ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, FEBRUARY lst, 1968 KENDAL NEWS The new class rooms of Kendal ScILool will be completed very scoon. This will be a fine thing for heteachers who, have had to pet up with 50 many inconven- ences; and the familles that have Isad children busscd to three dif- '.erent schools. Mr. Jack Stapleton was rushed to Bo,,îmianville Hosp ital on Tues- day wvith accute appendicitis. An- other perison fromn this area in hospital is Mrs. W. Moffat. On Sunday Kendal Choir sang "Fairest Lord Jesus". Mr. Snel- grove spoke, on 'The Treasure Buried In a Field.' The Congregational Meeting was held on Tuesday afternoon, January 3th. A fine year's work has been completed, particularly Employers (Continued from page 1) ferred to Kindergarten and Op- portunity classes available to in regard to parsonage renova- tions. Kendal's share of this work costs $1400. We must plan to meet this debt. The need for a Youth Group was discussed. some while not to 'others. And this difference was wîthin the Central Ontario Jiegional Plan- ning Area. "W e are the government," he said, "and we get what we de- serve." If you are unhappy about what we get then do something about it", he stated. The speaker referred to the increasing bur- eaucracy which we have in gov- ernment which formns a true pat- tern of Parkinson's Law. We should also be concerned in gov- erument as the Smith report has_ pointed out that the prime source of taxation will continue to rest on pI'operty. In closîng, Mr. McAdams, a- gain asked his audience to take an increased interest in al 1ev- els of governments for they af- fect our daily lives. For conclusive proof of GM leadership in quality,, styling', performance and. value,tal<e the wheel, now... during the national GENERAL MOTO RS DEALERS INVITE YOUto test drive the only cars that bear the Markof Excel lence. See, hear, and feel for yourself GM's margin'of superoity over the other 1968 cars.Drvn Is believingl Corne in today! Your test car is waiting There is a difference! And we can prove it! Discover what our Mark of Excellence means in motion! Check in at your dealer's ROAD TEST CENTRE! Duri ng February, Chev-Olds an .d Pontiac-Buick dealerships across Canada have been turned î nto Road Test Centres. Specially ~marked demonstrators are on the starting line. Corne on in, pick your car and take a drive. You'll be glad you did! 20 minutes wiII prove our point! Give us just a fewv minutes and ve'II prove that the Mark of Excellence is far more than just a promise of General Motors engineering leadership. It's your guarantee that you'll find more of the features you're. looking for in any GM car. Rate the great ones ... Whichever price field is vours, whichever car size appeals to You, howvever you like your car equipped, this is your chance to find out wvhat makes the '68 General Motors cars so far ahead of the rest. The welcome mat is out! You can coun-t on a warm wvelcomne at any Chev-OIds or Pontiac-Buick dealer's. But no pressure. The whole idea is for our cars to do the talking. But if you wvant to talk trade or deal -you've picked the right 'time. ~PONTIAC -CHEVROLET -OLDSMOBILE - BUICK -FIREBIRD -CAMARO -CHEVELLE -BEAUMONT *ACADIAN - CHEVY Il-IC - cVIVA - CORVAIR - CADILLAC Seýe your local authorized General Motors dealerCP18 ROY NICHOLS MOITORS LIMMITED- 4BOWMANVILLE, ONT.' ROBSON MOTMORS LIMITED BOWMANVILLE, ONT. PI-IONE: 728-6206 - Courtice 623-2556 - Bowmanville 166 King Street E., Phone: MA 3-3396 P-IIONE* 728-6206 - Courtice 623-2556 - Bowmanville 166 King Street E., Phone: MA 3-3396 , ý rmmm ýF