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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Feb 1968, p. 1

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OronoL VoLUME 31, NUMBER 4 Weekly Timnes ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Ist, 1968 Mr. Robert Hazeldon, President Orono Chamber The Orono Chamber of Com- merce held their annual meeting in the Orono Oddfellow's Hall on Monday evening in the form of a banquet and social evening. Sixty- five husbands and wives were in ;atte ndance. Mr. Harvey Partner, president, chaired the meeting, assisted by Mr. Stirling Mather, master of ceremonies for the entertainment. The nominating comnittee pre- sented a .slate of officers which was approved by the meeting as follows: Mr. R. Hazelden, president. Mr. H. Hoensch, vice-presidekt Mr. R. Dickson, treasurer Mr. R. Forrester, secretary Directors: Messrs. S. Mather, G. Simpson, F. Storsbergen, G. Watson, P. M. Lunn, Glen Ten- nant and H. Partner. Mr'. Sterling Mather, chairman of entertainment, provided enter- taining moments with his antics, along with western vocals by Mr. Dave Walton of Bowmanville and accordian solos by Mr. Gary VaniDam of Pontypool. M. Hazelden, in accepting the presedency of the Chamber, stated that he sought the support of ev- ,eryone and would do everything in his power to make 1968 a suc- cessful year for the Chamber of Commerce. The banquet was catered to by the ladies of the Orono Rebekah Lodge. The financial report outlined -the activities. of the Chamber for the past year ineluding the pro- motion of a fireworks display, and a Centennial Shopper's Mall held on the main street of Orono. The Chamber eompleted the year with a deficit of close to $300.00. The following is a statement of Receipts and Expenditures for the year. RECEIPTS Balance forward, Jan 1, Annual Dues- Draw Club Tireworks - Meals- Shoppers Hall Bank Loan- $175.99 75.00 1,796.OQ 184.42 133.50 725.00 300.00 $3389.91 EXPENDITURES Donations $ 10.00 Draw 200 Club 1,700.00 Advertising 61.90 Printing 233.92 Meals 159.40 Fireworks 240.45 Two Applications For Sub-division The Clarke Township Planning Board at their meeting on Thurs- day evening of last week gave direction to their secretary, Mr. Arthur Lowe, to make arrarge- ments with the Department of Planning and Development , to met with the Board and mem- bers of council to discuss the fin- al drafting of a Restrictive Area by-law. It is tle intention of the Board to hold this meeting as early as possible in February. At the meeting somie discus- sion centred around two applica- tions for sub-division, one in Or- ono and a second adjacent to the Village. Mr. J. O'Chonski has made ap- plication for a sub-division west off Main street opposite Millson Hill Drive. The second applica- tion is for a development on the former Lawrence Hooey property north-east of the Orono Cemetery Reeve Foster stated that devel- opers are seeking assurance that such areas when developed will remain residential, One purpose of drafting the Re- ttrictive Area By-law is to be able to give this assurance. Founding Convention Scheduled March 2nd The Founding Convention of the Northumberland-Durham Lib- eral Association has been set back one week to March 2nd. This change was necessary in order to obtain the desired facilities in Port Hope, Wilfred Huskilson of Cobourg, President of the North- umberland Liberal Association, and, Harry Wade of Newtonville, President of the Durham Liberal Association, said in a receçnt statement. The Liberal officials also re- leased the names of four Com- mittees established by the new federal riding association. Dr. Fred Robertson, former North- umberland M.P. will head up the Nominations Committee which will recommend the officers for the new association. Serving with Dr. Robertson are Cobourg Dep- uty Reeve Lenah Fisher, Mr. Wade, Douglas Johnston, Graton, Bernard Longergan, Warkworth, Allen Jibb, Baltimore, W. J. Bragg, Bowmanville and Dr. E. A. Hunt and Elmore Scott of Port Hope. The Constitution Committee is under the chairmanship of New- Hydro 44.16 Dues 15.00 Shoppers Mal 725.00 Department Highways 30.00 Sundry 74.25 $3,368.18 Implores Mr. Wm. McAdams, director of Planning of the Central Ontario Planning Board was the guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Orono Chamber of Com- mercé held on Monday evening. Mr. McAdams is a graduate of the University of Toronto in Town and Regional Planning. Previous to accepting his posi- ition with the Central Ontario Board he had worked for the On- tario Government, was director of Planning