OltONO WËEKLY fIIMES, tIIUMSfAY, JÂ NUAfvti ti, 1âg Through Jesus the love of God was perfectly expressed. His 1fr, dcath. and resurrection were the, sign and seal of God's intended blessing for mankind. They were indications that God dÔes not change. Although. man miay turn. his back on God, God will flot give hlm up. Mani chooses evil but God intends good. We remember in this fellow-' ship of the Lord's Supper that Jesus to6k the worst that man could offer - scorn, rejection and pain. In return Hle gave the best - love, compassion, and even His physical life. Jesus revealed what life in tune with the infinite la like, and how such a life can be experi- enced. H1e liveci the life turned ouf ward frein self toward others so that the blessings of God flow- cd through Hlm. Invitation The fellowship of the Lord's Supper is for alI who humbly and thankfully seek fo live ini accord- ance with His will and who feel the need of His strength in~ their life. There is no denominational barrier. Do not refuse to corne because of uùi'worthiiiess ini one- self, nor,,.,ecause of the feeling fiat somieuoe else la unworthy ahl are lnvited. Ideal 'time of, year for HOVT CHOCOLATE A delicious and nutrltious drink, for after school, or bed-tlime. Delivered Dally to, your door GLEN RAE DAIRY CHOCOLATE MILk Look at these -Mid-January Specials and Compare! Take ýyour choice white they last. Cheerful Tearful Do!] - drink and wet Specfially priced................ $14.29 Gilbert Chemistry Laboratory No. 1 $4.19 Foamt filled Pillows, asst. patterns, each $1.05 'Louane' Bath mat set - orlon pile< Green and, pink................. $5.29 Bagatelle- Games 'Play Line' sturdy Plastic ......... ............... $4.79 Camtex Bedspread, homespun cotton 8w" x 100"» ..............$6.39 'Melmac' Dinnerware 20 pes., tourquoise 5.83 Terry Towel 4 pc. ,set hand pîinted, ... $2.77 Drink & Wet »oll 18" high and 24" High Chair. Speciàl ................... $6.29 Turkey 'Platterg, underglazed 14"x18" $L.89, Coôffee Table sturdy walnut textured -16" x 45" x 15" Each.............. $9.98 Step Table sturdy w.alnut textured 16" x 24" x 21". Eâch ............. $9.98 Combination Crokinole - sturdy 5 games in one Board. Reduced............ $5.85 Carpet'Runners - non skid 24"x45" only,$2.66 *Men's Thermal undershirts and under- wear. AIl sizes ... ...... $2.39 and $2.98 Girls' -Winter RHats, all reduced to Haîf Price Men's Flanelette Pyjamas, 32 to 44 ... $2.98 Walco Microscope Lab., magnifies .... $8.98 Boy's Timex Watch, one yr. guarantee $7.9S 'Little Princess' vanity sets, each only .'79c Clara Vacuum Thermos flask Specdal at .77c ORONO 5c, TO, $1.00, STORE THE STORE WIThI MORE PHONE,983-5401 A Reviem, of Centennial Esvents in Clarke Township will be beld ini Township -Hall,Or o at 8.15 p.m. Friday, January 26%ffth Brin,- your moyies (8 M.M.) or .35 M.M. sides, projectors provided. Display yuur Centennial Projects of Needlework, Paintings etc. Everyone Welcome. Free Admission. RAINEY'S Confectionery At Your Service, From 7.30 a.m. te 9.100 peine Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Friday and Saturday a Wednesday 7.30 a.m. to 1 P. MLLDRED AND ERVAN Who thinks Up new wrinkles for getting rid of old ones, in slacks and sheets. and fabries-of ail kinds? Nothing is, perfect. This fact ias helped Dominion Textile become a leader in thé,.......e Canadian textile industry., Because it means there must beways to improve And finding quite a few almost every, fabric. of them. Slacks that keep the Dominion Textile is constantly press in and the creases out. seartching for these ways. Sheets you neyer have to iron. New and better techniques, new and better ways of doîing things, new and