li wào 40 -0 "l mi,.~- - om 'w «- mi Iiu0Wimm oiw 11,0, ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29th, 1968 If your- little girl is atteliding ballet classes, a look through a slim, new volume at Clarke Lib- Qrary inay inspire her. One of the "Dancers of Today" series, it is a pictorial record of Dame Mar- got Fonteyn's career. The beau- tiful costumes will set a petite ballerina dreaming. For ý balletomanes, "A Diction- ary of Modern Ballet" is a guide Io the dancing world. It contains biographical notes on artistes who have cuntributed to the bal- let -- dancers, choreographers, critics, designers, conductors, composers, etc; also the story line of many ballet, and information onx ballet and dance companies. Ail this data is arranged alpha- betically for quick and easy fact- finding while illustrations and photographs make the explana- tory text more effective. A recent fascinating autobîo graphy at the Library is the story of one of ballet's most exciting stars, Rudolph Nureyev. The pub- licity at the time of lis defection from Russia in 1961 made his name internationally known and bis later pa s a deux with -Margot Fonteyn dev.eloped into one of the nmost successfuk partherships of the ballet world. Magnificent Phqltographs reveal the vitality and grace of Nureyev who is des- crib ed as a "virtuoso romantic, a very rare phenomenon indeed, and not likely to recur in a gen- eratiofl." TUERE'S NO BUSINESS LIKE SHlOW BU-SINESSý At present at the Clarke Public Library, wec are -featuring stories of sho-w biz persobaIities; plays Orono, Ontario Orono Medicai Centre Office fours:- 9:00 to :00, 2:00 to 6:00 Saturday 9:00 to 1:,00 P ne983-5825 Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block- Concrete Stone Work Carpentry- Cabinet Work -Floors Tile 983-5441 ORONO $ DX and books from which 'movies were adapted. Newspaper enter- tainment pages are currently ad- vertising these book-based movies The Dirty Dozen; The Comediats Far From the Maddîng Crowd; Hawaii; Up the Down Staircase; Valley of the Dolîs; To Sir, With Love; In Cold Blood; Tom Jones; The Tamîng' of the 'Shrew; The Naked Runner; Hlotel; The Sand Pebbles; The Collector; Doctor Zhivago; Gone With the Wind. NEW BOOKS Aduit Fition. Ruhway Zero-Eight- Hailey.' The Sand Pebbles -McKenna. The Dirty Dozen - Nathanson. Far From the Madding Crowd Hardy. Einstein - Michelmore. Aduit Non-Fiction Birthday Parties Around the ,World - Rhikoff. The Fatal Impact- Moorehead. Silently, By Night Peterson. .JUVENILE Dnny Dunn and the Homework Machine. Here, Buster. The Mitten -Mci Lei Iianpi Warriors and their Wea- pots Lconardo da Vinci. Pua Fun Shakespeare's Theatre. Ail About Cats the Woods. Foflow Me. Calendar Moon. Libraries, Trýudîeaun, ý To Speak, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, front running candidate for leadership in the Liberal party will be the guest speaker at the Founding ConentonBanquet of the Nor- thumbiferland-Durham Liberal Ri- ding Association to be hcld in Port Hope on March 2nd. Russeli C. Honey M.P. for Dur- hamn, chairman of the LibeýaI Caucus and chairman of the On- tario for Trudeau Committee, ma6e the announicement recelntiy. The Justice Minister and pos- sible Prime Minister's speech1will. climax a big day for Nortliumber- land-Durham Liberals meeting in tihe Li'ons Centre. Liberals will a-' dopt a trew constitution - elect executives for their organizatiop and elcct delegates to the Lead- ership Convention in April. A panel discussion fcaturing A. O- Brien, N'-ational Organizer for the Liberal Fecderation of Canada; Hugh Faulkner, M.P., Peterboro; -Marc-el Prud'homme, M.P. for St. Denis, Monitreal; Dr.. Pauline Jewett and Senator Arthur ]Roc- buck. Following a receptiion at the Lions Centre the Foundîng Con- ventiohn wili move to the Port Hope lligh School for ' the even- ing b2nquet and the address by