with the North York Board and also operated a private practice. Mr. McAdams outlined the for- mation of the Cent-al Ontario Planning Board which includes Bowmanville, Darlington Town- ship, Oshawa and the new Town of Whitby. He stated that in 1956 there was a common interest felt between these municipalities who at that time started a form of joint planning. Later the gorup found many common interests and upon looking further decided to form a Regional Planning area. To this end the Municipalities pe- castle lawyer E. R. Lovekin. Serv- ing with Mr. Lovekin are Dr. Thomas Hawke, Lloyd Williams, J. P. Richardson and Dr. Ian Wil- son of Cobourg, Glenholme Hu- ghes, Bommanville, Mrs. Ruth Farr, Millbrook and Mrs. Earl Waldie of Roseneath. Mrs. Charles Wheatley of Co- bourg is Chairman of the Mem- bership Committee. Members of the Committee are Mrs. Bert Budai, Jr., and Jesse Van Nest, Bowmanville, Nieil Malcolm, of Blackstock, Robin Russell and Mrs. J H. McCaig, Cobourg, Rob- ert Walton and David Rickard, Newcastle, Mrs. Douglas Johns- ton and Mrs. J. G. Eagleson, Grafton, William Mulholland, Warkworth, Mrs. Greg. McMahon, Port Hope, and Arnold Arm- strong of Millbrook. The Finance Committee is com- posed of Chairman John Funnell, Cobourg, C. Fitzgibbon, W. E. Williams and Read Budge, Port Hope, John James, Bowmanville, James Tunney, Grafton, and Frank Powers and James Clarke, Cobourg. Delegates to the Liberal Lead- ership Convention to be held in Ottawa April 4th-6th will be el- ected at the Founding Conven- tion. Local Liberal officials stat- ed that already over 70 Liberals from Northumberland - Durham have applied for accommodation in Ottawa while attending the Convention. Further titioned the Ontario Government to set up a Regional Planning Board of which the majority of members were to be local poli- ticians. The Board has now been in existence for two years and in December 1967 submitted their Official Plan for the area as a guide over the next twenty years. The speaker feit they could look with pride to this plan devised in two years where the city of Tor- onto took eight years to submit their Official Plan. The speaker referred to many interesting features ia connection with planning in the Regional area. He pointed out that the present population numbered 120,000 which was to double in the next twe4ty years. He also pointed out that a municipality that has little population growth tends to gain an older structure of population. Here he referred to the town of Bowmanville which in the past few years has had little growth and is now found to have much older structure of pop- ulation than does Oshawa, Whit- by and the Province as a whole. Mr. McAdams also stated that the ethnie structure was altered considerably over the past few years and that this structure will alter drastically in the next twen- ty years. He also saw change in religious affiliation. The speaker described the pres- ent day condition as one of con- fusion and suspended animation. In the Regional planning area t'vo municipalities are now in Ontario County, two in Durham and the fifth an individual city. The government, he said, bas for- ined Regional Development Coun- cil areas of which Oshawa and Whitby are included in one. go- ing west while Darlington, Bow- manville and Clarke are part of the Central Ontario Regiânal Council. He also pointed out that the new County based school system will take on another form. At the present time Darl. ington has some arrangements in education with Oshawa but Dar- The Orono Conmunity Park Board met on Monday evening when they received their financial statement for the past year. The statement showed a total expendi- turc of $6,958.03 during 1967 with a resulting bank balance of $411. 78. During the year the Board also paid off the remaiinder of their loan to the bank and now hold clear a bond of $2500.00. The operation of the swimming pool and the holding of the Cen tennial Bar-B-Q were the two largest events during the year for the 'Orono Park. Receipts from the operation of the pool amount- ed to $2787.20 while that from the Bar -BQ were $2,029.60. Ex- penditures for the latter amounted a few hundred dollars over the receipts. At the meeting on Monday ev- ening Mr. A. E. West was reelect- ed presideit of the Orono Park Board with Miss Alma Cuttell, secretary treasurer. On motion of Mr. John Stone and Mr. H. M. Mercer the Park Board is to request a meeting with the Clarke Township Coun- cil at which time they are to dis- cuss the taking over of the Cen- tennial Park project along the Orono creek. Miss Cuttell stated