-.w *-~-~-~' z '- t - ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l5th, 1968 i P lic pe iqgml Tuesday eve, ninig in Port Hope Larry Luan, son of Mr. and Mrs. CVarv\in Luna, Orono, and a stu- dent of tlie Orono Public School ,,as cliosen one of five contes- tants to compete in the Durham Counfy Public Speaking F inals. The competition on Tuesday ev- ening was coatested by students from east Durham including the Townships of Clarke, Hope, Cav- an and flie Town of Port Hope. 'Vhie five wel'e chosen fromn a to- tai of twelve contestants. The five cliosea at Port Hope on Tuesday will now compete with five others from Wcst Dur-: ham in the finals for Durham Countyv. Thsontesf xiii beheid in Orlono. Larry Luani spoke on "Albert7 Scliwitzer.' On Fc brjuryIv th Larry won tlie honour to repý-resent Clarke Town- ship Pub-lie S2hools when lie was chosen the top public speaker at a contest lield in Orono for Pub- lic Scliois in thc Townsliip. At this coatcs.,t Miss Pegy oste-r of thle atraiespeaker. Peggy spoýke conlVincuent Massey. 1i'le Co)unc:il o the Township of CI,ý-lake t theiîr recent meeting gave, tieir authorization f0 flic engneeingfirm of Totten, Sims anrd Nubieki to procced with the construction of an overlihead bridige for the Newtonvilie Road over tlie C.P.R. tracks, Approval' for this construction lias been- re- eeived f'rom otlier bodies assoc- itl i tlielicprojeet. Çouacil aliso endorscd the ap- plictio îyBird of Paradise Es- tate TLimited for the cntuto of tncott"ages on part of' Lot 13 inVI the roke Frot Concession. Atrtywas gv en for tlie livery of pi-run grýii ave d aiso) for- the cu 'igan- delivering if crusli gravel. Auitliority was also given f0 ad- vertise for a War-ble Fiy Jnspec- tor. A donation of $25.00 was made f0 the Orono Horticuitural' So- lciety. A meeting last w%%eek heild fo discuss tlie cdivision of the Coun- rieS (fI - ortLiïiberland and Dur- 1paam for school purposes cnded wtIh no decisioln being made in 3iemaer It lias been reported ffthattc delegafes to the meeting representing ail public and higli seoo oards along with repre- settvsof Municipal Cou,,ncils and County Couacinil werec evenly divîJidcdin thc matter follow)výin-g a ýuI iscussion of the issue. Tihose favouring the split put up littie opposition to the two-county con- erept as recommendcd by the Pro- vincial fgoývernment. It is the intention of thie De- parfmcnt of EducaticAi- tliat the school unit under the new pro- posai to c-orne-into effect on Jan- uary l-st, 1969, wiil include botli the Cut of Northumberland anidùthe 1County of Durliam as a -n1, e uit. Many local politi- lashad feit this area too large and wvIere Pp)roposing that units be set up for ecd of tlie Cou nties. Mrs. H. H. Barlow in reporting efficiently udrtlie two couaty system. Also it was statcd that other areas wouid be operatiag witli even greater areas to serve and witli more 'students to pro- vide accommodation for. Mrs. H. Barlow said tlie new Board would need ail the assistance everybody could give. It is understood that tlie popu- lation of the two Counfies num- bers arouad 80 fliousand and that wifli this numberthe with this popula tion the member- slip on tlie Board wil le sixteen. The Board of the new area will be less tlian the present Dur- liamr District Higli Sebool Board. TIe ,eathi of Clarence William An,80 ycars, of Orono, occur- re t Memorial Hospifai, Bow- mavil, n udaJanuary 28,, 98,foll'owinig an i llness of flire So)n of the late Mr.. and Mrs. D aniel AIlun, he was bora at Or- ono wliere lie receivcd is educa- tion. On Mardi 25, 1944 lie mar- ried ftle former Myrtie Pearl Gýl- bank wlio survives. Thc deceased lived moist of bis life la Orono, except for a brief ý)eriod Wlcn lie resideýd iii West- ern Canada. A laborer lie was em- ployed af the Tree Nursery la Orono for a number of years, re- tiring 10 years ago. Mr. Alilla ýwas a faitliful.member of the Or- ono United Churci. lie was also a member of tlic Orange Lodg,,c as well as the Sons of Engiaad. Survivîng besides bis wife are aný only brother, 'Rev. Cccii T. AI' uine of Pasede-na, California, fwo 'e! 'iexvs, Rev. Ron-ald Allia, Cha- grnFis, Ohlo, and Rev. Gerald Ajl.Pasedenia, and a nicce, Ituth Meilim of Bowmanville. Tcfunerai sevi e was lield frm he Barlow ,,Funeral Hiome, rooon Tucsday, January 3Ofli ai-d was coaducted by Rev. Basil Long. Temporary intermeint was la the .Lang Vault, Orono Cerne- tery, and buriel will be in Orono Cernetery. Among tlie aumerous lovely floral tokens, evidence of the es- teem ln whidli the deceased was held was one from Keadai Lodge PaIlbearers were Messrs. R, Sutton, Freeman *Eddy, 'Cliarles Copoer, William Hoar, Roy Pat- ton and Dcvitt Haraess. Wil God intervene la mea's af- fairs? The steadiiy worsenîng world situation attracted 1095 per sonsf0tlite Lindsay Collegiate and Vocational Institute this past weekend to hear this question discussed by Montague Mais, Dis- tict representative for j elovah's Witnesses. The audience applauded the speaker as lie proved to lis lis- timers, witli appropriate quota- fions from the Bille, "that God lias intervencd lain en's affairs in fthe pasf and, most assurediy wili do so in tlie future." Mr. Mais introduced bis subject, With the statemeaf: "No matter wliere we live on the eartli, eadh of us la under divine observation, To support fils statrnent, lie 17eàc Hebrews 4:13, "There is not a creation fliat is not rnifest in his siglit, but ail things are nakcýd as aneape of God's interest ini men's affairs in the past and a ýarrallel was drawn between their affairs and the affairs of Christendom today.1 His, listeners dîsplayed parti- cular interest when Mr. Mais sta- ted that 'Jehovah lias already be- e-un intervening in men's affairs today since 1914." Jesus outlined, niy visible evidences of a great sign indicating the start of God's speciai intervention since that date. A resolution was adopted to pe- tiinDr. Hastings Kamuzu Ban- da, president of Malawi, Central Africa, to bring to a hait the pre- gent wave of persecution of Je- ýovah's Witnesses in lis country. Thcy have recently been the vie- tims of mob violence, bouse burn- ings and murder. Over 1000 wo- men have been forcibly raped and obscenely treated by mobs of youtbs. Fourteen ministers dained -at Saturday ordination ceremony. were or- afternoon's Bouquet Prestige Invieadon Line Thermo-eagraving (raised lettering) looks and feels Mie the fincst hand eagraving. The letters have an elegance and individualîty oaly flic finest biand engraviag can match andi the costs are hall of hand cngraving. You can order matching enclosure cards, reception, re- sponse, tbaak you aad at borne cards, etc. Select from our giant catalogue of flawlessly correct papers. Eleven distinct- ive styles of letteriag. Orojno Weekly Times q