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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Feb 1968, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TMESTHURSDAY, FEBRUABY 29th, 1968 ORONO'WEEKLY TIMES -Authorize4l as Second Class mail, Post Office Deparutnent, Oft&awa) Published every Thursday at the office o« publicatie Main Street, Phone 109, Orono, Gmtarmo Established ln 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager MERITS YOUR SUPPORT The attempt this Tuesday eveniing to establish a Home andi School Association carnies a lot of menit. This becomes quite evidetit with the reading of the aims as con- tained ln a letter appearing on this page of the paper. 1These aims and goals would certainly justify the creation of such an organizatioii in Orono or any other community. Such an organization should enhance educa- tion for the students in providig a better understanding better the home and the sehool. The proposai for Orono cornes at a time when many feel that 'there is to be a break- down of local autonomy in education due to the creation of langer boards of education. We often wondered, how- ever if local boards did create a close tie between the home and the school. It would seem most logical that the par- ents and the school itself through its principal and staff could establish a much dloser bind than could the board. Recently the 'Bowxnanville High School held a teacher-par- ent night which gave every opportutity for dcoser bind between home and sehool. It is to this end that a Home and School Association is dedicated. No better accomplish- ment could be accorded the Associlation. A number of years ago the parent Association i one of ils bulletins strongly pointied out that many local Asso- ciations were weakening their position by being caterihg groups and fund raising groups. The bulletin said they were leaving their objectives by the wayside thus dîminishing their accomplishmetits in accordance with their aims. If you are a parent and are interested in education in this area you would want to give this organization your support.----- ROAD PROGRAM, A WINNER? It would appear from the tone of the hearing on Monday that the Orono Police Trustees have won their case for the proposed $108,700 road pnoject in Orono. O f course this is only conjecture on our part and the final decisioti will rest until sucli time as handed down by the Municipal Board. The main objection presented by local residents appeared to be the reasoning that the new road program would only have to be tomn-up i a few years to place sanitary sewers in the Village. This would make the installation of sanitary sewers, more costly and possibly holdup such a need in the future. Many objectioùns presented to the Board were not in connection with the project and thus would hiave littie bearing on the outcome of the decision. Report From Queeuân's 'Park Alex Camuthers, M.P.P., Dur- 3. It is a matter that involves ham. the old policy of import and ex- The Question Period and Agricul- port problems relative toe, .gei- titre. eral agreement on Tariff and 'The question. period before the it is also a miatter taken into eon- orders of, the day has traditional- sideration by the Kennedy rounid ly7 provided members of the legs- of negotiatiouxs. làture the opportunity to ques- The second question, addressed tion cabinet ministers on matters to Mr. Stewart related, to what that are of particular public in- action the Minister intended to terest. take in order to, retain in pro- Originally the period was de- duction, Ontario's ohly sugar signcd to give membens the op- beet plantat Chatham.1 portunity to question the govern- Mr. Stewart in replying to the ment on matters of current and question outlined for the memn- vital importance. During the pre-, bers the history and the factors sent sessiohi the period has been that have nesulted in the present marked by the volume of ques- cisis., , tiç,ns being -asked. The resuit'has 1. The low income of sugan beet béen that an increasing amount producers pior to 1967 resulted of time of the letislature is be- in a decline of acreage to 10,000 Îng taken up in this mahiner. to 11,000 acres. At that time A number'of the questiiôns are there was a danger that the plant however, of general public inter- would be, closed. est-'and the answers to them re- 2. The Canada and Dominion veal some important- information. Sugan Company advised the su- The answers to two questions gar beet marketing board -at that asked the Minîster of Agricul- time that unlcss the acreage ture during the past week provid- could be increased the plant ed some significant facts. would have te close. The finst referred to the im- 3. The Ohtario Department of poartng of maraschino cherries Agriculture eontacted the federal from Frahce, and the threat of department and as a resuit, a this importati on on the fruit ln- subsidy on a five year basis was dustry of southern Ontario. Mr. established, by the federal gov- Stewart was asked whether he ernment. had approached the federal gov- 4. The subsidy' offered by the ernment rcgardîng the matter., federal govenment was appli- ln his reply Mr. Stewart stated cable across Canada and amount- it was entinely a federal matter 'ed to approxiamately 1 million but it pointed Up the problem dollars.. that affects flot only manaschino 5. The gnowers assured the Can- cherries, but a great variety of ada Dominion Sugar Company agricultural commodities. that they would contract a mini- Mr. Stewart pointed out the' mumn of 20,000 acres for 1967, following significant factors af- 6. Due to very wet spring, 1967, fectîng -eastern- Canadian agnîcul- onlY 18,000 to 19,000 acres were To the Editon, 