ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, IANUARY lSth, 1968 This wveek's columnn wil he as srtas last week's was long. A tussie wvith nasty virus hias cur- 'taiîledany Jiteorary inclinaîtioýns1 -nay hae ad lately. i l eaîrned mat uoksliold1 no appeal drn thi paticlar"bug", andwln the ruiserable aclies and fevers of -ie rge to) read does retura, ti book muitst be liglit both in con- ýteit atid format - - - an inconse- -iuential novel in near-weigl-,itless ïpapjerbýack f ormn is perfect. At any rate, 1 deserted tlie '700 page j2-iaKe'ý * usraen L,- QId O -Ac la Roche's "Delîlt"' -'DisraeIi", a scliolarly biog- raphiy of onie of Great Britain's motcolourfulprime Miniter's ~shrcd-goîng under nioirmal cir- emsnce-, buit wlien your liead feels lik1e astu-!ffedicabliage, it beaits -you to a stand-still. Reebeif a convalescent -aksyo o pick out some read- ng mtra at the Library, you ý,n tliseif of pocketbooks. Liza- of Lamibeth - Maugh-1am My Brther Michael - Stewart The Tenth Point - Walsh Behindf The Clouds - Loring So Talently My Chludren Out of Silenice Into Sound turlingcame Bowling folc Women - Audsley Wýidening World -Haupt JTuvenile 'nie Seventeen Guide to your Mllani & Mastîff- Kay TýheiBears of Hlemlock Mount, ,in -Dalgicish Islands ofIaai - Floetlie. HokvIs MVy Gamne - Hul Dorotliy Robinson PORT HOPE MAN CHAIRMAN ]UHM COUNTV DISTRICT IIIGH CIIOOGL BOARD otiudfrom page 1 ~uember of the board sin-ce 1961. Mr. Creigliton lias boeen a mcmn- bIer sinc>e 1960. The board approved the a- ipointmenit of Hoxvard Cro-cwell, 49, i atin in the Canadian rmy asassistant administrator at a slaryof $8000 a yea1r.MrCo- vll ho is stili in tliesrie is .exlpectec, to be released in Feli- ruary. Lie iaýs seýrved1 in the army ,'or 31 years. A bylaw wais passed authoriz- 'nlite borrowiu1g of $2,300,000 tomeet current expeýndit1ures un- 1ii 168 revenues are received. W'aier Ledbury, tlie new,ý Port ]Tope appïoin1tee, was welcomed ,.nd ap)pro)val given to the ap- -po ntmutof Robert Tanaka, Pot ope, as a member. Accountls totalling $ý249,4'36.30 neeapproved. (Coinuraed from page 1) -expanded to include Art 'Exhibi- tions which viii liave paintings by Aýrtlih rumod Orono, a for- ..aner rsdn of Newcastle, and a mubrbyDai L. Bennett, an- ,cther ieaing artist. He is the father of Miss Joan Bennett and AJIss Fritli is l, is adopted d1augli- 7Mi ss EBennett's brother, Paul, Lrctrof the Art Institute of Ontaario, lias promnised toobtain a collection of rep)rese.ntative 'suodern art for th xhbtin aýnd there 1v)i e a display' of the ivork of local art -ists and of those from the .sUrrouudiîng area. t ïs tne intent(,ioni of the plan- mers to interest pro-!fessional act and )z1stage anaer in tlie theat- - cal section of thepro ,ý " 1-ject with the epectaion tiatthe Pine RUdgcFsia of th3e Arts xii fo1'rm thIe first PovncalYuth Theatre in Canadla. Locl yuugpeople adothers '~i e audfitioned adcisnto lake art, n eople i. n New- ihoed lie xiii provide imoder'at- 'sd spevied a ccomm(3 datirn focr tho-se from other places at re-asonable prices wlio iii be a- mong the youjng particip~ants. It is expected that tlie students xiii lie given the' opportunity of re- eîiving instruction fromn able pro- fessionais for several hours eacli day., In tliis way tliey xiii be able to acquire knowledge of al aspects of acting, producing and back stage work. The Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts GrouDu will ask businessmen, u ýrpo)ratI0nt t :iILaIý e re Sui this area, anid foundations for do- nations, and there xvi liescliol- a.rsliip available for students. On ýTuesdlay evening Miss Fritli atteýnded te meeting of the Pine Ridge Tourist Council in Cobourg ait xvlicli E. R. Lovekin presided as; clairman in tlie absence of the president. Affiliation xith tliis or- ganization xvas obtainied for the> Pine Ridge Festival, and 'Support promised. The special meeting of tlie Newcastle Community Hall Board lield in tlie Council Chamber lat- er in the evening was also attend- ed by Miss Fritli, Miss Bennett, Mrs. Kimbail, Mr. Higgins, Mr. Wliyte and Mr. Stubington. Per- mission was obtainel from Board Cliairman Albert Pearce and the otlier board members for the Pine Ridge Festival of Arts group to restore the Community, Hall stage to its original dimensionsý at no cost to the taxpayers by- re- moval of the plaster sheli above the platform. This xiii add an- other 400 square feet to the stage. The exceptioually fine Com- .munity Hall was donated to New- castle 40 