Hoh, Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Orono ýTrusteeoýs Heur Compla'Int -'Oa Ice Anid Snow The Orono Police Trustees held their regular monthly meet- ing on Monday evening with Mr. D. Simpson in the chair. Mr. Robert Hazeldea,. repre- senting the Orono Chamrber of Commerce, ;stated that the-Cham- ber was concerned with the build- up of snow and ice around the Orono Post Office and the Bank. This, he said, makes it hazardous for cars and pedestrians. In the Post Office area traffic has beeh reduced to asingle lane. H1e also pointed out that no attémpt has been made to correct the situa- tion and that the Chamber felt that something should be donc. Mr. Doug Sispson said this had been an exceptionally bad year for ice and snow and that the Trustees would have to deter- mine if finances were available for such work. Mr. Nicholson saîd that if they did somethîng in one place they might have to do it throughout the Village. No further actioni was taken by the Trustees. Mr. Sterling Mather approach- ed the Trustees concerning the rentai of the Municipal building for the holding of a bingo to be sponsored joîntly by thre Orono Athletic Association and, the Or- ono Chamber of Commerce. Ten- tative a"provai was given at a rentai fee of $10.00 per evening. Theturning over of the building to hydro use was mentioned dur- UNITED QCIIURCll Omono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, MARCII 3rd,' 1968 Orono UniRed Church Sunday Schlool at 10:00 Service at 11:-15 a.m. Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday Sehool at 11-00 Leskard- Sunday Schooi, at 9:45 ing the discussion. In the correspondence a re- quest was made by Nesting Fur- niture Limited to be able to, use the Orono dump. Mr. Nicholson stated that lie had contacted Mr. Klasner in this connection as they had been dumping~ refuseý ail over the place and were out- side the limits of the Village and not entitied to use the Village dump. Mm. D. Simpson stated that they shouid give an answer alid heip to co-operate. He sug- gested that an area be set aside for industriai dumping and that they set forth an agreement charging a rate of $15.00 a month for its use. This motion passed. Upl nd Down The Book Stocks IOur professional Sresponsibilitye.. To ecompound 'your, physician's pre- scriptions with the utmost precision is the prime responsibility of the registered pharmacist. There is. nev- (if erany compromise with accuracy. SÀ"tutt's Pharniacy Phone 983- 5009 Orono,, Ontario WALLPAPERI Now is the time to get ready for Spring decorating,. See Our new ready-pasted Wallpapers, so easy to use. Just eut, wet and bang. Patterns and textures iiichide floral, scenîcs, wood- grains and pastel plains. Priced per single roll front.. 79cto$12 WALLPAPER RMANT Here is a chance to brighten up your rooms with" sub- stantial savings to you. Remnants, of pre-pasted and non-past- ed papers in patterns suitable for any room. Bundles contain from 4 to 15 single roîls. HALE PRICE OR LESS. I It was pointed out by Mr. Simnp- son 'that Mr., Tenhant now uses the dump for disposai of refuse coflected in the Township and that others in the Township were making use of the area for dump- ing. Mr. Woodyard said they have received a number of com- plaints against the dump and the condition it is in. A letter from the clerk of the -Municipaiity- outlined the pay- ments during 1968 for the re- ~tirement of the water debt, in- terest and operation in a total a- mount of $14,058.88. This is ex- clusive of local operatiôn. The costs will be recovered in a fron- tage and connection charges a- mounting to $9,156.43 and cot- sumption receipts and miii rate, the later if neoessary, in an a- mount of $4,902.45. The clerk aiso furnished the Trustees with their assessment 110W totallihig '$859,015.27, an in- (Continued page o) DX-DX -DX -DX -DX-DX -DX-DX $ Be Wise:...$ ECONOMIZE! Phone 6834 DX-, DX - DX -DX DX -DX