ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAIRCH lith, 1968 O0RONO WEE _KLYTIE '{.uthorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Depaî-tment-1, Pub1ished every Thursday at the office of publicai Mai.n Street, Phione 109, Orono, Oncariù EsUnblished in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - EdItor and Manager Who Will Help? In New York City, police advise people in distress on the streets to shout "Fire". That will at least get attention where a cry for help will be ignored. It is a sad commentary on the degree of callousness in modern life and, unfortunately, a comment that is not confined to that great, cold, tension-ridden metropolis. On a main thoroughfare' in Metropolitan Toronto early Monday morhing, a badly burned man standing out- side the house where fîre took the lives of his wife and six children, À7aved and shoute at passing cars. They did not even stop he told police later. * The philosophy of non-involvement appear.ý to be spreading, even to the point where people in Toronto will ignore a man obviously in distress and in need of help. We have read reports of a person being murdered in New York as people in neighboring apartments watched without even calling police. And, dloser to, home, we hear of people standing by while thugs beat up a policeman. And the examples of people wh.o pass by accidents because they don't want to get involved or be called as witnesses must number inï the thousands. There is no doubt that there is an element off danger or ineonvenience in going to the assistance of people in trouble. This 'is particularly true in cities such as New York where violence is a tradition. Regrettably, it is be- coming more truc here too. Nevertheless, in a -society such as ours, every citizen has a responsibility to his fellow citizens. He is not expect- ed to risk his life. But it should not be too much to expect a passing driver at least to stop to ascertain if anything is wrong. If everyone said, "I don't care," this would not bie much of a place to live. -oot eeri Therpe Is No4 Wa.iey Bult Up People have been given little to cheer about lately with increases in'taxation bath at the Federal and Provin- cial level off govemniments. There appears to be no0 way but up for. taxation and those monies which either level of government pump into aur society must first corne from the people themselves. The Province, this week, has boosted taxes along a wide range -of items with an excessive hike off premium rates for the Ontario Hospital Services Plan. Last year the Provincial government aiso, prior to the election, came forth with at proposai to assist municipal taxpayers in insti- tuting a grant known as a Shelter Grant. At the time the finance minister and Premier of the Province intimated that this additional grant, considered tai be about $50 (>0 per dwelling, would bot increase taxes. However the amount off $191 million needed by the Province to furnish this grant 110w has a big bearing on increasing the bite the Province must put on its residents. This is only further proof that what we get we in the enid must pay the shot. Another item and feature is'the f act that productiv- ity per man in Ontario -and Canada is fýlliing behind and' this lack off growth in productivity by the indi-vidual further ensures the ise ini taxation to the individual. This has been noted recently by the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of the Bank off Canada. The next joît wîll, no doubt, come from local muni- cipal taxation and locally this should bc known within the next few weeks. B A eT A M TOU RNA4MErNT lst Game 6:30 Newcastle' vs, Pickering U1p And Down The Bock Stacks Recently 1 was welcomed to the classrooms at Orono Publie Sehool to tell the 'boys and girls about libraries, books and read- ing. I appreciate the interest off Principal, Mr. Douglas Moffat and his staff who co-operated in this visit which was planned to foster an essential close relation- ship between the Library and school. Thanlzs to the Lake On- tario Regional Library System, a smnartly designed poster and a- musing bookmarks pleased the childreri. It is obvious- that mahy child- ren prefer to do little reading, but I stressed in the senior grades that even those who have no great desire to borrow books regularly should'at least keep in touch with the Library by drop.. ping in occasionally to browse amongst the books. The same message applies te the adults of Clarke Township. At least have a noddîng acquain- tance with your library and its services. We are always pleased to welcome the casual visitor. Location: Township Hall, Or- 0110. Hours: Tuesday - V30 - 8:30 Thursday 6:30- 8:30 Friday - 2:30- 5:00 and 6:30 to 8:30. NEW BOOKS Adult Fiction Tai-Pan - Claveil. Girl Trouble - Summers Gideon's Wrath - Marrie Cotillion - lleyer Adult Non-Fiction Where the Rockies Ride Herd- 1Payùne Lunely Crusader -Woodham-Smith Heroes off the Twentieth Cen- tury - Fellowes- Gordon, The Human B3ody- Asimov Juvenile Natural Wondlers off the World Let's:Look at Costume St. Patrick's Day Whistle for Willie by Dorothy Robinson Kenal ew M.adMrs. R. Brennan hiave soIId their farmn. This was the fomrWilliam Robinson f arm, southà of the sixth line. Mr. R. IL. Hoy has sold his fifty acres noth of the sixth line. Mr. and iVrs. Robert Simons off Oshawa visited her father, Mr. R. Mrgan, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gay visit- ed Mr, and Mrs. R. Geach on Suniday. Mms. William Roy gave a show- er for hiem neice, Miss Shirley Dundas of Cantoni, on Saturday evening, March 9th. Over twenty guests weme there to honour the bride-to-be. Mrs. L. Burwash and Miss Alice Burwash off Cobourg visited Mr. A. Thompson last SuÉiday. The UCW of Xendal Church met at the home of Mrs. G. Cath- cart on Wednesday aftemnoon. The president, Miss C. W. Ste- wart, opened the meetig with a poem. We sang a hymn followed W, seripture reading fromn Paul's ietter to the Philphines. The top- le was given by Mrs. K. Woods on 'Kindness'. The roll caîl was bing used 'nylons to send to Ja- pan. It was moved by Mrs. J. Stapleton and seconded by Mrs. H. Faulkner that we cater ta the Masonie banquet an April 30th in Orono. The next meetiÉg will be held on Thursday evening, April 4th in the Sunday Sehool room. Newton ville and Shiloh Heather Rebekahs, The regular meeting of Hea- ther Rebekah Lodge was held on Tuesday, March 13th in the 100F Hall with Noble Grand Sister J. Lewis: presiding assisted by Vice Grand, Sister Violet Dunlop., Sister Marjorie MeLean, ,Pre- sidenit'of' the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario made hem officiai visi- tation. Sister MacLean was intro- duced by Sister Olive Milîson, Past Noble Grand. Other visiting Sisters were, Sister Nelda Thomp- sot, District Deputy President of District No. 8 Oshawa East, intro- duced by Sister Rena Pears, Sis- ter Hilda Ross, Brooklin, Flag Bearer, Rebekah Assembly off On- tario, intmoduced by Sister Lola Kenedy, Past Noble Grand. Sister Jean Lewis, N.G. extended a very warm welcome to the visit- ing sisters., Minutes were read by the me- cording secmetamy, Sister. Mae Allen, accounts weme eceived and passed for payment. Sister Violet Dunlop, Convenor off the (Continueil page 6) TH-E PUPILS AN STAFF ORONO PUBLICeý SCHOOL Invite ail parents and friends to their annual 7:00 p.ni. to 9:00 p.m. THURSDAY MARCH 14 in the ------- OroeoWeekly Times Pho e983-5301 HUBERITGROOT Your Representative for North American Life LMe Mortgage Protection Icorne Replacement and Estate Planning Phone: Bus.: 728-9427 Rtes.: 623-3958 a e a