years ago by the Massey family. The la te Vincent Massey eventually became the first Can- a dian-born Governor-General of Caniada, Thie Pine Ridge Festival of thi Arts planners are couvinced that. when the donation was made the late Vincent Massey en- visioned its use for projects sim- ilar to those tliey plan. -Statesman U.C.Wý7. News UNIT 1 - U.C.W. Ou Tliursday, January lltli, with ten members and two guests preseut, Unit 1' held its first mouthly meeting of tlie New Year at the home of Ethel Lycett. Audrey Walker and Gwen Power xvere the other members in charge of the meeting. M,,rs. Lycett xelcomed ail pires- eut and after a cail to worship, hymuns fromi "Songs of the Gos- pel" were sung. Mrs. Ruby Porter, a guest, con- ducted a beautiful devotional on a very old story of Abram, Sarai and Terai, lncluding a_ skit on samne. Included in business xere re- ports by our treasurer, Merle Gilbart ou givings audý project earnings for 1967; president's re- port of last year's activities by Elsie Fisk; Stella Carson's report of the decoration of' the churcli for December and assistance fromn Mrs. Fairlirother-xvhose liospital- ity some members greatly enjoy- ed later lu lier home viexing lier magnifieunt Chiristmas display. Elsie Fisk also rcported on the serving of sandwiches and coffe to the Crop and Sou Improve- ment 'Meeting on Monday, Janu- ary 8tli. The ncw groupings for U.C.W. members, 6 groups instcad' of 8 auid our own ucxv arrangement for Uniit 1, were discussed., It xvas anuouuced ý that the February Gencral Meeting xould leienl charge of Uuiits 1 and 2, Our oxvn February unit meeting is in charge of Kay Chapmau, Rena Pears and Doris Wannan. A beautiful letter from Aileen Bairstoxv xas read and a Gct-Wel card was sîgned by members and forxvarded to lier. A presentation of a lovely cup and saucer xvas miade by Kathleen Chapman, ou behai of our members to Elsie Fisk for lier faithiful efforts as Grou eaderlor- the past two Guestspekerfor ithe vng up And Down -The BOo)k Stacks' HoIckey Notes The Orono Ato)m Hockey club lost to a Boxvmanville Club on Fridayevening by a score of 5-1. The single Orono goal was scor- ed by David Armstrong xvlo lias been :a strong worker on the lo- cal club. The Orono, PeeWees met witli a similar fate wlicn they faced a club from Oshiawa. The local boys xere defeated by a score of 5-0.1 a Thie Orono Bantams were like- wise biankcted xhen tliey xere defeated by a count of 2-0. FINALLY A WIN It xvas not until the Orono Mld- gets took to tlie ice was there a inregistered for OQrono. Tliis club won 5-2 over a visiting team from Port, Hope., Steven West scored tliree of the Orono goals witli Barry Hazelden and Doug Stapleton collecting -the other txvo., In a return game in Port, Hope on Tuesday evcning the local boys took another 3-0 victory ov- er the Port Hope boys. David Forrester registered tlie shut-out witli Steven West scoring two goalsand Bill Robinson tlie third The game proved rather on tlie rougli side xitli Gary Black re- turning home wltli a broken nose and Barry Hazelden with a eut over one eye. Eiglit penalties wcre liauded out in the game., Saturday' tlie Orono Juveniles registered a 5-4 victory over a visiting team from Bowmanville. Ricky Neal, John, Slater & Doug Taylor scored goals witli Steven West counting two. was Rev. Basil Long, wlio brougît us a message on tlie Mission of the Cliurch, folloxved by a discus- sion in whic i members partici- pated.1 A livcly game xvas played, fol- lowed by lunc, Thc cornmittee was gracious y,, ýTaked hy E sie Fisk for its î.hue p_,rogramme n hospitality. Local News Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cotter of Peterboroughi and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rickaby, Toronto werc din- ne'd guests with Mr. and Mrs. C. Wi. Billiugs, Tliursday, evcniug. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Drummond, Toronto visited on Sunday xith Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Drummond. Doctoring In The Listowel Banner of Dec- ember 28th features a front page article concerning Dr. and Mrs. Paul Rutherford and family who are now resideuts of Listowel wliere Dr. Rutlierford is a pract- icing physician. Dr. Rutherford, a son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford of Or- ono Northi, is one of a trio of youug doctors xvho have scttled lu Listoxvel over- the past year. Dr.