~'e~ OROJNO WiEKLY TIMES, TRURtSIAY, ,IANUARî lltli, 1968 Local News UPRDSHOMKNG TheOrnoIlnk oninestobutWO E scod gmeSauray Mr. and Mrs. John Forrester uicationi's niew poîiUcy, exempilting "ea' eeIelfoe a.ivtyci îr aoa stPot e. auraywere completely surprised Satur-1alhg cho tdnt 1ihoe evryFrda ngh w phlat F1 .ewa eto a32vitrday evening when' about fifteen 6 e etfo rtn ia da'qn- n xepin heeoe Orooo Friay3-2veig.rcouples arrived to give them aia ins"wlifrc s to up- was toal o for gmes layd Te Orwo oal xvre scored by housewarming party and a pres- gaeormrig"G .Rb Frda igtwithOoocmn0 ýnït c and Gary Cox with ena no oeydntest erts, su1perinýtendent of Osia-wa ont n tp ontwo Jn i5~t ~ong o Te Roinso. An enjoyable time was spent secondjaryshol- sircnty playing cards and dancing. Atoms- Saturdayiemorning Orono de-Th60prcnmakisdf feakd Ioît op by a score ofI Th LndayAtm, ea b BTdrohi1nston and John Gl- On Sunday evening January 7, in1itely toolo" he said. Povcl, otsord Oon 5 o I *d b o1968 a heFyng Duchman .4 e e wo Orono goals. ttePy u-The cp>ý1-qjC ]ast 1 ridy evening Young 1k i Bantat Motel Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs edprmn's eepin eil soredfourof tL Lînsay he Orno Bta ~acedEphriam White and Mrs. Bertfreryapledolyt.gae gOals. considerable ~~Pleasance were entertained by 9ad1,btls ek eol Chrs obnso sord he ne~ tiopposition Fr1- M n r.Cra White,ireceîved a mmrnu sayg day when they were de- I!Wr.thendexemptions had beneted Oroo oa. ecnngDonald and Valerie, to a deliciotis"l .t d y n Oshawa Club 6-1. cikndne.Teocso e ed to grades 111 12 and 13. Pee Wees- R ~i Wodcock led the Oshawa effyfu Over tewceekend the Oronio Osa, boys with three goals, in1t h edigan r.Rbertis sad henthre ni-4l'mi ÜADennisý niversary of Mr., and Mrs. Epi-, PeeWes layd wogas. he wth Dan Kvasnuk, Dni ance (mother of Mrs. Carman iWas a constant alr aefo los' fi-St 'am Lo ,\1mat1 crin 'ýVite ceebraed bütd one0,grade to the next - about. Iost ~ ~ ~ Pi thi is aeoNwate Topknsan Bih Ke g aylcsn.Wie eebae brha. 15 per cent -it1 was an îc _______________________ The 0ancOrono goal was scor- ýtion the studen"its wereben ed by AlnLucy1ýk. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rainey spent1tgraded faîrly anld ceurately. This JACK 1 iges the weekend in Brantford wit'hi was tle case, when the studentis The ronoMidgts eded ct-relatives and attended the funeral'_______ ivtey tteOooRn nF- of Mrs. Rainey's brother Mr. dayeveingwih a 4-2 victory ov. Uaold McCreary, Brantford. rra ,istig idsay Club. Therej wa peny ~ation in the game The Orono Sehool of Ballet R L ALT'J m uing the calling 'of eleven commenced their classes last Sat- peatesix uo Lindsay and fîve urday with eleven children en-, 99 King St., E.Oon. roîîing. Others have shown in- BOM-ItEStven est andBi Robinson terest and further enrolment i shienl scorning tWo goals each expected within the next couple Whieli uying or ella a for thie Orono Club. of weeks. H'ockey .games to be played this Frîday niight, January l2th, 1968 - wil~~l be Toronto Bantams vs. Or- ThclsearhldvrySt ooBanitams; Port Hope Midgetsurymonnatternor- I v. OonoMidets Alo gmesouries under the dirqction of Mrs. EVOU1 EE ORNAIEA for A,ýtoms and Pee Wees. Fagan a nd M rs. Clark of Orono. T 9 8 3 52 74 FEDERAL H1ARBORS STUDY lis Memrbers of shawa and Dis- COULD BRING DEVELOPMENTUIED HU Hera trict Real 'Estate Board Ifa federal study into thie I(f hrosbetween Cbugand ~~ t\îagara ~Falls brings thâe desired ~ ~ OoaPsoa Office 1Hours:- 9:00 ta 1:00; 200tl 6:00 *Saturday 9:00 ta 1:00ý Brick - Block Concrete Stone Work Carpntry Cabinet Work * Floors - Tile haroor d evelopment in the Sec- md Ivarsharea. iltjl Selby, spokesman for the OsaaHIarbor Commission, said it wA the* insistence of bis com- msinwhich