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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Feb 1968, p. 1

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VOLUME 31, NUMVBER 7 Last Thursday evening the 'Ceuncil of Clarke Township met iu a special session to carry out various items of Township busin- ess. Considenable discussion was a- gain giveh to the Presbyterian Church Cemetery lu Newtonville which the church is seeking to' have the Township take over. Reeve Foster stated he would like to see this cleared up as it had beenl earrying on for a nuin- ber of years. Counillor Stone stated that,, counceil should do niothing uti ,sch time as the Chur>lch cearly defines the area and wheu it establishes the prop, er righ o)f-wày into the property. '0n motion the solicitor for- the Township is to prepare an offer tO the Preshyterian Church iu whiichý the Township would ac- eept the Cemetery when the property is clearly marked, fetic- ed and a passable right-away es- tablished. The draft offer is to be presented at the March meeting of council. ' A letter from the Newtonville IWomien's 'Instiute asked that som acionbe tcaken by Council in claningup a building lunew touville wich does not enhance the appiearance of theHaet Coun11cil is to seek advice lu this -Matter froma the Departiienit Of Mun-'iicipal Affairs and their sol- icitor. Sonie members of Couincil WRN 'EEIKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, '~Ja nese The e" t Monthly U.C. The eneral Meeting of the U. CA.wa held on Thursday even- il, ng ihe Main Auditorium of the UntdChurcl inl a Japanese at- cnshre with artifîcial cherry tree, chrysanithemnums, displays of Japanesec articles and pictures of Japanese scenes. After words of welcome and an ,appropriate pocin read by the prýesident, Mrs. O. Challice, Mrs.- RI. Chapman led the worship ser- Ace assistcd by members of Group I. The theme of the service was Christian IUospitality, Srs. Chap- man, Mrs. Carson and Mrs. Han- cock sang a very beautiful trio selection "I Walk With God", ac- companied by Mrs. Drummnond. At the close of the worship ser- vice Mrs. Orville Chatterton. the Past President, was presented *iith the Life Membership 'and Pin of the U.C.W. byMrs. Chal- lice, assisted by Mrs. Long. Mrs. Chapman as leader of the Programi committee told us some interesting facts about Japan be- fore showing us beautiful sldes of the country accompanied by an informative commentary. Mrs. K. Schoenmaker gave us -a' insight ;into the back-ground of the art of Ikebala (or Japanese llower aragmn and then demonstrated this art Most cap-e ably with a srunal arrangement of1 chrysanthiemumi--s and branches. 1 A bountiful lunch was provided by Unit 2 oif the U.C.W. and a haîf hour of f eliowship was en- Joyed by aIl. T WoBnd Presnt Pogra Sunday afternoon was musicG ,day lu Orono wheu both the Or- 0 ono Band and the Eastdale Col- legiate Baud of Oshawa present- ed a programme of coicert musica iu the Orono Town Hall. The pro- gram included popular numbers d with a rhythm beat aloug wlth F, Continued page 5 ci The- death ofJh ae Brown of Orono occurrced on Sunday, February 11, 1968 in the Bowmauville Memorial Hospital where, he had be--en iu failing health for the past vear and one haîf. Born on November 4th, 1878 on Lot 25, Concession 6 lu Clarke Township sou of the late Rifh-, ard anad Elizabeth Brown, he was considered one of the pioneers of the Kirby and Orono commuuity, Mr. Brown spent most if bis en- tirýe life farmiug on the homne- stead near the eillage of Orono, where he raised purebr ed Hoi- stein cattie. On September 13, 1905 he mar- ried Ellen Tamblyn who remains to mouru his passing. Upon his retrement they took Up resi- dence in Orohio where he was ac- tive. in community activities and was a member of Orono United Church. Mr. Brown is survived by his wîfe, Ellen Tamblyn, and four children, Mariolu of Oshawa, Ev- erett of Orono, LeRoy of Lindsay and Olive (Mrs. H. E. Milison) Oroâno. lis eldest son James, pre- deceased hlm in the year 1960. He also leaves to, mourn. one sis- ter, Sadie Elizabeth Brown, Or- ono, tehi grandchildren and seven great-grandehildren. The funeral service was held in Orono United Church' on Tues- day,. February 13, 1968, and was eonducted by the Revereud Basil Long. Temporary interment was in the Lang Memorial Chapel, Orono Cemeterý. .Palbearers were Messrs. Carl1 Billings, Reginald Sutton, and c vison Tamblyn, ail of Orono, 1 Gordon Werry ahd Earle Brown f Toronto and Gerald Brown, Newcastle.4 Many beautiful floral tribute r ttested the esteem lu which Mr. Brown was hýeld. There were also T lonations to the Ontario