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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Mar 1968, p. 3

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OROZ4Q WEEKLY TintS' TJIUJS»AY,?ÎARCH -7t1.18 GLEN RAE DAIRY PRODUCTS, GILLARD CLEANING Agent Cigars up to 35e Cigarettes & Tohacco Timex Watches -- Pipes Gilbert and Sullivan RUDDIG RE "Witches Curse" Presented by the Oshawa Choral Society Afffliated with The O0sbawa Recreational »ept. Under the direction of Hugh Martin Stage Production by Mr. Hloward ýRusseII EASTDALE, COLLEGIATE Harrnny RM. N. MHURSDAY- FR DA'Y- SATURDAY MARCH 21, 22, 23 Curtain trne 8:15 p.m. Students: $1.00, Aduits:, $1.50 Saturday Matinee: 2 p.p'. Studçpts:, 75e 1 Aduits: $1.00 Tickets available: Mrs.'Jas. Quinton, Centre St. Phone 983-5609 -E The Orono Bantam Hockey Club has now campleted its bld for an Ontario Champîoaship and bas been eliminated from bath t1he Little NHL playdowns and OîlAPiaydowrs. Ia both divi- sion Haliirtoii was the entry to put OronùOout. In the 0OMHA 1playdowns ilali- burton woni the openiing game in3 Orono ia overltimle y a score of 3-2. In the e the Orono goals were scored by Riobini Wiater and Baine Mffat The second game of th- ser-ies xa laed in Hall- burtn whch Ialibrton again Inl the Litle NRIL Tournament h1eid last Saturday la Little Bni- taini Orono w-as- agaln eliminated by Ijaliburten by a scorç of 3-L, Baimne Moffat ýeore-d the lana Orona goal. lnalal thrcee games the Orano team played well againSt bigger and faster opposition. Outstaad- ing players for Onono'w ere Don Allia, la goal, Bob Tennant, on defense and Blaine Moffat at ce ntre. Orono can be proud of their entine teamn, not ohly in thein play but also in their sport- smanship, bath on and off the ice. Recause af graup changes, Orono was advanced ta a higher gnaup. ing and some cantests were like David and Golath with, Orana be- ing David. This group of local boys braught a good class of hackey for the local hockey'fans who are most appreciative of the efforts. PEEWEES OUT The Orona PeeWees werealso eliminated la the Little- NHL Taurnament held la Little Bi-, tain last Saturda$y. Orone was de, feated by Fenelon Falls, 7-1. JUVENILES PLA~Y IN ORONO FRIDAY EVENING The Orono Jixvenles play a playeff game at the Orono rink this Frlday evening being the se- cond gaine wlth the eatry from Elmvale. The first game was played la Elmvale on Wednesday evening. Kendal- News Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher Faste] have returned home £rom* a 'trip ta, Virginia They report -fine sunny weather during their two weeks visit. Kendal cammunity is "planning ta have Cubs and Scouts. Mrs. Robert Nichais, supervisor of this mavement wishes ta get the sup' port of parents. Fathers areneed- cd ta lend a haad as part-time leaders, no experience aecessary. Cubs will be lads fruai 8 ta 16 years; scouts lads from il ta 14 years, atteading Kendal school and surrounding territory. ii yo can help get in ta uch with Mrs. Robert Nichais or caîl Mrs.- Don Cathcart, presîdent. The 'next meeting Wiii be March 27t h in' the Kendal Schaol. The funeral of Mrs. Charles Thompson took place at the Bar- low Funeral Home in Orona on Saturday, March 2nd. She was bora aorth of Graftan, 94 years ago, and came as a bride ta Ken- dal in 1902. Her husband, Chas. Thompson, predeaceased her in 1918. The Rev. R. C. White said ia his address. that la a way he was a symbol of a long une of ministers, down the years, who> had ministered' ta the Thampson farnily and ia turn been minis- tered te la that home. He spoke af aur hope af' immartality. The bearers were neighbaurs, Mr. Roy Mercer, Mr. Evan Quan- trili, Mr. Reg. Elliott, Mn. Len Falls, Mr. Wm. Reid and Mr. Jack Carscadden. Keadal U.C.W. pnavided re- freshments ta frieads and neigh- bours lan the Oddfellaw's Hall. Visitars with Mr. Arthur Thomp- s0 last week-end were his brother, Mn. Fred, Thampson af Vancau- ver, his aunt, Mrs. Lena Burwash of Cobourg and. her daughter, Mrs. Angus MacLean of Ottawa. Or'ono Bantams Piaây WeII But Lose Out 1 In* Playdowi Local News Mn. and Mrs, Sterling Mathen and Patsy visited, la Wilberforce aver the week-end. A bus load and, a car load of people, from Orono and district attended the Flower show held Saturday in the O'Keefe Centre, Taronte. The outing was sponsor-. ed, by the Orono Harticuiltural Society. Miss Cheryl Cornish placed third in a field of nineteeti cen- Peting i1astweek la a Junior Pub- lic speaking coatest sponsored by the Bowmaaville Legian. . The contest was held la the Leglon HalL Air Canada has ordered three 368-passenger Boeing 747 jetliners (pictured above) costing $20 million each for delivery in 1971. These 600 mph aircraft offer a new dimension in air travel comfort and will be'introduced on the company's transcontinental and trans-Atiantie routes in the summer of 1971. The main cabin area, extending forward te the nase of the aircraft, is 20 feet wide-seven feet wider than in present jets-allowing extra room for a lounge or private passenger area, There will also be ari upper level behlnd the cockpit-' connected to the main cabin area by a circular stairway-with space for a second lounge, business office, or private stateroon-7with bed. ns 1 mmw*ý, dom! ý m A meeting of the Newtonville Official, Board Was held in the Kendal United Church on Marcdi 4th te choose eight 4delegates ta meet with other ,delegates agxd high officiais to consider a re-a- lignment of aur churches te make maximum use of aur min. isters. Ministers are in short suppiy. 'Are there enough people attending our worship services te, keep that church open? Perhaps a larger churcli needs our min- r ister! te If you app-reciate our church '0and its services corne out and attend with your family. Past Grand- Club e On Tuesday evening the Past Grands met at, the home of Sis- ter Lo' la Kennedy with ten.mem- 4bers present. a Sister Nw~n Operied.the ;-meeting with a p "m Goed I- itention and Work". The min- tutes of the last meeting were, ýiread and a financiai report given, It was decided ta, hold a Tulip Tea and 'Bake Saleê lai May with- Sfurther arrangements to be made at the next meeting to be held on the l6th~ of April at the, home 3of Sister Irene Murray. A social 'time and a deliclous lunch was -served by our hostess, LSister Lala Kennedy.

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