ORONO WEE KLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18th, 1968 INSURANCE, SEE FRED LYCETI OFFICE - MAIN ST.,,ORONO- Phonie 983-5032 Res. 983.5142 Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatui Specialize finiFarni and Furniture Sales Consuit'me for ternis and tdates PRONE ORONO 9634.914 Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desfred Ask the person who boug9ht from us, a neighbour, friend or relative The RTJTTER GRANITE. COMPANY î3 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest fdisplay hi Soil Oiitario"' ofdCycl OrnoPhne 983-534 McCLLCHBOAI CH!AIN SAWS Engtines-i Phone 786-2552 1 M> c o = ; O = iLYCETT oPlumbing & Heatingg PHONE 983-5407g Orono, Ontario i B~res& yam i 1'Lj.L~Nbanti HEATINb j Sakc and Service iA POUR BURNEIR SERVICE- B.A FINANCINCG _ _ *1tees Lae U~~~~( bneeo ae Phun<"S: I Tyrone 263-2650 Hampton 263-2288 a rille ChattertonI IElectrical Contracting IElectric lleating1 I and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duvaîl 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRA,%CTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANC-.ES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. ýRADIO - il-FI FRIGIDAIRE' - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR - GUARANTEED SERVICE ithern 13a rn Svc Fire cla Package Policies 1 TSFidel ity Bond, 13 Liabîlity - 3 First Mel4rtgage Loans g g Phone 983-5115 0 13 13 LS 11 BOX 133 Phone 668-35521 Stafford Brothers Limited, 318 Dundas St. E. Whidtby, Ont. Manufacturera of ceémetery .Memorials DealershI Domýestie & Foreign Granites and Marbies - In0cirlptlons Cnt and Cemetery Repair Work FOR SALE, 3-bedroom Bungalows ,and 4- bedrooma split level House with garage. Phone Jan Ochionski, Contract- or - 983-5799. t-f FOR SALE A turquoise green Chester- field and chair, like new. $150.00. Apply Orono Times. t-f NOTICE Sewing Alterations and Repairs done at home: For Women: Alterations in skirts dresses and coats.i For Men: Turn shirt collars and cuffs, shorten and 'lengthen trousers and draping and back seams; also zippers and pock- ets. Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park St. andi Church St. Phone 983-5493. tM MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH Coffee at Work, 5c a Cup PART TIME VACANCY COFFEE-Breaks, Ltd., have ol enings for men & women to ow & service the "Simpléx Fres Brew Coffee Unit5"~ on profitabi established locations.. AN investm-ent of $1600, is r( quireti to commence. Bank fir ancing available with a minimu] of $250 deposit for individual with good credit standing. Box 300, Oronio Weekly Time. b- Callyour I who psci l, inLi Mechanical Contractor -PLUMtBIN\G AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono GordSimpson 13Phone Orono 983-5808 03 Orono, Ontarlo - 1c O PAINTING 1 REMODELLINGO u GENERaL REPAIRS Interior Exterjor 1 Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS' n h [e -e- ni- ENGAGEMENT Mr. andtiMrs. Fred Vagg. Orono wish t-) in:n the engagement 'of their dý uýhter J'idith Lynn, to --r.- Graharn Coates, eider, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kýenneth G. Coates of Castieton, Ont. The marriage will take place on Feb- ruary lOth at 2:30 p.m. in Orono United Church. a-p CARD 0F THANKS I would like to thank ail my frientis in Orono and surrounding area for ail the visits, cards, flow- ers and gifts that I received while 1 was a patient in the Osh- awa General Hospital. a-p - R. E. Rienstra ANNUAL MEETING, The, Annual 'Meeting of the Durhamn Central Agricultural So- ciety will meet Saturday, Janu- ary 27th at 1:30 p.m. in the Or- ono Oddfellow's Hall, a-c TEEN DANCE In the Orono Town Hall, Sat- urday, January 27th 196 '8. Music Dy the G.B. and the Sound Sett. Admission $1.00 single; $1.50 per couple. SSponsoreti by the Orono Hock- ey Mothers. b-c Ma HELP WANTED - SALESMAN is $12,000 Plus Regular Cash Bonus for man over 40 in O(rono area. STake short auto trips to contact -ccustomers. Air mail C. B. Dicker- -son, Pres., Southwestern Petrol- eum Corp., Ft. Worth, Texas 76101. a-c FEMLE H ELP WANTED> Female help wanted. Apply in person to Curvply Wood Prod- ucts in the South Plant. Inquire to Mrs. D)enise,,Annaert. a-c WVANTED A seiretireti man for store duties Apyin personor in writing BetyFarm Service Centre, r,, North. Phone 983-5987. a-c IVill b reeietibythie under-' signied up to 5:00ý' p.rn, anar 22, for -the part tie osition jiof Sec;etarcy to the TPrincipal of Kirbýy Centenial Sehool00. Duties to commenceas oo as possible. Further particulars may be ob- taineti from Mr. Alan Gibson, Principal, phone 987-4571 during school hours. Reply ini writing. with envelope clearly marked as' to contents, stating qluali'fications anti salary expecteti. The lowest or any ap- plication will flot, necessarily be accepteti. Horace R. Best, Sec.-Treas., T.S.A. of Clarke, R.R. 2, Orono, Ontario. gW.FRANKg REAL ESTATE 0o g LIMITEDg g REAL TORg 1321 KING ST. WEST c' Bowmanville 623-3393 g Q Toront o923-9174 g 9 aolte nOSt -8854548 g g FREE APPRAISALS g 1Exclusive Agent for 0 'M1ALLEY HOMES g 13 Port Hope, Ont. 1 c' N.1I.A. approved Brick Q Bungalows 1 ROY POSTER c Kendal - Phiono 983-5801 1 JOrono -. Phone 98-53 A large selectîon ,rf Farms, oinoes, Lt~ rietreat Pro- c0 13 pearies lu this area BIRTH SHÔR'IITT-Terry and Roma (iiec' GaÀear'e pleasedi to anounce- the biýrfh of a daughter. Sallyî Louise, January 12, General Hos- pital, Oshawa. MUSIC RE$ULTS Musîc resuits held recently"fi The Royal Couservatory of Musi(!, in t(owmanville - In Grade lïU Theory Suzanne Buniting andi Kar- en Lowery, both passing with lsl.. Class Hý,,oours. Pupils of Mrs- M, H. Staples. Get Resuits, Use The. D. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO AN TI'QUE S WE BUY AND SELL old Glass, China, Pine ArtieLes, Toys and Oddties IF IS OLD... .AL LU S WE PAY CASUt Phones 93520or 6332 Cut the work and costý ofrgclaig A Bisseli Electrie rug shampooer E1SEII Imr LEANIN crNEa LE. per'day Réolph, Hardware, Orono, Ont. Phoneo 9U-52W, FLOWIERS for ail Occasions Open Suntdays and 7-8 p.mu- CANA WOOD SHOPPE Phone 983-5539v Orono, Ontario Building a House? or remodepling yeur present oine, then contact Floyd Nicholson W. Scmahl R. Schreîber 983-606 983-5626 Specializng ln ail kinds of PTONEWORK and FIREPLACES W<e also do Vhiminey Repairs 'i W. Schmahl 983-5606