Orono Weekly VOLUME 31, NUMABER i1 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDA' m"MI The Clarke Township School, Board has now depleted the con- struction of a Lîbrary and Kin- ýdergarten rooma at the Orono Sehool. The proposed plan now rests with a general purpose room as to be constructed lu the Xîrby School. t is the intention of the Board to scek the neces- sary approvals, to' construct, the General purpose room at the Or- ono School. Originally considération was given to construct a complex at the Orono School to include a Kindergarten, Library and Gener- ai purpose room. This was to be constructed in a manner in which it would separate from the pres- cent building and could be built onto in the future by adding fur- ther classrooms and other facil-' ities which may become neces- It is understood that the dlecis- ion to reduce the project to the, General Purpose room was not a unanimous decision of the board but was carried by a manjority of one at a comfmittee meeting. At the regular mnonthly meet- ing on -Monday evening the Board appoinited Mrs. H. H. Barlow, echairman and Mr. Wm.,Turansky, vice chaîrman of the Board., Mr. Alex, Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham announces the following developments and projects per- taining to Durham County. 1. Approval has been given Iby the Honourable J. R. Simonett, Minister of Energy and Resourc- es Management, for an additional Pýrovincial grant of $291.50 to the Central Lake Ontario Conserva- ltion Authority toward the addit- jouai cost of dcvelopment in the Long Sault Conservation area of Darlington Township. 2. Harnden & King Construc- tion Limited of Cobourg has been awarded the contract for the grading, drainage, granular base, hot mix paving and structures on Highway No. 2 from Ontario St. to 0.1 miles east of the Town of Bowmanville. East limits of the, contract in- cludes pavement widening on 1.0 miles east of Bowmanville and the construction of bridges at the Soper Creek East Branch and the Soper- Creek West Branch. Mr. Carruthers has been ad- vised by, the H-onourable George E. Gomme, Minister of, Highways, that the amount bld for this con- tract was $366,563.20. The pro- jectj is scbeduled to get under ýway January l5th, 1968. Takes Over, Coahd& Four Mr. Thomas Haverkort of Mark- bam recently purcbased the Coach and Fonr Restaurant and Gift Centre 'from Mr. Cox who bas owned and opcrated the rest- aurant for the past seven years. Mr. Haverkort operated bis own restaurant in Markham before pnrchasing the Coach and Four. Mr. and Mrs. Cox 110W reside iu a home recently pnrcbased lu the Ochonski sub-division, west of Orono. .Ainluai Meegting Orono choir Orono United Churcb Choir held their annunal meeting Janu- ary 3rd lu the main hall. v Mrs. R. Morton conducted the election of officers 'for 1968: President - Mrs. R. Chapman Vice President - Mr. D. Long Secretary Choir Fnnd - Mrs. L. Bowins Secretary Miss D. Gilbank Librarian- Mrs. E. Middleton Social Com"mittee - Mrs.' J. Quinton, Mrs. W. Wannan, Miss M. Yeo. Section Leaders: Soprano - Mrs. G. Carson Alto- Mrs. R. Hancocl< Tenor- Mr. R. Sutton Bass - Mr. C. Tamblyn Gown Convenor - Mrs. C. Joues Mrs. R. Chapman presided ov- er the meeting and the following reports were given: Mrs. R. Morton gave a detailed summary'of the choir's activities dnring the past year. A financial account of the choir fund was given by Mrs. L. Bow- jus. Mr. D. Long paid tribute' to Mrs, Morton and in appreciation of hier efficiency presented bier witb a beautiful cup and saucer. MVrs. Morton replied expressing ber gratitude for this kind gest- ure. Mrs. Morton conducted seveh-l contests; each group selected a proverb, singing it to a familiar melody resulting in amusing en- tertaliment. De]icious refreshments were served bringing the evening to a close. Timnes IY, JANUAUY llth, 1968 Wan Rail Car Smnashes Station The Canadian National Rail- way station at Bowmanville xvas cleared of debris Monday after a rail car loaded witb lumber rammed the office and blocked the line in both directions for a- bout six bours