- - - ~ ~ - ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUTRSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1968 - -a -.IAliimi_ INSURANCE FRED LYCETI? UT MAIN ST., ORONO bbe M-3432 le9 83142 JACK REID Oronos Licensed' &m«eaueer and Valuatoi. Specialize in Farni and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates PHONE ORONO 98ffll94 Monuments und Family Memorial tor- quality and service lesi iaotlîing t. be desired A&the person who boiight fi àëý a neighbour, friend or rela Ifle RIJTTER GRANT' COMPANY 73 Ontario Street FORT HOPE "'Largest dlupîay iu Souther Ontarie"> WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Oreno Phone 983-5343 McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairste ail makes'et .Lawn lMoyen and 2 and 4 cycle Englues 11 OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY PVMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS' WRITE WASHINiG STABLES Sert Tonmpkins Phone 786-2552 Buflding A New Home? or Remodelling? Can JOàE BECKER Plumi.bin-g & H-eating Q PHONE 98-5407 fBarnes & Byam i jPLUMBING and REATING f Sales and Service B.A FINANCING Loir Interest Bxtes j Phoques: f'.1 Tyrone 303-2656 Hampton 263,2288 jOrville Chatterton j 1electrical - ontracting j Eectic eating j and Service fPHIONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 f Oronui. Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC He rb and Gerry Dutvali I 983-5108 uS ELECTIRICAL CON'I'TRAITING ELECTRIC HEATING wes ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T. ront RADIO - HI1-FI tive FRIGIDAIRE - MC.Â. .TE DOMINION ELEC¶'ROHOME INGLIS - THORt -GUARANTEED SERVICE - Hamiltons 0 Insurance Q 0 Servi ce OAuto, oFfre I -~Package Polliis Fldelity Bond, LîabMlty First Mortgage Loam oSadie HamiItonW Phone 988-51150 Box 133 Ph one 613-3553 Stalford Brothers Limited 318 Dundas St. E. whitby, ont. Manufacturer, oa Cemetery Memorials Dealerit la De>mestic & Foreign Granites and Marbies - InscriptIons Cut and Cemetery Reliai, Woek Buildioig a flouse? or remodelling your present one, then contact Floyd Nicholson FOR SALE Green vinyl reupholstered day- enpýort. Reasoiiable price. Phonie 983-5845. a-p FOR SALE- Ray, first and second cuttiïig, good sized bales. Phone, 983-5972 Orono. b-c FORSALE Red Deliclous, Spys, Tolman Sweet' and Spanish Onions, $2.00 to $3.00 a bushel. Delivery pos- sible. R. E. Rienstra, phone 983- 5081, ap FOR SALE One Viscd-unt Deep Freeze, al- most new, 6 foothigli, 3 ft. wide Phone Orono 983-5570. b-9ç' FOR-SALE A Rôtisserie, it bakes atid frics and grills, aiso a fowl Rotisserie almost new, chrome finish- Phone Orono 983-5570. b-9c WANTED Working girl to, share an apartment. For particulars phone 983-9,147 between 8 a.m. - 5 pm. c-9-c WORMS A PROBLEM? Tise Pamovin Tablets or Liquid Thel single, dose treatment for Pinwrorms. Available at Stutt's Pharmacy. 16-k-p FOR SALE 3-bedi'oomi Bungalow\s and 4- bedroomi split level Hlouse with garage. Phone Jan OcbQnski, Contract- or - 983-5709. ¶t-f NOTICE -Sewing Alterattiffn anid Repail-s done at homne: For Worn: Altekatjons in skirts dresses and coats. for, Men: T1urn shirt collars and * uffs, shiorten and lengtheni trousers and drap'ing and back seamis; also zippers and peck- ets. Mrs. M. Dowfls, corner 'Park St. and Church St. Phone 9835493. PLUIMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono Oxford 'BRICKLÂYERS STON EMASONS COMING EVENT P astý Grands Club '62 are hold- ing a Tlip Tea and Bake Sale on Saturday, May 25th at the Oddfellow's Hall. NOTICE The Senior Citizens will meet in the Oddfellows Hall tonight, Thursday, March 7th, at 8 p.m. 