that a sum of $550.00 would be turned over fund for work at the park. A list of such work is to be submitted The first 1968 meeting of the Orono Horticultural Society was held in the main hall of the Un- ited Church on Thursday, Janu- ary 25. The meeting opened with O Canada with Mrs. E. Brofn at the piano, after which the Presi- dent extended words of welcome to those present. Mrs. C. Billings was nominated Chairman of the Meeting and pre- sided over the election of officers which resulted as follows: President - Mr. Orville Challice lst Vice Pres. -Mr. C. Billings 2nd Vice Pres. - Mrs. R. Chap- man Secretary - Mrs. E. Couvier Treas. - Mrs. A. Jakeman Directors (1968) - Mrs. C. Tay- lor, Mrs. D. Evans, Mrs. F. Vagg, Mr. W. Wood, Mrs. O. Challice (replacing Mrs. H. Barlow). (1968-69) Mr. A. Jakeman, Mrs. W. Wood, Mrs. E. Schmid, Mr. C. Taylor, Mr. R. Chapman. nterest lington will not be grouped with Oshawa under the new plan. The speaker also referred to the 24 Regional Government Areas as proposed by the Smith report. Mr. McAdams stated that no matter what form change took it could have a profound effect upon everyone. The founding of Metro Toronto, he said, had an effect on the surrounding fringe area. He pointed to Pickering Township where, within a few years the mili rate jumped from 60 mills to 118 mills aad taxes tose from $400 to $600 with few services being provided. The speaker said that he would implore everyone to take a greater interest in the affairs of their community as it affects ev- eryone and their children direct- ly. He pointed out that a research into the education system showed that there was rot eaimlity of on- portunity for all children and that in some areas there was con- siderable difference. Here he re- (Continued on page 6) to the council. The secretary was instructed to make application for Provincial grants on the expenditures for the new playground equipment and the resurfacing of the ten- nis court all of which was com- pleted last year. The total cost of these works was $1531.17. to the Orono Park Board from the Clarke Township Centennial It Was Fun For Everyone One of the largest crowd's to %e in attendance at the Orono rink this year was present on Tuesday evening when the Orono Public School arranged a parent and pupil night. It was fun ail the way round when son faced father in. a hockey game and daughter faced mother in a game of broomball. Needless to say there may be some aching joints and muscles but no one is outwardly complain- ing. The spirit of the evening caught on quickly with most ev- eryone taking part. In the hockey game a few fathers found their reflexes a (Continued page 2) Director of Jr. Activities - Mrs. T. Fairbrother Pianists - Mrs. E. Brown, Mrs. R. Chapman. Mrs. E. Couvier read the min- utes of, the 1967 annual meeting. Mrs. K. Tregunna gave the Treas. report, and Mrs. O. Challice pre- sented the Junior Gardeners act- ivities in the absence of Mrs. T. Fairbrother who was ill. During the business period, a motion was made to charter a bus on March 2 to go to Toronto Garden Club Flower Show which is held in the O'Keefe Centre. Anyone wishing to go please con- tact the President or Secretary as soon as possible. Further not- ice will be given as to price and time of departure. There was also· some discussion about holding a card party. The final decision was left to the Ex- ecutive. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller pro- vided us with some excellent en- tertainment in showing us some of their pictures of Expo and the Orono Centennial Mall and other local scenes. Mrs. E. Brown voiced our ap- preciation to Mr. and Mrs. Miller. While refreshments were being served, Mrs. W. Hoar was de- clared the winner of the door prize. Clarke Players To Present Matinee Due to rising demand the Clarke Players of Newcastle are pleased to announce that they have consented to present a Mat- inee performance of their play "A Man For Ail Seasons." The three performances al- ready scheduled for February 8, 9 and 10 at 8:15 will be supple- mented by an afternoon perform- ance on Saturday, February 10th at 2:15 p.m. Tickets will go on sale soon and you are urged to reserve your seats now by con- tacting any representative of the Clarke Players or by telephoning Mrs. K. Stubington at Newcastle 987-4862. Ticket sales are brisk so you are urged to obtain your ticket for any performance as soon as possible. Orono Community Park Has Most Successful Year Orono Horticultural Society Elect Officers For 1968 'mie 00 -- ,H

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