Sunday. - No one, was reported injnred. However the front wall of the office-waiting room was wrqcked. Thomias Trolly, operator of the station, was standing on a platform ln front of the station wbeu hie saw the freîght, train heading for bis station, about noon Sunday. A wheel came off one of the freight, cars derailîng it and a- bout 21 other cars. The Montreal - to - Toronto freight train had 115 Mas.. No estimate of damage to the station or cars was available to- day altbough a srM)kesmau for, CNR said it was "not serions." Passenger relays rau- from 15 to 40 minutes on the, Montreal to Toronto run. Afternoon trains were re-ront- ed over Canadian Pacific Rail- way hunes. Wbile crews worked iu below zero weather to clear the tracks. The freigbt train is under the jurisdiction of tbe St. Lawrence Region ofthe CNR. O.PP.Report The following are the statisics for Bowmanville Detacbment for the montb of December 1967. Break and Enter ----------- 6 Auto ihefts ---------------- 3 T befts -------------------- 12 Other Criminal Investigations 15 Prov. Ffatnte Investigati ons 13 Value of Stolen Property $2.231. As a resuitof the above invest- igations, 15 persons bave becu, charged with criminal offences and 12 persons bave been cbarged witb offences against the Provin- cial Statutes. Accidents Investigated ----- 59 Fatal Accidents ------------- Persons Killed -------------- 1 Persons' injured -------------31 Persons charged under U.T.A. 210 Persons warned under H.T.A. 68 Vehicles safety cheu-ked -- -161 Persons charged with impaired driving --------- 3 Perosns charged fail to remain atý scbcne of an accident --- 1 Jannary is the time for New Year's Resolutions: wbeu prepaf- ing the list - SAFE DRI VING sbould 'be at the top. 11 irmin e'ý- Fireman Dou,,glas Powell of the O0rono Fire Dcpartment1 will be Ihospitalized from 6 to 8 weeks followý-ing a faîl from the roof of a bouse on Park Street, Friday evenin.g, where the Orono Fire Department wvas calledto put ont a cbimuey fixe. Air. Powell suffers from twO fracftr v4ertibrae and is a Pa- tient lui the Memorial HosPital, Bowmanville. t is expected that be will remain in hospital for at least six weeks and then conval- esce at home for at least a furth- er two montbs. The cali was to the bouse own- cd by Mrs. Russell Best on Park Street and nom, the residence of Mr'. and Mrs. M. Alldread. Fireman Powell had climb- ed to the chinney on the roof of the bouse to investigate the chimney fire. H1e slipbed on the hip metal roof slidi ng down the roof onto a veranda roof and then onto the sidewalk, some eight or nine feet below. The f ail from the main roof to the veranda roof broke the fali wbich could have been mnceh more serious. Re was taken to hospital by am- bulance. ~There was no damage done by Objections Registered Incentive Area 1lis Worship, Mayor Ivan Hobbs at the inaugural meeting of the 1968-69 Bowmanville Town Council held in, Council Chamb- er on Tuesday evening announe- ed that Bowmanville had been named an incentive area under the Ontaro Equalization of Iu- dustrial Opportunity Program sponsored by the Provincial Gov- ermnent. A letter reccived by Mayor Hobbs advised that this munici- pality . qualifies under the pro- gram and that its appointme'nt as an incentive area is effective immediately. ancd this will con- tinue until that application for re- vicw and renewal of this status may be made shortly before the date set for termination. Mayor Hobbs informed Con- cil that a municipality named an incentive area under the Ontario Equalization Program of Indus- trial Opportunity will receive grants of 33 1/3 per cent of the approved capital cost of new lu- dnsrial buildings and equipment tud 25 per cent of the balance of the approved cost of these facil- ities. "The maximum grant is limit- ed to $500.00. This .program may be of mnch, belp to our towni's industrial expansion,' Mayor lob- bs said. Conucillor Robert Dyk- stra, seconded byCouncillor Les- lie, Coombes, moved that this comnic ýation from the Ontario Deveibopm£%.nt Corporation be re- ceived and ifiled. This was