-.---~---------- -a. -~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY I5th, 1968 Not everyone hails with joy the constantly piling up snowbanks. For some, snow is just that aw- fui white stuff that has, to be shovelled, and February brings longings for spring. Unless you can fIee ta warmer southern climes, you'11 just have to face it. There are ways. A glimpse of the blossoms in Mr. Dent's shop is a hopeful preview of s-oring and to take home one of the flowering bulbs or a bou- quet of daffodils is heart-lifting. Book-wise your reading mater- jal can lift you out of the dold- rums. Especially appropriate are Gladys Tabei's sketches of her day by day life on Stillmeadow- farm in Connecticut. We offer you now at Clarke Library her latest publcation, "Stillmeadow Calendar" and once again as she lias in several similar- volumes, she chats away about her conten- ted life of gardening and cooking; dogs and books; writing and mu- sic; her visitors and neighhours, following through the seasons ln order and spicing her accounts with commpn-sense philosophy. So if you wish, skip the winter months of her daily-like aceounts, and vicariously enjoy the sights and sounds of Connecticut in the spring and summer. Taber Books at the Library Stillme adow Seasons Stillmeadow and Sugar bridge Especially Father Stillmeadow Calendar Mrs..'Daffodil Spring Harvest NEW BOOKS Aduit Fiction Murday for ridge Art's Sake - 'Lock- Dr. P.I. PMaartense DENTIST Orono, Ontario Orono- Medical Centre Office Hours:- 9:00 te 1:00, 2:00 te 6:00 Saturday 9:00 te 1:00O Phone 983-5825 Orono OBuilding, Coutractor Brick -Block -Concrete Stone Wark Carpentry .- Cabinet Work Floors -Tile 983-5441 ORONO DX-DX -DX -DX $p Be Wk ECON( $$A $ wl $ Phone 6 Monmouth Ilarry -Maughan The Sea Guils Woke Me - Stoiz Fire-Huniter - kjelgaard Aduit Nonfiction The World of Carbon - Asimov 1101 Questions & Answers to Your Skin Problems- Robbins John A. MacDonald: The Young Politician -Crpighton A Treasury of Canadian Hum- our - Allen Juveilie Let's Get Turties Gentie Ben Girl Guiding Scouting for Boys Dorothy Robinson We are having a real old fash- ioned winter. The temperature was 10 below zero on Sunday. Tiec church service was held evenc thougi it was so, cold.c Mr. Jack Stapleton and Mr.i Truman Garbutt have returned home from Bowmanville Hospital, boti feeling niuch better. The funeral of Mr. John D. Brown took place in Orono Un- ited Church on Tuesday. Febru- ary 13th. Hie was hemn on Lake- view Far~m on the sixti ulne, eighty-nirr- years ago. At the time of his marriage te Nellie Tam- blyn, they went to live on the Brown Farmn south of Kirby, now owned by Mr. Reid Cochrane. Several years later they moved back to the Brown homestead on thc sixth line where they raised, pure bred Holstein cattie. They sold their farm to their son, Mr. Everett Brown and retired in Orono. After the 115 Highway eut the farm ini two, Mr. R. Reinstra purchased it. Mr. J. D. Brown has spent the last two years in hos- pital. Our. sympathy is extended to M.rs. Brown and the family. Kendal United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Mary Luxon on February the 7th. We sang 'What a Friend we have ini Jesus' then our president Miss C. W. Stewart opened tic meeting with a poem followed by a lenten devotion in which ail the memb- ers participated. Tic topie for this meeting was 'The History of the Churci in Canada', taken from our study book. Thc Catholie Jesuit, the French Huguenots and the Anglican in Montreal were reviewed. The Baptists from Providence, Rhode Island were studied and discuss- ed at this meeting. Some of our members were Baptists and told us of their youth in the Baptist Church. Talent money was given eout. Mrs. K. Wood and Mrs. M. Luxon served a delicious lunch. Kendal would lîke to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Larry Manders to their new home at the east end of the Sixth Lîne. Larry, of course,, grew up onl that farm, but his wife, nec Marlon Carruth- ers, is new ini the Kendal com- munity. -DX - DX -DX- DX [se: ... $b LOMIZE! FE $ 681j- 3 341 s$ DX - DX - DX-DX DX -Di U-LXj Up'And Down Ths.'Book Stocks UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Viniter Rev. B. E. Long SUN»AY, FEBRUARY 18, 1968 Orono' United Church Sunday Sehool at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- MorningService at 9:45 Sunday Sehool at 11:00 Leskard- Sunday Schooi at 9:45 NEZ==b Stutt's Pharmtacy Phone 983- 5009 Orono, Ontario Sale of Leotardý,,-s Save 25% on ail tights and "thigh- highs". Seamle"s stretch nylon in plain knit, fishnet and fancy crochet. Sizes te fitl clorReula adlu hefse v10 2 5%OF fitl cildrs ena auesfconte .50ef? seO- to $2.75 Sweater and Skirt Kits 2 only, spun-to-match knitting woel and skirt material in heather tones. Kit includes 12 ozs. 3.ply knitting wool, 30 inches matchlng woollen skirt material 54 ins. wide and 3 knitting patterns te fit sizes 34 te 40. Gold and green. Reg. $10.95 Sale Price, each $7.95 LADIES' SWEATERS Several wool and- orlon- Cardigans and Pullovers including turtle necks in popular shades. Reg. values te $13,98 Your Choice - $5.95 Boys' Pyjamas Beys' Pyjamas of good quality striped flannelette. Blue and wine predominating. Sizes 12 and 14 years. Reg. $2.95 S'ale Price - $1.95 GIRLS' T-SHIRTS, Several girl's knitted Cotton T-Shirts with long siceves. Plain shades and stripes Ideal for wearing with slims. Sizes 8 te 14 years. Reg. values te $3.00 Your Choice, each - $2.19 STO ' Local News <A surprise party was given for Wayne Couvier last Saturday nigit by his family at Bonnie and Robbie Reid's home. Thirteen, of bis friends were on hand to dane and p-lay ping-pong etc. and later lunch was served with a cake, decoratcd like a drum, being the highlight. This was to celebrate ,Wayne's, l5th birthday. The Orono Public Sehool ield ýa Valentine Skating Party at the Orono Arena on Wednesday. Mrs. Margaret Linton spent the weekend with Miss Louise Cowan, Toronto. Mr. Deug Powell returned to bis home on Wednesday from the Bowmanville Memoial Hospital. Miss Carol Gilb'ank resumed her duties at the Orono Branch of the Canadian Imperi al Bank of Commerce on Monday after hem recent illness. Mrs. E. Fallis of Millbrook and Mrs. E. Teuc hburn, Orono' are at-. tending the February Conference of the Women Teachers' Federa- tion at the Westbury Hotel, Tor- onto, this weekend. Sometime Wednesday morning thieves broke into Mercer's Gar- age in Orono where they broke open the cash register damaging it. Aise taken from the premises was a revolver and, a rifle., ML 9 Kendaül News BAND CO0N CER T ROàNO TOWN HALL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18 -th 2:30 p,m, Music by the Orono Junior Band and Eastdale Cllegiate Band, Oshawa Silver Collection Is our professional i ~responsibilit y... To compound your physician's pre- scriptions with the utmost precision is the prime responsibility of the registered pharmacist. There is nev- ~ er any 'compromise with accuracy. 5