'The Country Four' will sing. Everyone welcome. a-p IDEPARTMENT 0F PUBLIC WORKS 0F CANADA TORONTO DISTRICT TENDERS SEALED TENDERS ADDRES- SED TO The Manager. Adminis- trative Services, 241 Jarvis Street Room 605, Toronto 2, Ontario, and' endorsedý "TENDER FOR STANDARD REVENUE POST OFFIfCE, BLACKSTOCK, ONTL ARTO." will be received until 3:00 P.M. (E.S.T.) Thursday 2lst, March, 1968. Plans, specifications and form of -tender can be seen, or can be obtained efrom the Office of the Manager, Administrative Services, Department of Public Works of Ca'nada, 241 Jarvis Street, Room 605,. Toronto 2, Ontarlo. To be considered each tender must be made on the printed forms suipplied by 'the Depart- ment and in accordâice with the conditions set forth therein. 'The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. R. SMITH, MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVÈI SERVICES AT-56 (Rev. 10/67) APARTMENTS FOR RENT Bachelor arartment, with ail services, avallable no%. Also 2-bedroom apartment ia- cluding ail services, avaîlable lst of April. Canawood Apts., Apply Mr. E. Dent, Orono, Ontario. a-c Cut the work and cost of rug cleaning! RENT A Bissefl Electric rug shamposer RENT& SAVE $25 LE~~Jper day Rolph Hardware Orono, Ont. Phone 983,-5207 W. FRANX~Q :REAL ESTATE Q LIMITED Q REALTOR [J 21 KING ST. WEST O o Bowianivllle 6233393 o [J Toronto 923-9174 ( PrHoeOffice-O 0 98 W:Iton S8t. - 8854« 13 FREE APPRAISALS ( oExclusive Agent for o O'MALLEI7 HOMES [J port Hope, Ont. [ o N.H.A. approved Brick o (J Bungalows [ O ROY POSTER [JKendal - Phone 983-5801 [ 0 R09S GILBART QOrono - Phone 983-5533Q JA large selection of Farina, OHomes, Lots, Rtreat Pro. ~peties intI e 'IN MEMORIAM MARTYN-In loving Icmemory of- my dlear Dadi, Mother and Sister., Sonme day 7we hope to meet yau, Sorme day we know 4ot when, We shall meet in a better land A-nd neyer part again. Sadýy missed a nd always re- membered by dauzghter Greta and Ormxe Falls.1 a-P CARD 0F THANKS I wish to express my sîncere thanks te ail those who remem- bered me with cards, .letters- flowers and visits during myý special thanks to Dr. MeEKe.,zie. and the nurses on the Mvedical floor, an special thanks also toý th.ose who provided transporta- tion for mny wife to get out to visit me. a-p John Eddyveaa, NOTICE St. Saviour's Ang-lican Church-, Service ý Sunday March 10th nt 3 p.m. Rectorl: R. H. Haynes HELP WANTED- MALE CARETAKERS Applicg ions w ill be received by- undersigned until Monday, March. 25 for Caretaker Assistatit Clarkù ýHigh School. Duties to commence- as soon as possible. Apply in writing stating ex- perience' and qualifications to,: M. A.,iMacLeod, Administratorý and Secretary Treasurer, Durham. Countyý District High School Board, 181' Church Street, Bowuanvilie-,. Ontario. a-c RELY ON TH1"rrE CLASSIFIED- JACK RICAJID REALTOR,ý 0 maKig st., FE. BOWMANVILLE iVbmn Buying or Sllng c -WILF HAWKE YOUJR ORONO AIEA REPRIËS]NTATnVE 983-5274 vlembers' of -)shawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Bearil D« ROGERSON ORONO, ONTAItO ANTIQUES WE BUY AND SELL OId Glass, China, Pine Articles Toys sud Odditics IF IT'S OLD ... CALLUS WE PAY CASH! Phones 983-5210 or 623-12.8 r W. Scmahl R Schrelber, 983-5606 93-5626 Specializing lu aU Iduds Of IRTONEWORK and FIREPLACES We al»o do Chimney Repaira -M ,W. Schmahl 983-5606 1