better fabrks. From Tex-Made, the fabric people. TEXIFMADE 00-MNINN X-rTILEcomPANY MIU .Homne Deivered Quart 33c GLEN RAE DAIRY. Phonte 623-5444 Bowmainville, Ontario lu or lg my reuitif Yu ue asuch as chocolate bars, tea, coffee THE ELL W S81P u""Ffoot as a brake, or a prop to push A child should flot run a ma- and dehydrated foods, and a small against the snow if the machine chine without supervision. / 1e pan to meit snow. If a breakdown overbalances. Learn how to bal- may be able to drive well but occurs on a lake or in wide open THE' LRD .SUP ERance and shift your weight and he is flot mature enough to recog- spaces, a tarp or plastie sheet dresby t a Comunon Ad- ~ nhrffi~ors Carry the follbwing emergency Loeeohagadso laces, dress y Rev Basi LongIfth machine starts, to tip, equipment in case of a mechani- long toques and searves are dang- tunoff the motor and let the cal breakdown. A. spark plug, a erous. They are' apt. to catch in Scripture Lesson - Ephesians 3: machine, fal Faîl with it. The lkit for cleani ng plugs, a can of the drive belt and throttle you. 1-12. borfiîy uela'drive, beit or traction be, Insu]ated hunting boots are rec- Sa.t rnnng "feee"prtet a_ i pe to 'pull' the machine free ommended. Wear a coverall type Aswecon aai t heLodSuf Or. turn off the engine and iump if wedged betweeîî rocks and of. suit of a cloth' that is snow and Table we celebrate. not death, but to the throttle. If the throttle trees, and any other spare parts, water-repellant; guiantiet mitts life; nt defet but ictury Snowiqbilin is fat becoing ha necessapen itCarryc adpair ofy. snryw- withofwool- lihning;li sung goggogessto Chife; cnotdeeat u Vctr.Sombigi atbeomnglis roenpe wthth cld, shoes for ecdipassenger. It's a prevent snow blindncss. Christ changes things u~~~~ne of Ontario's most popularj stali the motor quickly by pligln iebc oagrg .witer sports. For, fast, exhilarat- the choke. y'r insotc country. Tak Neyer trav-,loe.,Ue h We corne in awareness thàt ing. outdoor fun, the powered a first aid kit, an axe, a topo- "buddy" system;' you may need Christ changes things. As h snow toboggan is hard to, excel, Avoid hazards. Think twice a- graphical map of the area, water- you "buddy's" help in an emerg- amng~me e ebut the. fun depends On the level- bout jumping hurdles. Get to proof matches, and a few rations'cncy. walcd av f eaed hiking of the driver. It know the terrain first. Know your strcngth to the weak, sight to the ý1s important that ail operators limitations. If, you hit an unex- blind, courage to the fearful, and 'ýof this type of machine be sifety pectcd bump, can you hold tiche_____________________________ purpose to the lost. 1e, changed c acineoncorse Kep tSal the cross from an ugly instrii- ma h inulo h areneeton our seaK t bke met f hmean trur t teand operation Of your, machine. bones and jarrcd spines aren't symbol of ail that is beautiful Acquire enough knowledge of the fun. and good. It wafs changcd from I mechanies to be able f0 make the reflection of man's cruelty minor repairs in an emergency. . and blindness to the revelation 'of Too manyý drownings happen. God's love and light. He changed Observe these safety rules. axnong those who use frozen the concept of the nature of Don'tride, with Your feet hooked waterways for travel. Check not Township of Clarke Resicents God. Man secmed f0 think of under any part of the machine.1 only the ice thickness before God as a tempermental potentate Leave .yourself free f0, jump of, venturing on to it, but find out of super proportions whose fav-'if it's necessary. A broken ankie i from local people what part of ours must be bought and whose CENTENNIAL SHOWCASE nature 'was mostunpredictable. jW