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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Feb 1968, p. 1

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3 Gui'des, Receive Shown above are' three Oron-o Girl Guides who on last Wednesday were presented with Cords. From léft to right Gienda Tennant, Sharon Bairstow and Carol Ann Caldwell. The pr ,was made by Mrs, K. Lycett, District Commissioner. Weekly VOLUME S1, NUBR8 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUAIIY 29th, Heari'nge HeId UIn The Ontario Municipal Board hfeld a hearing in the Orono Town Hall ofi Monday morning :concerning the, application by the Township of Clarke on behaif of the Orono Police Trustes for the ,cons;tructionr of storm sewers, cubgtters and paving in the ýente2r of Orono for an amount of î1o s8,700 '.0C0. The Bo Dard ebairman -informed the hearing that no cecision wouid be .passed dow n at this time by the Board, as it existed as oniy on e me-,ber. The decision he said, 7o-d e submitted in due, coursc-, -fo)llowing further study by the Board. Mjr. Kay Lycett, representing the tirono Police Trustes, called on Mr. E. R. Woodyard, who eut- lh'ied the scope of the project and reasons for its proposai. Mr. E. R. Woodyard mentiotned drainage problems on Church Street north. Also the complaint of water ov- er sidewalk. As Trustees the Nortýiumberland-Durham Health Unit had reported only 15 resi deiits had unsatisfactory sewage systems and that enily four of these were urgent. The report from thellealth Unit was su b- mitted te the Board. ,The report did state that there vwas ino)'great need for sanitary sewers at this tîme T. he Trustees aloiles britted to the Bloard the fact that the Counties vou'd le doing Uco~n- struction on the Main str ect of Orono at 'no cost to Oronio. This swork would be doue onWy if the Village proceeded with their por tion of the project. Mr. Woodyard pointed out that after consuiting with ah engineer- Ôrono Dogs Place Weil In Retreiver Picnic Triaels The second meeting of the Fine Ridge Retreiver Club was held on Siuuday, February 25 at theo United Counitios Beagle Club on highway 45 'sogth of Rose- neath. A picnic trial was also held with the following resuits: PUPPY CLASS - dogs under 1 year - 7 entries, First: 'Blyths Sally' handlod by J. Groves of Grafton. Second: 'Sally of Richgrovo' bandled by D. Groves of Grafton. Third. 'Gypsy Lady' handled hahndled by D. Route of Vernon- vile. GUN DOG GLASS - dogs ail ages -4 entries. First: 'Rex' handled bv B. Van den Heuvol of Orone. Second: 'Gypsy Lady' haudled by D. Route of Vernonville. Third: 'Tim' handled by 'W. Carr of. Streetsville. JUNIOR CLASS - dogs 1 and 2 years of age - 5 entries. First 'Lady Maureeh' handled by W. Helson of Orono was the enly dog to officiallv complete the tests. No second or third p)laces' a- warded. The club will hold another pic- nie trial at the same location on Saturday, March 30 starting ut 9:30 a.m. The trial is o-oen te ail types of retreivers and those wishing to joihn the newly formed, club are asked to attend the noxt trial. Membership $5.00. Oror ing firm it had appeai economical te proceed complote plan rather piece-meai projeet. Mr. Laise stated that the proj and if completed, wouid ou maintehance costs. red te maintenance cest roads lu Oreno lu 1964 1965, $4181., 1966 oer Mr. Woodyard aise p that approval of the sel bee-n olitained Irem til ofe1-1ci* ghways,' W Te ownship of Cou-ýnciland the Tr-ustee On heihg asked how ject wouid affect the mi Orono, MVr. Woodyardst aitheugli the cost 'was'l over a five year period( for a total of five yeai not necessarily mean woulcl...e an additional the Village property, I templated that and fur wouid, ouly be $2.00 or this projeet is net appi( Mr. Woodyard, doing1 piecemeal could