« Rutherford xvorks with three other doctors -inciuding a surgical spccialists, Dr. George Yang, and Drs. Earl Connors and John Lang. Dr. Rutherford, ai- thougl initcrcsted in ail facets of lis work does coufcss to a particular satisfaction from treat- iug childrcn and from taking care of obstetrical cases, In lis interview with thc List- owel press, Dr. Rutherford, who lias studicd and worked at Flint, Michigan, stated lie feit a basic loyalty to Canada' wlo lad paid for a large share of lis education. This was obtained at Orono and at Qucen'sý University. "The lure of living in thc Uniited States xvas* not enougli to overcome a desire to lie fair and I rcalized I could have as great a satisfaction prac- ticiug medicine lu, Canada as anywhcre cisc," lie said. Thc Rutherfords, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Rutherford, Pamnela, Alex- ander, Martha and Mary Anne, moved to Listowýel lui mid 1967 and find life flu this community mucli to their likiugb. KENDAL NEWS Churcli , and Sunday School was heid iast Sunday moruing but the Kendai School xvas closcd ou Monday because of the ice storm. A former resident of Keudal, Mrs. Dave Vannatto, passcd away in Boxvmanvilc ilospital on Sat- urday. She was the former Eliz- abeth Moore of Victoria Harbour. After lier, marriage, tliey lived lu Darliugton. The family came to Kendal in 1923. Iu 1928 thcy movcd to Wcslcyvilce but later returned to Ken dal and purcliased le lore 1Oý V W~ Garbutt, and fariried ýthe land nortli of it and land south of the old scliool. In June 1950 lier' hus- baud passed away. Later she movcd witl lier youngcst son, Cccii to Bowmanvillc., Left to mourfi lier passiug are Andrew, Eva (Mrs. P. Burley) Bill, Ethel (Mrs. L. Oughtred), Shirley and Cecii. Tlie funeral wa's Januury 16th te, the Lang Memoriai Cliapel, Orono. Keudai Uý.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. H. Foster on Janu- ary 3rd. This meeting was lu charge of Mrs. Jack Stapleton; lier topic was "Personal Asscss- meut." Talent moncy xill again lie given out'at our February meet- ing, Il xvas declded to purchase a record of sacred hymus for to honour our -oldest member Mrs. C. Tliompsouý ond bier 94th birt.h- day, January 8th. Mr. T. Stevens took the seven-, teen cartons of good used cloth- in Toronto before Chistmas. HEATING HELP? Cati on Orono Fuel & Lumber's ex- perienced heating, meni to keep your heating unit in top trim. Cail 983- '9167 for reliable heating service round the dlock. -AUTOMATLC OIL DELIV ERY - Orono Fuel& Lumber ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-9167 PRIVATE STUDY CANDIDATES GRADIE 13 Private Study Candidates for Grade 13 subjeets are advised to communicate as early as possible with the principal of the nearest School where the subject he wishes to wr,àite is being taught. Durham County District High Sehool Board 181 Churcli Street, Bowmanville, Ontario k» "Al WIDEIt BROTHERJIOOD' (Continued«from page 3) spirit of Christ. SIt is time that we acknowledge within the Western world that we need re-cliristianizing ourselves. The mission field is in our own communities and even within our churches. It lias been pointed- out that the world is round and that two persons can get to precisely' thé samne destination by startîng out in precisely opposite directions. Furthermore, truth is always big. ger than ariy man's grasp of it. .Let us remember the disciples who came to Je-qst with the "iaJ arrnmi ng -.wý; S "~ aW man driving out devils in your namne, and as lie was flot one of us, we tried to stop him." Jesus' reply was, "Do not stop him, foi: no one wlio does a miglity work in my naine will lie able soon aft- er to speak evil of me, for lie who is not against us is on our side." Not long ago Thicl NliatHanli, a Buddist monk from Vietnam spoke at an International Teacli- in, in Toronto. In a private inter- view lie said tliat lie liad called on the Pope to ask him'to urge Cath-~ olics in Vietnam to co-operate witlitlie Buddliist there ia striv- ing for peace. Tlie Pope was only too liappy to comply. The Cliristian Churcli every- where sliould not liesitate to co- operate witli others in the com-. munity 'wlo are con1cerned about the multitude of urgent dlaimis tliat mankind blas, upon lis fel- lowmen. In ço-operation we bring about a wider brotlierhood which in turn is thie greatest1 assurance of peace and well-being. SEE THEM ALL! Imm- 22nd CANADA FARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT'SHOW. COLISEUM BUILDINGS, EXHIBITION PARKI< TORONTO, ONTARIO JAN UARY 24.e25.e26.e27.*1968 Get yaur free admission -ticket from your local Farm Equipmenî Dolr