ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THIU1SDAY, FEBRLUARY 22ixd 1968__ In place of the reg ular sermoh two you ng people from the con- gregation, entered into dialogue with. the minister. Those taking part were Miss Pat Mather and Mr. Richard Black. The area of opening discussion was the fam- ily of faith and the cburch as a family, Pat: We talk about the church family but just look at the con- gregation this morning, there are many grownups but where are the people of my age? We are missing out somewhere. Where are they and what are they do? ing. Are they stillinlubed? Minister: Would you feel, Pat, that this is an indication of our failure, or is it the pJroblem wîth the people of your age? Pat: Both. The Bible is our code but we have had it for a long time and teenagers are waiting for some sort of change. Minister: Do you mean someone to write another bible or do you mean another translation? Pat: Another translation. Teen- ageers sbould be allowed to 'I 88C SALE 88C 'SALE 88C SALE For One Week Beginning THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd Here are just a few of the many items you can choose front Kleenex Tissue, 200's white only, 4 boxes 88c Diamond S Batteries, size 'D' .... 5 for 88c Eveready Batteries 'AA', ... ..... 4 for 88e Dr. Chase Nerve Food ............8e. lustantine, 50 tablets for.......88c A.S.A. Tablets, 250 in bottie, . 2 botties 88c Ilybrid Maryllis Plant Kit with soil ... 88e Score flair 'Creani, giant size tube ...... 88e Bridge Table Cover 88c. Chocolates 88e Jumbo Colouring Table Cloth & Crayons 88e Cast Iron Skillet, 61/2"~ 88e Dresser Scarf 88e Fiction Story Books for boys and girls ea, 88c Men's Cotton Ilankies, 6 in',package ..*.. 88e Baby's Plastic Pants, pkg. of four ..»..88e Instant Oven Cleaner 88e Cast Iron Trivet 88 Metal Serving Tray 88e Exercise Book 12-88e Three 'Cups andl Saucers for .......... 88e Giant Garbage Bags, 10 for........... 88c O 'Cedar Squeeze *Mop Refis for only 88c. FLOWERING BULBS- Double Begonias, package of four...69c Ilanging Basket Begonias, ...... 3 for 69c Gloxinias 67e Faney Leaf 'Caladiumi 67c. ORONO -5c10O $1,00 STORE THE STORE WITII MORE PHONE 983-5401 Dy Popular Demain! THE -CLARKE PLAYERS present a repeat performance of for 1attOêea10n1 by Robert Boit Newcastle Conimunity Hall- FRIAYMARCH 1sf at 8:15 p.ni. Tickets: $1.OýO Phone 987-4284; 987-4624 or at Door From The Orono United Church Minister: As a teenager do you feel that there are principles which don't change? Is anything constant? Do we have to change in everything. Pat: We have a code -of life which tells us that truth and fellowship is the main thing. Minister: We have the constant factor but we do no inerpret it properly or apPly it properly. How are we missing out? Pat: Our generation has been brought up to learn through dis- cassion. Teenagers don't like sit- ting down and listcning. Some- thing like we are doing to day would be very good. Minister: Do you find yourself more interested this morning? Pat: Well I -like to talk. 1 think the teenager is looking for some- thing. As a gbown-up you have gone through more andl have been associated with this type of service longer. Teenagers want something to change but they haven't enoughi experienc'e, to really know what it is. Minister: Do teenagers realize that to bring about change in a good sense they 'have to get in and be, part of somcthîng that needs to be changed, or do they feel that if, they sit back and wait and talk about it that someone else wiil do it? Pa: Most of them feel the lat- ter way. Minister: Do you think they should? Pat: No. They should join in and, try to help but a lot of people like to sit back and let it ail happen and then go with the crowd. Minister: Do you feel that the church has allowed an opportun- ity for young People to help to create change. Pat: Yes, the churcli has been trying to but it takes a lot to get a teenager moving. We are sort, of obstinate. We go through pub- lic school, high school ,and par- ents ail telling us what to do so we are searching for something. that we can do ourselves. (Continued next week) Flowers always an Ideal CGùft > APARTMENT FOR RENT Bachelor size, electrie heat, ail services. phone 983-5539. Phone 983-5539 Orono, Ontario struggle with theïr own transla- tion as well. Minister: Do You realize that there are new translations con- tinually? Pat: Yes, there is the New Cur- riculum but it dida't seem to in- tciest teenagers for long. Miniser: Do you feel that ffhis is the fault of the New Curricu- lum or something within îhe teenagers? Pat: 1 think the teenager is wait- ing for something spectacuilar and the New Curriculum is not s0 They had to search to under- stand and they are not looking hard enough. Minister: Can you give me, by way of illustration, an instance wbere teenagers are, or have been, caught rip in something which holds their involvement or participation. Pat: Teenagers live in a chang- ing world. Mini skirts, drugs ahd many other things will change for something cisc. Cburch has heen here for a long time and teenagers have digressed out of it. I think they will come back but we have to hclp a littie to get them back, SPhone Orono 9833-5808 '3 Orono,Onai II PAINTING OCARPENTRV REOEL f3 GENERAL REPAIIIS g Interior Ext'erior The Orono 13- taîns are in qtiest of two chamLpionshi s this yeir one being in the Little Nul.1 Énd the other in the QM'E X >f: s' SatIIrday the Orono Bantinî , w-i a playdown tournamenit unir the sponsorship of thce 111) NI-L, in Newcastle and cn Tutu-s day night at the Orono rink oock a step in ellîninating B -verton Bantams ini the OlV-îk ia downs. The game on Tue ' v- ening was the first in a t xco t of three series. The Orono Bantams won the Tuesday game, OMHA, bý 3-1. Jo the game the (Jrono Cue" worked bard for the win and arricci a consideî able amount of the play, The first period of oiay w7i scoreless with Orono mnissinga number of scoring opportunities In the second period Robin Winter opened the sroring wben he snapped in a reboend followx ing a shot on the Beavertou inet by Randy Tennant from the point. This was quickly follow' d by Randy Tennant scoring on an, other shot from the p oint. BLv erton kept in the game by scoring a goal fi-cm a serainble froîn the side of the net, The second per- led ended 2-1 for Orono. Orono' scored the only goal of the third period ti is cetnt being by Jim Sutherland xxho '.'ad e)r:v- iously lost out 0on a cÏ i -,-of f in'o shots fro-m bis -wing p ositi0 L Donnie Allen in the Oron>o nets made a couple of key- sa, i in the- last three minutes the gc r cri which could hav ii.ýiP been goals for tc iaeo team. Randy Tennant, Cnaig Peu int and Brian elack played well i - the Orono defencýe and wer ýî ported up front, by the clo ýýe checking of B3lain Voffat Robin Winter. hQeOrono 983-5733 Gien Rae Dairy Prod nets WVi. Neilson's Ice Creani Assoriment of Chocoflate Bars School Supplies Oigarettes & Tobaccos L.P. Records On evenings until 9 except Wiednesday 1id JP time of year for A delicious and nutritions dikfor after school or bed-time. DevrdDaily to your door CLNRAE DAIRY Home Delivered Quart LERE DAIRY Phone 623-5444 týow manville, Ontario .ORONO AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Booster net'rW Banquet -Orono0 United Church Dra,,,&,Dance --Orono Town Hall Tickets $5., 0 -A~Ibefr on Ascation, Music by Local Orchestra NG r