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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Feb 1968, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l5th, 1968 ORONO W EEK LY TIME S (Au orzed . as Secon-,d Class mnail, Post Office Depai*t!ment, ?uusideveýry Th-ursday at the of'Ifice of publicatioe Mlain Street, Pnone 109, uron, u 0itario Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Medicare Facts seem to be missing in the present battie over Miedicare and there appears to be irrevalent arguments and a scare campaign. It is a' question on ývhich both the fed- eral and provincial governments have been rîglit and wrong. Ottawa would appear to be right in its position that Canada has reached a position of wealtli and maturity in that everyonie is entitled to Medicare. This appears in On- tario where close to one hundred percent of the population is today covered for medical care either through individual policies or policies paid for by the Ontario Treasury. Ot- tawa mnay be wrong in its 'phasing-in' policy but this, is flyý a matter of tirning and what is there in a year one way or another. The Province of Ontario has assured everyone medi- cal care in its program of OMSIP. This is a cost to the tax- payers of the Province who today finance the poor risks and those who are unable to, pay for the service. Private firrns are allowed the creami of the crop, those who are in good health and ýwho can afford the prerniurn charges. In fact the private insurance companies are making money on this group while the Province subsidizes the' poor risk factors. The scare over the Ottawa scheme being compulsory is really a false scare because no one can afford te be with- out it anyways, except, of course, the very ricli. Many people are frighitened to death of Medicare. But this friglit does nlt corne from fact but rather fromn staternents, rnany of which are fundamentally wrong. The use of terris such as 'wreak havoc' and 'excessively ex- pensive' are alrisleading. Today the majority have medical care, paying the cost of premiurns out of their own pockets. The Ottawa scheme cornes in with assistance ta everyone which in the end is a cost to the tax payer but then is also a savinig factor as it reduces, to a degree, the present premiums. The scheme assures care to ail Canadians which is the key for its existance. Frankly our political leaders have not paid us the respect which we are entitled to in'this issue. Canada May Be 11eady For, Swinger, But Is Hle? The charisma of Pierre Elliott Trudeau lias become a political phenomýenon exciting Canadians of ail party al-' legiances but particnlarly the Liberals. It rnay well lie ini the power of the Liberais to elevate this self-admitted neo- phyte of Canadiian affairs to the position of prime min- ister of the country. Justice Minister Trudeau lias not courted the amaz- ing following drawn te hlm wherever lie appears. H1e seems a self-effacing individual. His attraction lies in the great difference lie represents frein the standard images of pol- iticians to which Canadians have corne to be ah to accust- omed - images in fact with which we have becorne hored if nlot disilluisioned. His intellectual capacity, lis dress, his mannerisms, bis background set Pierre Elliott Trudeau a cut outside the ordinary. He's adjnrged by his "fans" as a man aptly in character with the times. Peter Newman, the political coin- mentator who deait so ruthlessly with John Diefenbiaker and lias not always been kind to Prime Minister Pearson, is but one of many in the Ottawa Press corps who lias, been caught up in the Trudeau aura. H1e writes of hin as a "cerebral man of action wlio despite bis obvions' passion lias a sense of inner repose and a refusaI to bend bis per- sonality into artificial political postures." Other pundits have based their judgements on the Marshal, McLuhan theme that the medium is the message. In this context Mr. Trudeau is compared to John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Their case for Trudeau is based on condnct rather than accomplishment. It is perliaps indicative of short memories can be that The Trudeau enthusiasts have gone south of the border for the comparison. It is not too many years ago that many of the samne members of the Ottawa press corps were enthralled witli a Canad ian of immense public rapport. His naine was John Diefenbiaker. Mr. Diefenbaker lias vision, a conscientious concern fo r bis fellow Canadians and a background in poiitics, that ,,,r. Trudeau lacks. Yetthe conntry qnickly soured on hlm. And, almost as rapidly, bis party did too. Orono ýaPark 2Boardk RECEIPTS Bal. forward from 1966 - $241.09 Operating Income Picnics --------------- Parking -------------- Swimming ------------ Rent of Booth -------- Rent from Orono Swimming Club ---- Other Income Province of Ontario Bonds - Interest--- Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, - Loan Tennis Club - on accour for resurfacing Court Grant from Picnic T ables ------------ Grant from Water Installation --------, Township of Clarke Cf tennial Project Com. Total Receipts ---------- Total Disbursements --- Balance on liand in bank Other Assets - $2,500.00 F of Ontario Bonds. EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses Commission on Parking W ater ---------$.