_________ ORONO ~~~WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAV, FEBRÜARY 8th, _1968 _________________ Who'sWho In TE-Clarke Plyer fi M n Fr Al Seasons' February 8, 9, 10, ecsl Hall RICK NEAL - Flaving proven his flair for- comedy sevieral times, being nominated for best actor as Hamlet's graVe digger and "breaking up the house" as an obtuse backxwoods Canadian in Trio. Rick f5 110w trying his band as the serions, thoroughly despicable Chapuys. BOB SIMPSON - Another oldtimer, Bob has progressed fromn a messenger in the ilamiet production to the role of Thomas Cranmer, Arcbisbop of Canterbury. JOHN AMESBURY- Although a new member in our com pany, Mr. Amesbury is no stranger to theatre. lie has acted in a great many productions throughout bis career and is at present director of the Bowmanville -Drama Workshop. te make the decadent Cardinal Wolsey seem more real, he ha-, assnmed a pomponus speech and manner. KEINNETE STUBINGTON - Intense- ,j întei csted in theatre and the promo-. Locn of it, Mr. Stubington has acted in varions productions from dramna to mt sicals. Since joining our group he has proven a great asset both back stage in llamlet and en stage 'in Trio' AS the corrupt antagonist Cromweli, bis talent is evident. John Milne, Bill Caldwell, Leslie Miklos, Paul'Nesbitt Ellen Millson, Caroline Johnson Gary Forget - A respected member of the group with many performances to his credit, Gary.brîngs to his role a wealth of enthusiastie re- searcli. lis understanding of Roper, the fickle young man with a cause demonstrates this. Brian Haick - Brian's rugged good look and dynamie personality make hin suited for botb serions and comic roles. while bis îpowerful voice bas serve< hlm well in playing sucb cliaracters as King Claudius and a German Corporal. As tbe egotistical. formidable Henry VIII, lie is attempting bis most chai- lenginig role yet. Maria Korïkas - As, a fresîman actresý joined our c ýast this fal, M"aria makest lier inexperience by sheer liard worl ~talent. Don McKenzie - Don, a senior member, lias sliown, tlir ou gb various roles, the abilîty to assume bis cbaracter's identity completely, obtaining an instant rapport wîth anf audi- ence. -Don secs Ricb as a sensitive man tomn between good and evil forces: adrift, clutcli- ing bis virtues yet drowning in ambition, be becomes a pitiable figure instead of a mionster. Katliy Lovekin - From its origin this lovely girl lias been witli the company, ýworking tlirougl tlie ranks both on and off the stage. She currently plays the sensitive Margaret wbo would risk lier adored father's contempt for his safety. orieý Murphy - Although Mari orie' has considerable experience backstage as dinator for Hamiet and directlng bhers in Arms" for Trio, this is her appearance before the liglits. The that she obtained the principal fe- role is a tribute to lier talent. orie hopes te continue on in the field eGould- Like many in our company, b as ascended to lis present role. -ig proven bis ability in Trio (per- ng witli a cast on bis' arm), lie seem- tbe perfect eboice for Norfolk. agb him we see the Duke as a man ht in a situation be neither likes nor rstands; an easily swayed man, bis ty to country and conscience causes to turn unliappily from bis closest id. ;iiý ;ý iî ie 1 m i iiîie 1 mie, ýý;m ==gwc