HeartM oundation and the Crippled hildren's Association. i To1 stated that they had received numerous complaints over the bbuilding. Quotations were received by Council for refinishing the floor ou the hall stage and also for work lu the basement to con- plete another office. These were turned over to the Property and Finance Sommittee. Both Reeve Foster and Coun- cillor Stone stated that they had received complaints , lu connec- tion with the cleanliness of the hall. Councillor Stone said that Council should see that it was properly cleaned and that its use properly admnistered., If this canuot be doue "we should close iUp," he said. This was also turned over to the Property and Finance Committee. The Road Superintendent was authorized to caîl for tenders for the Purchase of a sauder. Messrs. Klaas Schoeumaker, E. Richard Lovekin and E. F. R. Os- borne were appointed by by-law to the Committee of Adi ustment. Council received a' request for a sum of $550.00 from the Clarke Township Recreation Commission A letter was also received froin the Area, Ambulance Committe re Clarke's porion of the,$10,000 s;ubsidy to the Bowmauville and Area -Ambulanýce service. Clarke's Portion is around $500.00 after subsidies arc received. TI es Orono antams Wi FEBRUARy 22nd, 1968 itte HLTounaen 1 ra w nam The CarkePlayer's wish 1 thank' their audience and patron for thecir most generous suppo of A Mani for Ail Seasous la week. Thcy are pleased to ai nounce that ait the request many people who could not a tend, the production will be pr< sented ouce more ait the Nev castle Town Hall ou Saturda3 Manch 2, at 8.15 p.m. There wi] bc no re.scrved tickets for thi Performance and ,Il tickets wil býe $1.00. Tickets are now avail able ait cîther Re,ýency Cottag( Antiques, 987-4284, or T he Talis rnn987-4624, Passiîng Tests The Orono Figure, Skating Club has held two sets of tests this year - on January 21 and Feb- ruary 18. The following is. a list Of successful skaters haviug pass- ed their respective tests: January 21--. Prelîminary Figitre- Bounie Barlow. First Figure - Ronda Tennaut. Marilyn West. Preliminary Dances- Dutch Waltz- Tracie Stutt, Stadle Stutt, Nita Taîsma. Canasta Tango,- Tracie Stutt, Nita Taîsma, Susaàn West. Junior Bronze Dances- Fiesta Tango- Lynu Lowery Willow Waltz- Diane Boyd Ten-Fox - Diane Boyd, Barbara Ama Gustar, Lynu Lowery. Februaiy 18- Preliminary Figurs - Tracy Stutt Susau West. Prelimihiary Dauces-.. Dutch Waltz - Donna Kuapp, Dora Knapp, Maureen Shetier, Km West, Marilyn West , Mer- cidy Williams. Swing Dance - Marilyn West, Pracle Stutt, Nita Taîsma, Susan West. Canasta Tango - Cheryl Corn- sh. Fnior Bronze Dances- Fiesta Tango- Diane Boyd. Willow Waltz- Barbara Ami 'ustar, Lynu Lowery, Ten-Fox - Bonnie Barlow, Glen- laTennant. The C.F.S.A. judges for both ets Of tests were: Miss Suzaï-ine rkart, Whitby,. Mrs. Norma iorris, Oshawa and Mr. Stan îurchley, Port Hope. The club .11l bc having another set of* sts on Sunday, March 3. There il1 be senior members trying ieir second figure and Senior ronze Dauces. The Orono Fig- re Skating Club is showing a 1 reat deal of Progress as it has1 3en a member of the Canadian 1 igure Skating Association for Iy three years. 11i Question Period At Church Servie The mnorniulg service at the Or- ono United. Church on Suuday took ou a different formn when the Minister, Rev. Basil Long, was questioned from the congregation. This resulted froi a. former dis- cussion at a Sunday School Staff meeting when some nembers of the staff suggested that ieople should be -eiven the opportuuity La present questions with result- ing answers. This change from the normal took' Place duriug the sermon portion of the service when young aduîts presented their views and asked questions of the minister. The questioning of the mnse (Contînued page 3) The, Orono Bantams on Satui daY won the Eastern Divisiono The Little NHL tournament hel ln Newcastle. Orono team wci out over, three other elrtrjes i the tournament. Teams entere( :0 were from Millbrook, Newcastle s Cannington and Orono. rt 1 The Orono Bantaîyks nolw Tad vabce to the second round of Little NUL play to he held in ittie Britain on Mardi lst when e-the South Eastern Divisju.n wi]l v-meet the North Eastern Divis ,ion. Orono noxv has two teamns in th second roubid of Little NIIL play I a s-Tcbeing the Pee Wos n the Bail il s. Th lca Pee W ,es won a l- tour'amnt !.