----- H ydro ---------------- Pienie Tables -------- Maintenance of Pools and Park ----------- Painting Pool- labour and repairs ------- Lifeguards & Gatemen Lycett Plumbing & Heating - Cllorine etc Installation of water Roîpli Hardware------- McNaughton Brooks - Paint for pool ------ Orono Fuel & Lumber Orono Weekly Times-- Bill Sutherland - Catere] for Bar-B-Q -------1 Stutt's Pharmacy ----- Orono Garage ------- Wm., Wannan - repairs Curvply Wood 'Products Stencil for Bar-B-Q 132.70 958.00 WOODS, WATERS AND WILDLIFE by James Woodford 2,8720 This littie space slip. called 150.00 -Marth', spinning along in tle 10.0 blackness, is a strange place. As 10.0 we look out at a galaxy of stars - and think of the galaxies beyond 6,157.50 whicl the naked eye cannot see, it seems it shouid lie easy to re- member that we do indeed' ive 106.25 in a space slip, a closed system, C > witli a strictly iimited snpply of 300.00 air, land, water, minerais, and al nt the things that make if e possible. 190.00 Yet we kpgep ignoring the ob- vions. 89.97 Astronauts don't just dump their garbage ail over the cap- 75.00 suie - and we cannot forever ýen- dump our wastes in water, land 210.00 and air without serions repercus- ____sions. 97122 Aside from the fact that it's - frightening to contemplate the 7,369.81 vastness of the unknown and the 6,958.03 smallness of ourseives, there are - other reasons why we haven't $411.78 faced Up to the global problem of Province pollution and over use of the re- sources of nature. Unitil recently our cieaning job was always done for us by other living things, - by animais and plants, but now we ~,ave so thoroughly conquered 18.2 nature that the old natural dlean- 17.52 ing system frequently can't keep 7.0 up witli the things we throw into 7.0it. Nature sti worksliard to 252.00 dlean up our wastes, but wlien the natural system is overburden- 552.32 ed, it breaks down, and then man must step lu to restore nature to 119.00 healili so she can dolier job 1,004.35 again. Robert W. Paterson says it nice- 411.43 ly in bis article, 'The Art of the 226.17 Impossible,' in the hast issue of 101Daedaius magazine: "We cannot 1.1 insist on an uinrealistic ten-year 92.50 40.42 108.28 1,860.30 11.95 32.68 5.00 100.00 5,116.15 Other Expenditures Madsen Manufacturing Ltd. Phyground Equipment 341.17 Barber Construction Ltd. Re-surfacing Tennis Court -------------- 1,190.00 Interest on Bank loan - 10.71 Principal of boan -- 00.00- Total Expenditures 1,841.88 $6,958.03 stream near, Fiasco, because the timetable to dlean np a particular town would have to close its pickle miii, which discliarges cf-, fluents that can only lie purified by distillation. In the metropolit- an apea, it lias become impossible, pliysically and financially, to dis-. pose of garbage and trash. Up- state, an outbreak of clodhoppers; - in part, the resuit of arinihil- ating things that use to eat clod- hoppers - is endangering tlie nutmeg indnstry. Altlinugh we do: not i4now the long-run effects of' DDT, we must use it to save the >ndustry from bankruptcy. On the farms around Paperville, goats- wince at the stencli from the mil.- Ninety-ni ne per cent of the smell is said to have been eliminated, but the remaining one per cent still bliglits the countryside." Theý reasons we donot act, ac-- cording to the Federation of On- tario Naturvali sts, are simple .- dollars and Our innate dislike of' governmental decrees. Cheaning np pollution costs tremendousý sums of money and requires an unpleasant degree of regulation., But we are going to have to face both the bill and the ýneed for- stricter anti-pollution mIles, if we, are to 1eep our space slip Earth, liveable Mu"idg et Hockey' (Continued from page 1) tlie Pickering goal whule Stevený West scored the Orono goal with, assist to Stephen Black. Two goals for Orono were t>eý only goals registered in the third peiod. Stephen Black assisted by- Bob Foster colected the first with Steven West scoring the se.- cond unassisted. David Forrester carne upwith some key saves i the final period to keep Orono ini the game. The second and final game of- the series wil libe played toniglit, Thursday, uin Pickering. Picker- ing have, already eiiminated 'the Newcastle,, club from the play- down series for the cliampionship, of Ontario. M E Township of Clark. Application for WARBLE, FLY INSPECTOR Applications for Warble Fly Inspector for the year 1968 williec received by the undersigned up to, and including Feliruary 23, 1968. Applicants te state remuneration ex- pected. Duties to commence Mardi 1, 1968. H. E. MILLSON, Clerk, Township of Clarke, Box 219, Orono, Ontario. PIIIONE NEWCASTLE 987-4711 WMNILE6375 j HIGH YIELD 135.4 BU PRODUCED WITH CERESDALE FE RTILIZERS also THE TWO IIIGIIEST YIELDS 0F CORN IN NORTHI DURHAM THE TWO HTGIIEST YIELDS 0F'COliN'IN SOUTHI DURHAM WERE PRODJCED, WITH CERESDALE F EKTILIZERS Why are more farmers coming to Ceresdale? Maiùly because of the produet »OWMANVILLE 623-7150

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