1Searching thnough papers for the past weeks, we can find that gives credit te people. the Daily couple of veny little oun young Encouragement for better lives is comrpletely forgotteni when columühists and reporters thrive on degrading the sinall inrority their temptations and ways of living. These facts, which affect all ages and which must be known, are available fmom pro- fessional and educated people. Parents and home environment play a big mole. Hoping your weekly paper will continue printing 1 accomplish- ments 'and achievements of un young people of today. A COMPLIMENT TO TEEN- AGER It has been our pleasure ne- cently ohi sevemal occasions to be in contact with groups of Teen- agers. These young people have respect, politness and capability. Many are aduits ia a sense, but yet eager te listen and leari. Veny much credit is due a group of 80 young people, from Orono and district, ranging in age from 15 te 18 years who gathered for dancing on Saturday night. A Suntlay School class of about 10 girls and boys, supervised by Mrs Armstrong Sr., weme istigators of this party with thein/ friends la our local Unlited Chuncli. Ahl parents of those that. at-' tehxdÉd the dance from 8:30 te 12 o'clock may well be proud of their sons and daugliters, well be- haved and appearing te be having a real good, tîme. 1To those few who wonden what Teenagers are tunning out te be should think twice before ne- marking, "1I wonden whatevcm will become of the kids." Is there one of us who can say our lives have been perfect? Let's give them reward when it is due, A panent. Home and School Dean sir; -On Tuesday evening, March 5, at 8:00 o'clock, there will be a meeting in the Orono School te try te establish a Home and School Association for this area.: 'Home and School is: 1. Officially recognized by the Ontario Department of Education 2. Gives parents and -teachers the opportunity to get aciquainted 3. Increases awareness of com- mon interest ia the child. 4. Gives teachers iinsiglit into factors that make each individual child what hie is. 5. Gives parents an appréciation of the teachers position., 6. Leads te mutual concera a- bout pnoblems in education, 7. Is a source of information a- bout. educational policies ahnd programs. 8. Can achieve resuits beyond the power of unaffialiated groups 9. Provide parents with the op- potunity te study child develop- ment. The goals of Homne and School arc: 1. To premte the welfare of chidren and'youth. 2. To raise the standards of home life, 3. To promote and secure ade- quate législation for the cane and portection of children and youth. 4. To faster ce-opeiation between parents and teachers ln the train- ing and guidance of children and youth, both dunitg and after the school period. 5. To obtain the best for ecd child according te his physical, mental, social and spiritual needs 6. To give parents an under- standing of tic sehool and its wonk, îhd to assist ln interpret- ing the school la ail its aspects to the public. 7. To confer and Co-operate witi organizations other than schools wiich cohcerns thernselves wiiJi zenship and patriotism, aid to promote through education na- tional goodwill and peace. Home and school is a vital link between the main partniers luý the education of our children - the parent an-d the teacher. This is the fondamental justification for the organization, but its scope extends beyond th.ese boundanies as it aimis- for informed -parents in the field of education and child development. Thus, parents may help to determine intelligcntly the quality of education their children will receive at home and at school. Isn't it our duty as parents to take advantage of an onganization such as this especially now be- fore January, 1969, when all schools in Northumb-,rland and Durham counties will function unden one board and we will be even farther removed from what is happening la our educational system. We are looking for a good at- tendance of interested parents on Tuesday, Manch 5, 1968, 8 o'clock li the Orono Public Schol, under the direction of Mr. Doug Moffat, Principal of the sehool. Sincerely, Mrs. Bruce Gustar >Kendal News Miss C. W. Stewart attended the birthday celebration of her neice, littie Carnie Brown, daugh- ter of Mn. aànd Mrs. Bryant Brown in London, Ontario, last Week-end She went with her sisten and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Lofthouse. Sunday was a perfect day, our choir sang, a farniliar song, loved byv Evaùgelist entitled 'Love list- cd me'. Rev. T. Snelgrove preac- JACK REALTOR, BOWMANVILLE When fuying or Sellng cali WILF HAIWKE YOUR ORONO AIEA, REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 'dembers of I)shawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board cd on the scnipture, Matthew 4, 1 to, 10. 'The Great Temptatione of Jesus" even upon the cross the suggestion was made by the Jews "If lie be the King of Israel let him come, down £rom the cross." Now that .the Febmuaty storms; are past let us mally back te our chunch on Sunday momning. PLEASE SAVE TOUR Waste Paper FOR TME ]BOY SCOUTS -NEXT COLLECTION DATE. Saiturday March 2 Please have PaïDer tied and placed at road side 'HUBERT GROOT Your Representative for North American Life Uife Mortgage Protection Income Replacemüent and Estate'Planning Phone: Bus.: 728-9427 Res.: 623-9958 Letters to EdItor k» I arerShop Complete Line of TIMEX .TCHES Timex ELECTRIC - Ladies' and Men's for Ladies and Mcn ZIPPO LIGHITERS for MEN and WOMIEN Bentley Butane and Seipto V-LIGHTERS (Lifetime guar.) WALLETS * a for Men and Women PIPES - CIGARETTES Special Line'ia G'OOD CIGARS Sokiag Tobacco - Watch Bands We sell ail GLEN RAE RODUCTS

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