ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25th, 1968 - - s -m-1 General INSURANCE SEE FIRED LYCEIlf OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO 'i».hone 983-5032 Res. 983-5142 JACK~I Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoî Specialize ini Farni and Furniture Sales~ Consuit me for terins and dates PHO>NE ORONO 983-tM)I4 Monuments and Family Memorials ~>Our quality and service leaves nothiug to be desired à4à the person who bought from eýa ueighbour, friend or relative TeRUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE «L.argest display in Southeru Ontario" WATSON'S fMarine and Cycle Oronio Phonie\983-5343. McCULLOCIIIBOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail mak-es of Lawnu Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Enginies OTACO PLOW POINTS AND 31ACINERY PUIPING OUT SEPTIV TANKS WHITE wAiSHING STABLES Bert Tounpk7ims Phone 780-2552 Building A New Home? Reoreli Cali 10E BECKER 983-5713, Orono GLYCETT cPlumbing & Hea-ctin-g D arnes & Byam cs ii-e rou 263-265r0ce Tyoe263265988 1Orville Chatterton Electrical tontracting Electric fleating and Service IPHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Oron o, Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRItCAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - I-FI FRIGIDAIRE - *R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- FOR SALE Lovely. two .bedroomlhomie in, Orono District. -Phone 983,5419.b- FOR SALEtP 3-bedroom Bung4'iows , n 4 bedroom split lev el House, with garage., Phone Jan Ochonisk,.Contract- or - - 8-7g FOR SALE A turquoise gre field and chair, Lke ne Apply Orono Times. NOTICE Sewing Alterations ai done at home: For, Women: Alteration dresses and coats,, For Men: Turn shirt ' cuffs, shorten and trousers and drapini seams; also zippers ets. Mrs. M. Downis, corne and Church St. Phone CARD 0F THANKS 1I would like" to express my thanks to my neighhours, friends anid relatives for the cards and, &t~rýcehed whi!e in Memorial i o-ýital and since returning home. Also for the numerous phone cailsto my home, a-c Estlicr Zcldy. t-f CARD 0OF THANKS- W'e wish to express a sincere 'Thank You' to our friends, neigh- bours, Rebekali Lodge, Orono ni Chester- United Church, Rev. Long, for ew. $150.00. cards, letters, visits and get well tf wishes. Special thanks to Dr. Mc- Kenzie, staff. and nurses of Bow- manville Memorial Hospital, and, and Repairs ail who so kindly supplied trans- portation for our family and us. is in skirts Thank God for friends. Sincerely, Edward and Annie Farrell. collars and a-p 1 lngtticn and back and pock- (er Park St. 983-5493., t-f 1TEEN DAINÇE In the Orono Town) Hall, Sat- urdny, January 27th 1968. Music b)y the G.B. and the Saund Sett. Admission per couple. Sponsored ey Mothers. $1,00 single; $1.50 by the Orono Hock- Sb-c Callyour licensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contractor who selis,, instalis qpd rguoranteez CARMLLAN, PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono (P C O = < O 0> =O = li SGord Simpson 13Phone Orono 983-5808 Orono, Ontario 1 P'AINTING OCARPENTRY 1 REMODELLING o 0 GENERAL REPAIRS 10 lut Ierior Exterior Oxford BRICKLÂYERS STONEMASONS. ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the, Durham Central Agricultural So- ciety will be held Saturday, Jan- uary 17th at 1:30 p.m. in the Basement Hall of the Orono Un- ited Church. a-C ANNUAL MEETING The regular annual meeting of the Lot Holders in Orono Cemet- ery Company will be held in the Board of Council Chambers in Orono Town Hall at 8 p.m., Mon- day evening, January 29th 1968. a-c DAY CARE Day care offercqi for one or two pre-schooll ehildrcn while -par- ents work. Kindly expericecd supervision. Lunch provîded. $3.00 daily per child. Reduction if" two children of same family. Phone 983-5658- Mrs. Johnson. a-p CH ILD CARE WilI care forý child in my home. Mrs. Terry Allen, Main St., Orono. a-p HELP WANTED Truck Driver wanted. Must have- experience driving, tractor trailer. Apply Curvply Wood Products. a-c APARTMENT TO RENT Heated, three- bedroomn Apart- ment, Mill St. Orono. $110.00 per month. Apply Russ Conlon. Phone 983-9171. t-f WANTED Oak round dining room table, with or without chairs. Phione 983-5673. a-c W. FRANK (REAL ESTATE LIMITEDo 13 REALTOR O 21 RING ST. WEST o Bowmanville 623-3393 O Toronto 923-9174 OPort Hope Office-85 98 Walten St. 885-4548 FREE' APPRAISALS O OExclusive Agent for 0 O'MALLEY HOMES 0 O Port Hope, Ont. 1 N.H.A, approved Brick o Bungalows 13 endal - Phone 983-5801 fo orn hoe$-5533o A large selfection o>f Farnis, 1 M omnes, Lots, Rfetreait 'pIro- kperies in this ar k kk' kk..~ 'k, .~'k ~ ~ ~ ~kk k.k. -~ HOl)""iICULTURAL MEETING Thie Jani.ipary meeting of the Orlïoo Lorticoltural Soêiety will be he?-d ,,this,.,Thursday evening, January 5th at 8 ,p.m. in the m ain hall of the United Church. A good program, is being prepared' Mr. and Mlrs. Wm. Mý,iller will shOv, Pj tLlreçs. A siate of Offcersý for 19168 will be presented. Let's have a good attendance' to start. the yeaýr off righit. Cet Resuits Us'e The' Classi-fied D. ROGERSON ORONO, 0ONýTARlO ANTIQUES WE. BUY AND SEL Old Glass, China, Pmne Articles T4 i and Oddities IF IT'S OLD.. C AL L US WE PAY CASH!- Phones 983-5210 or 623-3128 Cut the work and cost, of rug cleaning! RENT A Bisseli Electric rug shanipooer SISEII RET&A"Mi$2,50 LE~~)per day RoIph Hardware Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5207 FLOWERS for al Occasions Open Sundays 10-12 a.m. 2-4 p.m. and 7-8 p.m. CANA WOOD SHOPPE Phone 983-5539 .Oronoa, Ontarlo Box 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Brothers ILlmlted 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby, Ont. Manufacturer, of Cemetery Memorials Dealers lIn Domestie & Foreign Granites an4 Marblei - Inscriptions Cnt and Cemetery RepaIr Work Building a fHuse? or remodeilng your pt-oent ene, thon contact Floyd Nicholson W. Scmahl R. Sehreiber 983-606 983-5626 Speilaizing iail kinds of MTONEWORK and FIREPLACES We aiso do Chiipmey ~Repaîrs W. Schmahl 983-5606