ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY lst, 1968 A rea Red Cross List Many Important Services The Annual meeting of the lowmanville and District Branch, C-anadian Red Cross Society, was -jeld recently at the home of, the President, Mrs. R. Spry. Reports Àf the Chairmen were reccivcd at lihis time. Although the active member- shîp of thîs Branch is very small, many vital services are provided 'for the people of ,this area. The local Branch is ýresponsible for providing to ail those living east rf the Oshawa Town Line to the Clarkc Township castera bound- ary and from 'Lake Ontario north to Blackstock, Nestîcton etc. 0f special intcrest during the year, was the display of -Red Cross work at the Pine Ridge ýCentenniai Festival and the pre- sentation of a citation to the SehJool in recognition of its role a., the Water Safety and swim- naj-ing" programme in this area, -"r. W. J. E. Ormiston, Branch Treasurer, reported that total re- ýýipts for 1967 were $2,741.00, Weli over $2,000. of this amount Sas needed, to support the local programmes. The balance helps laY provide Divisional services, to inaintain the free Blood Trans- fusion Service and to provide clothing and medical aid for dis- a,ýsters and International emerg- ý,ncies. Biood Donor Service- Mr. Harry Davey, Chairman, stated in his report that 6,200 botties of blood had been collect- ed in' local clinics since they be- gan in November 1959.' Four clinies are held eh year on the first Wednesday in February, May, August and November. Disaster and Individual Emergency Aid- Mrs. Gco. Forscy reported that 8 aduits and 8 children had been assistcd with emergency food, cbothing and bedding following fires which destroycd or severely damageçd. their homes. A furthcr 7 aduits and 38 children werc as,' sisted through our Individual Em- crgcncy Aid programme with new and, uscd clothing. These cases wcrc referred to our Branch by Wclf arc officiais and the Health Unit. First Aid- Scouts and guides la' the arca received First Aid instruction. A class was also, held at Clarke High School. Slings werc sup- plied to the Ski Patrol at the Oshawa Ski Club. Mrn D. Harvey is the chairman of this program. Home Nursing-, Miss M. Crowe and Mrs. E. Van Oostenbrugge were unable to be present at the meeting as thcy were conducting the 'Care in the Home' classes. The President re- ported that 14 were cnroilcd in this class, the majority of them frün, rural communities. Thc members 'of last winter's ciass are cQntinuing to meet and have donc a considerable amount of sewing and knitting for the Wo- men's Work, Committe . These ladies also assisted with the dis- play at the Pine Ridge Festival and help at the Blood clinies. Loan Cupboard of Sickroom Supplies- Mrs. D. Griffin assistant con- venor, reported that during 1967, 117 persons borrowed 175 artic- les for varying periods of time. The sickroom equipment, hospit- ai beds, wheelchairs, crutches, bedpans etc. are on lban free of charge on a doctor's recommend- ation., Two hospital beds were donated and 10 pair of adjustable crutches and 3 air rings were ad- ded to, meet the increasing de- mand for these articles. Water Safety- Awards were provided for swim classes held in Blackstock, Bow- manville, Newcastle and Orono. Local swimmers who qualified were sponsorcd at instructor schools so that thcy might be- corne qualifîed instructors and work at local swirwt classes. Mr. W. W. Bagneli, 'Chairman, and his assistants gave niany demon- strations of artificial respiration and distrîbuted Water Safcty lit. erature to area schools and in- terested organizations. Woinen's Work- Mrs. E. Rundie, Chairman, re- ported that a total of 1061 knit- ted and sewn garments were completed by the members of ber committee during 1967. This is a considerable increase over the 1966 total. In addition to these articles whîch are used for vie- tims of disaster at home and a- broad, 9,556. wipes and 5,924 swabs were made for the Blood ýTransfusion Service. 200 triangu- lar bandages were sewn for First Aid work, and Outpost hospitais. The Branch is particularly grate- fui to Rickaby's Ltd. for their generous donation of wool for socks, mitts and scarves. The in- terest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Web- ster in the work of this commit. tee is much appreciated. The President thanked the Chairmen and those present for their efforts on behaif of Red Cross during 1967. She expresscd the hope that during 1968 more people could be interested in tak- ing an active part in the work of the Branch. Meetings are held monthly on. the 3rd Monday at 8 p.m, The election of officers follow- ed: President- Mrs. W. Vice Pres.- Mr. W., Secretary- Mrs. W. Treasurer -Mr, W. iston R. Spry .W. Bagnel Wallis J. E. Ormi- Phone Convenor - Miss Linda Hibben. Charmen- Bbood - Aîr. Jfarry Davey Disaster - Mfrs. Gco. Forsey First Aid - Mr. D. Harvey Home Nursing Miss m. Crowe, R.N. Loan Cupboard- Mrs. F. Griffin Water Safety - Mr. W. W. Bag- adil Women's Work - Mrs. E. Rundie The meeting then adjourned and refreshments and a social hour were enjoyed. It Was Fun (Continucd from page 1) littie slow and are suffering a few bruises and cuts. The boys also took advantage of a planncd donnybrook at the end of the game. The daughters and mothers were not to be outdone cither' as both sides made rpshes up and down the ice. No one left without having thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Gord Simpson GPhone Orono 983-5808 0 Orono, Ontario G 0PAINTING 0 0CARPENTRY gRrMýODELLIiNG S GENERAL REPAIRS o Interior Exterior Nortumhrlan-DukamHeahth Unit Report Fur December 1967' led by Dr. W. Forster, Director, Department of Psychiatry, Peter- borough Civic Hospital,, Peterbor- ough. Audiometry - December 1967 During 1967, 6251 audiometer tests wcrc completed, 327 of which were donc in December. 