mean tax rate. Mr. Woodyard aise st the Municipal Auditor, a very slight increase in dtue te the prejeet. Iu referriug te locald Mr.' Woodyard outliued debeuture of $159,656.6 was standing on itso nicely, aise a Hydre which was self liquidat On questioh by the Bo; man Mr. Woodyard siý Village had net yet obt oecessary ousoments. A represeutative of Il eeriug firm stated the storm sewering iu the1 the Village duýete coi fiooding. Ho saîd this aiç Up lu the Towuship Ro Study which is uow bE pleted. Ho ýaise said it difficuit te soparate on from another., (Continued page Ail-mRound The Orono Girl Guide and Brownio Banquet was held last Wednesday, February 2lst ut the Orono United Church. The bah- quet was eorganized by Glenda Tonnant and. Carol Ann Caldwell. Rev. B. Long said grace. There were two door prizes donated by Mrs. Bey. West. Win- ners of the door prizes were Mrs. Hfarvey Partner and Mrs. C. Wil- kins. le . After the banquet the Guides formed a horsehoe and Captain Mrs. Snelders, resented'Sec!ond Class badges to Barbara Guster, Carol Chatterton, Jackie Stel- ders, Janice Caldwell, Joan Du- vail and Stacy Stutt. Hikerbadge to Glenda Tennant and Carol Ann Caldwell. Skater badge te Dale Evadns. Swimmer badges to Sheila Bairstow, Lynn Lowery, Stacy Stutt, Cheryl, Cornish, Barbara Guster And Carol Chatterton. Toymaker badges to Carol Ann Caldwell and Sharon B atw Homemaker badge ta Jackie, Sneldors. Hostess badges to Deb- ra Ileard ahd Tracy Stutt. Service sl4ars were presented to the following: One year ser- vice stars to Kathy Gustar, Janico Caldwell, Joan Duvali, Juekie Ail-Round Snelders, Lynh Lowery, Susan, ýresentation West, Tracy Stutt aud Mrs. Nel' Snelders, Captain. Two year ser-' vice stars ta Sheila Baîrstoýw,, Karen Coatham, Dale Evans, Car- ol Chatterton,, Stacy Stutt and Barabara Gustar. Four year ser- vice stars to Gleuda Tennaiht and Carol Anu Caldwell. Five year service star ta Sharon Balrstow. Seven year service star te Mrs, 11968 Bob Lewis, Lieutenant. District Commissioner, Mrs. K. Lycett. presented Ail Round Cords, to Glehida Tennant, Carol Ann Caldwell and Sharon Bair- stow. The Ail Round Cord is the second highest award iu guiding. There has been eight Ail Round Cords presented in Oroho and the iast. was presented ilu.1958. Mrs. Lycett gave a talk onwhat badges had to be earned toa ch- Îoieve this award. She also descrJb- ed the projects that two of<tho birîs, Glenda Tennaut and Carol A4hn Cald weil, are -working. on towards thoîr Gold Cords. ared more The Brownies, led by Mrs. with a Beryl Clark, Brown Owl, lit cau- than a dies and sang songs for five dif- Woodyard feront countries. jeet, when Glenda Tennant gave an inter- 1eut dowu 'esting taîk and showed slides on He ref er Mexico,1 which is oee of hor pro- ts for th e ects for her Gold Cord. at $2600., Mrs. Marvin Lun iead the $9000. guides ln singiug and the mothers rHinted ou and guides in a round. heme had Carol Aun Caldwell gave au e D epa-~ informative and interc ting> taik ater Re- si Veed siides on Swi-*tzerland, )f Clarke vhi;h is aiso oeeof lier prejeets les. fer her Gold Cord. Thauks was extended te the jthe pro- miothers lix- Mrs. Kay Lycett for li rate lu heiring with the banquet. tated that Thauks aise te Nancy Forrest- 11.26 mnilîs er, Suzanne Bunting, LiÉda Me- [ottiiott d Laren, and Nancy Barrabali for rs, it did helping toe serve and doing the that the dishes. charge on [t is con [rber cost r$3.00. If roved, said the work a higher 3tatod that 1forçssisted a miii rate debeutures 1a water .62 which own quite debenture itiug. ard chair- atod that 4ained the he Engin- noed for middle of unsiderabie se showed )ad Noeds eing com- wouid be ne section 6) Cords Book Of Poems By Former Citizen Mrs. Florence M. MeClinchie, Roxbury, N.Y.