-,d rectntl4y ln Or ono e On Saturday Orono fi-st played Newcastle taking a four to tvvc victory over the Newcastle squad. Jim Sutherland scored twc of the Orono goals with single goals by Randy Tennant and Blain -Moffat. Oron1o then met the, strong entry from Millbrook and edged out a 3-2 win. Robin Winter led the scoring for Orono with two goals with 'Jîmmy Partner col- lecting the other counter. Donnie Allen, in the Orono goal, played a strong' game throughout and with sheer -cletermination the, Or- ono group were able to keep com- mand of the game and were pre- sented with the Walter Rickard Memorial Trophy, as the Bantam "C" Champions. The entry from Cannington won the consolation when during the tournameht they were first de- feated by Millbrook, 4-2 and later defeated Newcastle 4-1. Two teams were entered ln the Class ',CC,, group being Cart- wright and Keene. These teams played 'Iwo gamies during the af- ternoon with total goals to counit. Keene. was -the victor with the to- tal score of both games being Keene 13, Cartwright 5. Those on the Orono team. were as foll ows: Donnie Allen, goal; Randy' Teninant, Brian 'Black, Robert Tennant, AI LuYk and Richard Bunting,1 defence; for- Of od To Icec in lu I a report to the Clarke Town- of ship Library Board the Librarianf noted that the Library now con-, ntains a total of 3410 volumes. 0f îthis numý-ber 916 are lu the adult n.non itinsection, 1526 lu the le n ection and 968 in the ,yjtïvený;ile sections. r- Durîng, the month of January acireulatoîî reached 12-71 wbich is 0 a drop of 38 from the previous d year. The librara-n, Mrs. Robin- 0son, reported that the drop in readershîp was lu the Juvenile esections. Aduit readiug during January had iucreased over that eof 1968 by 55. d An view of the drop in Juvenile readihg Mrs. Robinson has made garrangements to visit the school 1outlining the sérvices at the lib- 1rary and recommend that the, Board approve an additional pur- ýchase .of Jtavenile Books for the month of February. This request 1was approved. 1 It was noted at the meeting that the Provincial grant to the Lib- rary this year will oly be $650. where last year it had been $900. The total budget for the year was set at $5500.00, of which amount $2000.00 is to be spent on the purchase of new books. Revenue is made up $650.00 from the'Prov- ince, $150.00 ln fines etc with the remainder being requested from the Township of Clarke. wards, Blain Moffat, Robin Wint- er, Jim Sutherlahid, Jin Partner, Nico 'de Jonge, Steven> Boyd, Dean Cox, Steven Cox, Randy Eastabrooke and Neil Brennan. The Orono Bantams have beehi entered to playdown play both lu the Little NHL and in the OMHA grouping. 'The Bautams are to play Beaverton in the OMUA Orono JvnlsTk is G~( me 0fplyon The Orono Juveuile Hockey Club won their first game in the OU-A playdowns on Tuesday ev- ening when they defeated Mill- brook -Juveniles' at' the Orono rink by a score of 6-2. The Orono Club nt only held a conmandig lead in the scorîng but also lu the share of the play duriug the three Periods of pflay. Doug Taylor scored three of he Orono goals with Steven 7West scorinig two and a counter, o Ted Stark, Steven West scored the open- ig goal for Orono as a pass-out in front of the net by Eric Duval rom Doug Taylor. Doug Taylor heu completed, a like feat on a 'ass out from Steven West aud day evening. Orono Atliletic Holding Annual Booster Night Eric, Duvaîl. Millbrook then scor- ed wheni Orono relaxed their checking and a Millbrook player was able to skate around the net and put the puck lu the côrner. lu the second period Taylor scored with ah assist to Gary Black when Millbrook was two men short. Millbrook scored shortly after on a shot frein centre ice. Two pass-out plays lu the third period gave Orono two further goals with Doug Taylor scoring froun Erie Duvali and Steven West on a play engineered by P. Westheuser and Ricky Neal. The second game of the series was played lu Millbrook Wednes- The Orono Amateur Athletic Association are holding their an- nual Booster Banquet this Satur- day evening lu the Orono United Church at 6:30' p.m. Proceeds from the banquet are to be used to assist lu financing the progran. of sports and, the operation of the rink. ollowig the banquet a draw will be held in the O)rono Town Hlall for a cashi prize of $loo.0. This will 4e flo e by a dauýce te, whichl everyonle, whether they attend the banquet or not, are invited. Music will be supplied by Roy Forrester and a group of lo- cal niusicians. At the dance will be a group of Young musicians, twelve iu numnber, wbo have been practic- inig dance baud music lu connec- tioni with the Orono Band over the Past four m-onths. Thýis new- dance baud has prepared six numbers for the dance and on~ 'Satulrday -Wilill make their debut. Council Makes Bld T Settie Cemetery Takeover

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