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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Mar 1968, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURiSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1968 NEW BOOKS AT THE LIBRARY Aduit Fiction Road Race - Harkins Golden Slippers Wundham The Sweetheart Tree - Grim- stead The Arizona Clan - Grey Aduit Non-fiction Animal Gardens - Hahn~ Canada: The Uneasy Neigli- bour - Clark Bright World Around Us - Stewart Polar Animais - Pedersen Juvenile Vasco da Gama The- Stoq of Your Respiratory system One God The New World of Helicopters' kites Let's Find Out About Clothes Where the Wild Things Are The North Wind and the Sun. NDP Women The New Dernucratic Women's Organizatiot, Durham Riding, held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Gould in Bowmanvil'e on Monday evening, February l9th. An el- ection of officers was held with the, following ýexecutive being el- ected for 1968: President - Mrs. W. Hill, Hamp-, ton; Vice-President- Mrs. H., Coutts, Hampton; Secretary and Press Reporter Dr.P.1. fMiaa r tenaas e DENTIST Orono, Ontario Orono Medical Ceiltre Off ice Heurs:- 9.00 te 1:00, 2:00 te 6:00 Saturday 9:00 te 1:00 Phone 983-5825 Orono Building Contraictor Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry Cabinet Work *Floors-Tule 9S3-441 OBONO $ 1 Mrs. D. Moffatt, Elizabethville; Treasurer and Membership Sec- retary - Mrs.'G. Olthof, Courtice; Rer resentative on the Riding executiver - Mrs. H. Coutts; Port Hope Area, Organizer,- Mrs. W. Maskell; Courtice Area Organizer - Mrs. D. Heasman; Durham North Organizer - Mrs. E. Eaton. It was dccided to hold a card party in Orono in M ardi and a committee .was formed to arrange this. It was decided to order some Centeimial cookbooks compiled by the FederaI Women's Com- mittee for sale -in this Riding. Some discussiohi was held on hav- ing a dance in Bowmanville in April and a committee was form- cd to look into this. Mrs. H. Coutts spoke about the New flemocratie Party Women's Holiday Workshop to be held August l8th to 24th at the United Auto Workers' Educationý Centre in Port ElgiÉ. She advised that this' is a good opportunity to meet with women froffi across Canada to discuss such things as housing, recreation, pollution, chld care services, women in ei- ected 'office ýetc., and it is hoped that the' Durham Riding Wom- en's Organîzation will be able to send a representative 'to this workshop. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Mardi l9th at the home of Mrs. D. Heasman, Court- ice at 8:00 p.m. PACKING PLANT DESTROYED Fire swept through Stein Pack- ers Ltd., Port H ope, aýid the sur- rounding complex of buildings Saturday night, leaving practical- ly nothing but a charred sheil. The outbreak started about 8:30 p.m. and strong winds whippedi the flames into a raging tornado shooting sparks and burniig de- bris over an arca of five blocks. Householders were out on their roofs witli brooms and buckcts of water beating out the burning particles as they lanidcd on their homes. By the time the Port Hope Fire Department arrived the blaze had swcpt' through the building to the Economy Machine Tool Com- pany and tic preserve company, Canadian Sagitta. The raging mushroom of flames ,in the niglit sky and the beleli- ing smoke could be seen ail over town. Guests leaving the founding banquet of the. Northumberland and- Durham Liberal Association saw flames anid many of tiem lieaded towards the fire causing traffie jams at ail intersections on-Cavan Street. - . The Hope Township Fire De- partment and the firefighters of Cobourg arrived oh the scene siortly after 9 p.m., and concen- trated their efforts on trying to, DX -DX -DýX-DX -DX-DX- D Up And. Down The Book Stocks save the buildings close to tic blaze. and homes The Port Hope firefighters, in a, concentrated effort, managed to save $45,000 of paint iin the Cosmos Chemical warehouse at the rear of tic building. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, MARCH lOth,' 1968 Orono United Church Sunday'School at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service, at 9:45 Sunday School 'at 11:00 LSuard-School at 9:45 90 Acres Porcbased Local ýNews One liundred ahid fifty persons from the district attendcd the re- peat performance of the Clarke Players in New---th' o- Frîd-iy cvening of last week. The per- formance was by public dcmand and again the plavers scored an- other hit witli their production of "A Man for Ail Seasons." A'purse snatcher was active on Monday evening of last week whcn he stole up behind Mrs. D. Har- ness, walking on Churcli Street behind the business section, of Orono and snatclied lier purse. The purse was found later in the, section between Mill and Main Street, witli the money missihg. No arrest lias been made in this connection. Mr. and Mrs. Carl B illings a- long with Mr. atd Mrs. R. P. Rickaby, Bowmanville visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rickaby, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Fagan and Miss Karetu Fagan, Markliam, visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Cooper, Mr. George Pollard who lias been a patient in the Bowman- ville and Oshawa flosoital lias re- turned to lis home. niumber of hikers,", Mr. Haas said. Refqrring to wildlifc, lie said in order to improv e the environ- mental conditions for wildlife, a program of shrub planting had been started, to provide food an4 shelter for upland game. 'Sorne 2,000 shirubs s'uch as mountain ash. Russian olivtt, hon- eysuckle and higlibush craniberry werc planted along roadsides, fire breaks and other areas," he said. During 1968 some 8000,000 trees will be planted in the United Counties and several hundrcd, ac- res of woodland would also be treated in order to improve the quality and the quantity of the timber growing in the areas.ý The trees and work would be carried out under the Woodlands ImProvemetit Act. i KeODAK Inl27tnw&c4104 Outfit Instant 1oading.. at amaztngly totk, low price! Loads instantly .. . automatically . .. so you get good pictures more easily than-ever! Just drop in' the Kodopak film cartridge - the camera is instantly loaded. No dials to set, no focusing needed. Takes color slides as weIl as black-and-white and color snapshots. Buit-in, pull-up flash holder keeps you set for indoor pictures. Comes with'film, bulbs, flash gquard, batteries. CQmp$1S.SSfî Stutt's Pharntacy Phone 983- 5009 Orono, Ontario SEE OUR NEW SPRING DRESSFâe' AND BLOUSI S (Continued from page 1) ' f a slowdown in lard purchases. A management plan, he said, covering a period of 20 years had been completed and approv- ed by the Ministry of Lands and Forests. "The use of the forest for re- <reation purposes, hiking, pic- licking, hunting, etc., is increas- ing steadily. This year a new pic- fic area was devcloped and two existing arcas enlarged," he said. Two hiking trails, five' and eight miles long, were eut ont and marked with arrows. These trails started, at a newly constructcd parking lot just west of the Dur- ham headquarters of the Author- ity. The trails are routed through some of the most scenie parts of the forest and.are bcing used the ycar round by a surprisingly large DX-DX -DX--DX $ Be Wi db ECON( $IT -DX - DX -DX -DX )MIZE! FUEL $ OIL$ LB 4âi*â1 rnone ooo-~'*. 10 i - v il Çffl llvq.7 -, -111 YS ARMST f)XI

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