got the study start- eaotamonth ago. We wuldlike to think the em ai o the study wilL be on thle shawa area," he said. "It h~ elp us, to assess the value adecoýnomics of tihe harbor. JTh study should show up the iof this area to be suf- for a Second Marsh devel- opmnta seawi\ay depth bar- Accoring to Mr. Selby, the peetharbor is of marginal sea- wvay depth - 24 feet - and the 'peettrend is for ships of dIeeper draft. * He secs the roie of an enlarg- ed sha,,wa harbor as an escape valve for the overloaded facilities of Toronto harbor. Materials un- !oddin Oshawa could be ship- pdto points in Scarborough fast- er tani from Toronto, he said. jTotal cargo tonnage of the portcs involved la 'the study is 22,000,000 annually of which 2,- 000,000 are direct overseas ship- ments. The study, which is scheduled f'or completion in early 1969, is beirtg carried out by Gibb, ALry Pullerits and ýDickson of Toronto. Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAV, JANUARY 14, 1968 Orono United Church ,Sv.nday Sehool at 10:00 Serviceat 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 Leskard- 1Sunday Sehool at 9:45 were exemupted from writing the finial examinations in a subi ect if [th'e mark in that subject was Imore than 66 per cent. Hle said there was no benefit in passingý a large number of stud- ents one year - as the 60 per cent mark encouniged - when they would have to be failed the next. "Postponing failures is only harm-ful to the students. It is of a maxim£um- benefit that they be failed at the earliest lime it is needed if they must be f ailed a alL" He said the' new regulations would.I exempt one-third to one- ha-if of the students from writ-, ing,,. It would be a great boon ta Ithe teachers who have ta mark Spapers, and woufld give the stud- ;ents something to work for, he z1added. Our professi< na eompound your physic tions w,,ith the, utmost ieprime respon gibîii stered pharmnacist. The: iy compromise with a * b. b b WE AREI USINECSS FOR VOUE H1EALTU Stut'ehaauc Oroino, Onitario 5009 I~ Phone 983- I icman's pre- ýprecision ity of jhe ere is niev- accuracy. [JANUARYCLANEI SWEATERS A few ladies' wool Cardi gns and Pullovers by a famous mnaker. Reg. valueýs ta $14.00. Sale Price, each - $8.95 3 only, girls' nylon Cardigoanis, blue and green. Sizes 12 & 14 years. Eeg. $ý5.9FN iSale Price, each - $2.98 4 'only, girls' and white. Sizes 10,1 Sale Price, orlon Sweaters, bine 12 & 14 yrs. ]Eeg. $3.,50 each -$1.59 2 only, girls' pmnk orlon Cardfigans, solied, sizes 1 and 3, yrs. Eeg. $2.58 Sale Price, each - $1.19 2 only, babies' orlon Swjeaters wlth hood, white, size 18 months. Eeg.$39 Sale Price,, each - $1.95 BABIES' DIAPER SUITS AND ROMPERS 8 only. diaper .suits aid rmes sizýes il and 18 months. Eeg. $2.95 Sale Price - $1.79 '8 only, diaper sets and rompers,, sizes 9 ta 18 mnonthts. Reg. $198 Sale Price - 59e SLEEPWEAR 10 pairs laiiles' and girls' flanmelette Pyjamas, counter soiled. Reg. $2.95 & $3.95 On Sale at 1/ reg. Price1 2 only, Pairs girls' flannelette Pyjam- as, size 6Gx yrs. On S ale, per pair - $1.29 29 only flannelette sleepers with extra paidr of pýants, size 1 year. Eeg. $2.95 On Sale - $1.59 4 only warm Sleepers, sizes 3 ta 24 mothRecg. values ta $3.25 On Sale - $1.39 BAIES' RATS, SCARFS and MITTS A quantity of warm hats, séarfs and aiuttýs for boys and girls. lRèg. values from î5e ta $2.95 Ou-L Sale - 25c, to $1.95 - lDIS'GLOVES A quantity of ladies' îabric gloves, double-wo-vefl ctton and nylon. Black, white, beige, red and ilble. Sizes 61/«- to. 8 Eeg. values tac $2.95 Yopur Choice, per pair - 98e Many more bargains in ladies' and cbidtp' 'lisbras aùij garter beits, hanb~s, r~cilre'spants, slims and ~Sadee )f ai' Dresses and M~ats 983-5441 ORONO ------------------- Charge l Onal, 1