*, formerly Florence Gamshy of Oreno, published a book of human iuterest peems, "Yy Dreani House" lu 1951. Since 'the book, was eut of print, Mrs. MeClinche retreived a copy from a friend when interest was shown in obtainihng a copy for the local library. This copy is uowâ at the Clarke Public Library, and be- cause, it is irreplaceable, it wîll not be ioaned out, but, auyone may read it on the promises. Mrs. MeClinchie is the daugh- ter of Flavious and Jane Wray Gamsby. B <orn near Fen.elon Falls in1l880, left metherless at an eariy age, she war, raised, by her unele, Lorenzo Ganisby, as his a- dopted daughter Now nearing her, 88th, birthday, Mrs. MeClin- chie is the grand-daughter of Guy, Gamsby who onced owued a huge block, of land comprising the whole sôuth-east cerner of the Present village. 11e had origiu-aliy- settled lu the Antioch district be- ing eue of the oarliest settiers, In a recent letter, Mrs. Mc- Clinchie described her home with the Loreuzo Gamsby family:- "iThere was a small printiutg press ln Our home lu a room where father worked on aill kinds of things, griuding bunses and other things. I remembor when Odll the dlock maker and .ioweier got stuck inropairing a dlock father made a mnetal part and got the dlock running for hlm. He alse made a Powerful telescope that attracedt ail the countryside to, view the heavens when a cornet or eclipse was due. Boy, What a Mr. Fixît ho was! and a truly wonderful man. Iu 1898,,Mrs. McCiinchie weut te Tillsouburg to, live with'Bertha and Chianning Henry who thon moved te, Kingsville, Olitarlo.:11cr uext home was with the Austin Gamsbys iu N.Y. She1 entered 'a nursing course ut Memorial Hoes- pital, Brooklyn, N.Y., and lu 1903 marrie dRev. Uriali McClinchie, who served in the First Reformed Churcli in Jrvington, NJ. Follow- iug Mr. McClinchie's death, she i-e ained in lrvington, until 1966, whou she settied lu a retirement home for mbeîste-s and their wives or widew in the Catskill Mountains. Here 15 au cxcerpt from n ee of lier peems, "The Glad Carne.' I'm glad for Irany, many things I cauhot ceunt them ail. l'n- glad for chauging seasýons For Summer, Spring and Fa1i.' And even for the Wiuter months. With ail the ice aud suow., 1 love the cosy warmth of homo, Where I euhn read and sew. Mrs.Gî ofat(WnsDrW The Orono Amateur Athletié Association held their annual Booster Banquet on Saturday ev- ening lu the Orono United Church followed by a draw and danice in1 the Orono Town Hall Close to' one hundred and eighty sat down to the banquet catered to by the ladies of the Orono Figure Skating Club.* The banquet was a turkey din- ner with ail the trimmings. Followinig the dinner the elim- inFitiou draw for one hundred dollars was held in the Town Hall. Mrs. Gladys Moffat of Or- ono was the winner of the $100. Many other five dollar winnerS were announced along with some winning boxes of chocolates. At nîne o'clock dancing cern- menced with James Lowery, Kar- en Lewery, Mrs. R. Stephenson, Rick Stephenson and Roy For- rester providing the music. Later lu the evening thirteen members of the Orono Youth Baud brouglit the big band sound to the hall when they presented a number of special arrangemehits. Thjis band caught the fancy of the crowd whogave them every en- couragement. The baud aise re- ceivcd many sincere compliments Those playingý in the band were, Doug Perrin, piano, Rick Steph- enson, drums, Don McLaren, bass, Blaine Moffat, Gordon Werry, Kathleen Middleton, Shelly Hooey Neil Allun and Keith Allun, trum- pets, Marilyn Tamblyn, Karen Lowery, Carman Cornish and Boyd Wood, saxophones. This was the debut for this band in Orono and no doubt from their enthusiasm te play again they wiil be hoard agai. The ontire evening was most, successful.

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