car- lied. concert. Coming The Orono Junior, Ban-d is to present a concert -of music on Swiday afternoon, Febritary,- l8th lu the Orono Town Hlall. Arrangements are- now .under- way by the baud to present a program of concert music along with some instrumental numbers by a quintette from one of the Toronto Collegiates. It is the intention for the baud to present two concerts prior to the summer session. The first concert in February is to bc fol- lowcd by a further' concert in April. Both concerts are to be held as Sunday aternoon per- formances. From, reports around Orono it appears that a number of objec- tions have been lodged againat the proposed $108,000.00 road project to be carried out in Or- 0110. Ratepayers. in the Village had until last Thursday to lodge com- plaints against the projeet ac- cording to a previous advertise- ment placed in the paper. One protest was in the form of a pe- tition carrying some twent3j sig- natures. It now appears that the Ontprio Municipal Board will caîl a hear- ing before haudiug down their decision on the proposai. Thei time and -date of such hearin, if called by the Ontario Munjici-1 pal Board, will be determined L.y the Board. The proposed roadprogram has been under consideration by the Orono Police Trustees since mîd 196 and includes storm sewers, cernent curbs and permanent pav- ing' for roads in the- centre off the Village. The cost of the prà- ject 'to the local taxpayer * as been set at a miii rate a littîn over 11' milîs, for a period of five years or $11.00 per year ýon every $1OQO.00 of assessment* on every property in. Orono for the next five years. The cost to a proper- ty assessed at $3000.00 would be $33.00 a year for the next five ycars or $165.00 for the term of the repaymient plan. case To Be HeId The Township of Clar~ke Cec.n- tennial Committee has anue ed an evening 'prograrnintte 'Centeunial _Showcase' to be hl in -the ýTownship Hall auditoriumi, in Orono, Friday January 26thi, 1968 at 8:15 p.m. Anyone who has 8 min. film *or 35 m.m. slides of Clarke Centennial events and woulId like to léan them for the program, are asked to bring or send tbem to Mr. H. E. Milison, Township of Clarke office, Or- 0110, by January 23rd. They will be returned. Anyone who has portable pro- jects such asý needlework, paint- ings, writings or poems, wood- work or snapshots, etc. are in- vited to set thcm up for display. Ail are welcome. Free 'admis sion. r noPolce T stesM Gocod Chance Mr. Bruce Iyland, instructor at Tam O'Shauter Skating Club, states that Auna Forder and Rich- ard Stevens of Port Perry have an excellent chance of winning the Canadian Senior Pairs competi- tions this year. Miss Forder and ber partner, Richard Stevens, have on a number of occasions performed at the Orono rink. Iu 1966 the 'duo won the Can- adian Junior pairs cbampionship. Their instructor dlaims they had sbowna lot of promise last year and have greatly improved this year. 1Having won the Canadian championships to be beld this week lu Vancouver the pair wpuld then represent Canada in the 1968 Winter Olynipies ini Grenoble. The Orono Police Trustees' at a recent meeting on December 28th held back a portion of a charge of .$250000 levied 'against the Village by the Township of Clarke. The Township have charg- cd the Village a snm of $1500.00 for setting- up initial water ar- rangements plus an annual charge of $50000 for a tw>o year period. In passing the accounts on Dec. ember- 28 the Trustees held back a sum of $729.30 from the charge of $2500.00 stating in a resolution that sncb was approved verbally by the Township Council. The sum of $729.30 represents a two- year rebate from the Township to the Village, in connection with Township dump costs which the Trustees dlaim should not be a charge against the Village. Ln the correspondence a letter noti- fied the Trustees that a sum of) $364.65 had been credit to the Village in connection withTon ship dump charges. A resolution passed by the Trustees authorized the Orono Hydro to instal new merc1ury va- pour lights in all remain.jng 01,4 street lights in Oi'onc. * orono