116 ncw hearing defects were discovcrcd during thc ycar through this programme. At the end of December 1967, 312 elem- entary students are on register with a hcaring loss. Each of these, unlcss othcrwisc indicatcd, will bc tcstcd again in 1968 and parents and family physician notified of the resuit. Environmentai Sanitation It is not a favourable time to instail private sewage disposai systcms whcn there is frost in the ground: frozen ground makes ,good worbmanship difficuit. Re- 'cause of this, the Public Hcalth inspection staff discourage such installation aftcr December lst. Howevcr, there arc instances where these installations are nec- essary to provide facilities for oc- cupancy prior to spring. It is rec- ommcnded that people who: pro- pose building in rural areas 'in- sure that their private sewage disposai install a tions arc in and approvcd whilc ground condi- tions arc favourable. Sixty-fivc in- stallations wcre iînspcctcd during the month of December, and 793 during the year. With the increasing population, the dcvelopment, in packaging of foods and the industrialization of our province, air and watcr pol- lution and other resultant prob- lems increase. It is known that what is burncd crates smoke and gas, and therefore the atmos- phere may be polluted. Also, that if wastc is not burncd, but buricd, surface or ground water may be pollutcd. Recause of the increas- ing problcm of domcstic and fac- tory waste disposai, the Wastc Management and the Air Pollu- tion Control Sections of. the Pro- vincial Dcpartmcnt of Healt h have been brought into existentée. The' Ontario Water Resources- Commission was formcd ten or more years ago, for the purpoý,e of ab ating and preventing wýater pollution. Health Units and Hcalth Dcjartments throughout ihe Province work with t hese groups to hclp improve the en- vironment of their area. GeDI.ral Reniarks Miss Flaxman, supervisor, and Mrs. Cumberford, R.N., atten4dd a onc-day workshop on Nursing Home regulations, held i New-, ,market at the offices of the York County Health Unit. A meeting of supervisors in the Eastern region was also at- tcnded by Miss Flaxman in King- ston. Mr. John Keays, educational consultant with the Dcpartmnent of Health visitcd the Hcalth Unit in, connection with, staff education meetings. The staff of the Health Unit and mcmbers of thc Board of H-ealth held a very enjoyabie an- nual staff party at the Cobourg Golf, and Country Club before Christmas holiday season. Get Your Tickets. For The Play From Any Clarke Stu dent BOB BEST MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT MIDGET HOCKEY Friday, February 2 ORONO ARENA Flrst Game at 6:30 ORONO VS. PORT HOPE NEWCASTLE VS. LINDSAY Littie N.HL. Pee Wee Tournament Saturday, February 10 Startiýng at 9:00 In the matter of The Election Act R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 118 RETURN 0F ELECTION EPNE and, amendments thereto Statement of election contributions and Exp enses on behaif of Alex Carruthers in respect of the Provincial Eiec- tion of Ontario 1967 in the Ridingý of the County ofDurham submitted by his Officiai Agent, W. K. Lycett. RECEIPTS Alex Carruthers ------------------------------ $2,022.03 $2,022.03 DISBURSEMENTS Materials, Postage and supplies ----------------- $ 768.39 Advertising- ----- N ew spapers -------------------------------- 741.57 R ad io - - ------- ----------- - ------ --- ----- 114.75 Committee Rooms, accommodation and telephone expenses --------------------------- 397.32 $2,022.03 Statement of election contributions and Expenses on behaîf of" E. R. Lovekin in respect of the Provincial Election of Ontario 1967 in the Riding of the County of Durham submitted by bis Officiai Agent, D. C. Lamb. RECEIPTS In co m e ---- --- ------ -------- ----- ---------- -- - $ 3 7 .4 EXPENSES$,174 Rentais, Committee Roums, Halls--------------- $ 220.00 Supplies, Postage ---------------------------- 658.25 Printing, Posters, etc.- ------------------------- 631.93 Advertising .. Newspaper ----------------------- 348.77 R adio ------------------------- 238.50 Photographs ------------------- 24.68 T elephones ----------------------------------- 131.80 Casual Labour -------------------7------------ 1095.00 Bank Charges and Exchange ----- ------------- 3.95 $3352.88 December 1967 Bank Balance ---------------- 364.54 Cheque to Part Hope Liberal Assoc.------------ 250.00 Týransfer to Durham County Liberai Acct.-------- -114.54 Statement of election contributions and Expenses on behaif of Douglas Moffatt in respect of the Provincial El- ection of Ontario 1967 in the Riding of the County of Dur- ham submitted by his Officiai Agent, F. M. MeLellan. RECEIPTS C ollections ---------------------- ------------ $ 89.00 M ember Donationts ----------------- --------- -290.29 O th er - -------- -- ----- --------------- -- -- - 900.00 EXPENàS$1,279.29 R en ta is ---------- -------------------------- $ 6425 Services--------------------------- 17 1.48 A dvertîsing ---------- ---------------------- 893.02 -Goo--- -Su-p- --ied-- 140.54) Transportat---on---- 10.00 $1,279.29 HEATING HELP? Cail on Orono Fuel & Lumber's ex- periencýed heating men to keep your heating unit in top trim. Cail 983-9167 for reliable heating service round thïe dock. -AUTOMA'TIC OIL DELIVERY - ORONO, ONTARIO POE9396 PHONE 983-9167