection programme. This year to hearing and speech disablities Stvnà1e.Asit ett ' Ms Rb. Coe, date bce inspected 9431 animais in chîldren. This course was un- Steven Ae .Assswett r and Gar Co. Ro bbeCodopner, and of these, 113 were condemn-, der the direction of Dr. C. M. lu eai _______________ imnhm ihgn n r eut, as well as 156 portions. 1 Godfrey, Department of Rehabil- BUilERSBiBEind am,0MiJ.hFgan, Michaelr. The Meat Inspection Act was itation Medicine, University of CHADREDSEAGE land Karen of Markham were re- ilnaugurated in Durham County ! Toronto. 'KE COTS cet visitors With Mr. and Mrs. KE FACILITY COSTS may F.-0..Cooper. _______________________ EA Builders of multiple hou:mng Mrs. Robert Ard moved into1 unit inBowanvllelier new home on Station Street have to pay $125 per unit for the use of storm 'sewer and sewage n rooSU D N B A T facilities. Lnd Dis- At an Ontario Municipal Board oard hearing in Bowmanville Town . UNTDCUCI Hall, Thursday, W. H. J. Thomp- ~ son, representing the 0MB, said Oroiio Pastoral 'le approved of a bylaw enforcing i ýt the $125. charge and would rec- Cag en e ornrend it for approval of Minhte Under present legislation, only > R B. . builders, of single famiy dwell- Rev. B.E ont« ings are charged for, the use of IA DT -I L 'LP IZH L Are sewage and water. SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 1968IAR -OI LD o S P R IO D 1The charge--will be for apart- Orono United Church 16 ounce m:0 ients, semi-detached houses, du- SudySho ¶la0 Regular $1.49 1 :00 plexes, row housing, and any oth- SudawShol t 0:0 ~$1 i L:0 er form of multiple family dwell- Service at 11:15 a.m. 8F V W E3 ings. The fees will. be collected. with the issuing of a building per- Kry mit.rnin Srvce t :4 Monig eric t :4 suusP'harnac Allan, Strike, representlng the Sunday Sehool at 11:00 town of Bowmanville, said the Phone 9813- 5009 Ooo nai extra se of aciliies bOrono, Outarskaro dwelling units would probably Sna cola :5 iI Icost the town $146 per unit. udyShoat94 ing . iDuring the 40-minute hearing _____________________________________________ iMr., Thomipson suggested a nm ber of changes in the wording of _____________________________________________________ the bylaw, to be numhered 67-22,j but no changes were made to the content. The by-lawv is based on. an existing by-law for the Town ieee of Whitby. SA E 0 Ia view of the fact approv al S L E O by Mr. Thompson virtually means approval by the 0MB, it was a- LWork greed third reading woula be given the bylaw , by town couincil Iwarded to the 0MB for approval. i It was hoped this would save 1 NO time over the usual miethod of Weo are clearing the balance of ourLA ES IATI ththe, MB giv sing approal an Laes'ý Faîl and Winter Dresses at prices Clearance sale of ail Faîl and Winter the th' twn assng he y. greatly, reduced. See them! DX- DX - DX - DX -DX - DX -DX- DX $ ~Be Wse:.o$ ECONOMAIZE! $$AVE$$ $WITH $ V FUEL$ $ Phone 668-3341$ DX-DX--DX_-DX-DX-DX-DX-DX- Regular values to $12.95 Your Choîlce $6.95 Regular values to $18.95 Your C hoice $10.95 Segular values to $22.50 Your Choice $13.95 Regular values to $29.50 Your Choice $19.95 Your choice at flALFthe REGULAR. PRICE 12 only hats, regular values to $9.95 Sale Price, each $1.95 LADIES' JACKETS 2 only, Corduroy and Suedine coats, with pile lining. Burgundy and brown. Sizes 14 aud 12. Reg. $24.95 Sale Price, each $9.95 MANY MORE BARGAINS IN WIINTER APPAREL

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