7 MMM TM 77 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH l4th, 1968 Asks For Build ing, Permit For Industrial Building Mau GLEN RAI DAIRY PRODUCTS GILLARD CLEANING Agent Cigars up to 35c Cigarettes & Tobacco Timex Watches - Pipes MS BARB ER "ATTI'SHOP und CONIFECTIONERY ____ ~On motion of council, Mr. L. lowery, was appointed Warble Fly Inspector for the year 1968 and was given the authority to undertake the spraying and in- spection ýof cattle in thé munici- pality. Banks Flooring Co. o f Oshawa was awarded a contract in the a- mount of $365.00 to refinish the hardwood floors in the main au- ditorium ;of the Town Hall, Or- ono. Council also approved the contract price of Oronýo Building Contractýors to coM~plete some work in the basement of the Hall. The Couhicil gave their approv- ai on the request of the Clarke Township Public Sehool Area jo construct a General Purpose room at the Orono Public Sehool. The estimated cost of the pro- jeet is $75,000 of which $15,000 is to be paid out of general funds and the remaiÉder debe 1ntured over a three year period. Sunnydene Estates Limitied given approval to complete, road .work in accordance with Town- slip regulatiots and under the Township supervision at lots, 18 and 19, concession 5, lots 4 and 5, concessioni 8 and the unopened road allowahce between lots 8 andl 9 in the 8th concession. The council accepted the tender price of King-Seagrave fo th purchase of a sander in the a-,' TAX SERVICE EFFECTIVE MAR'CH 7th,' 1968 A SERVING BOWMAN VILLE AND AREA 1OFFICEI ý - owmanville' PHONES 623-331*1 or 623-3 31I2 RADIO EQUIPPED CABS 24 HOUR SERVICE PASSENGERS INSURED .- GEO. ALMOND, Prop. 1 Mount of $2548.55. Payment of accounts were pas. sed ini the amounts of $3397.20 general; $1653.48 for Welf are; and $8722.56 for the road depart- mient. A. by-law for the licensingnnd the regulating of dogs runhing at large was'given three readings According to the by-law an ow- ner shall register ail dogs*- under lis ownership and care prior to May lst annually with the Clerk's department and pay the fee at that time. If a person becomes an owner folowing this date he must register the dog withit fif- teen days. Local News Mrs. Hector Bowen returned home Wednesday of last week from Halifax where she had been visiiting ber daughter, Mrs. Camp- bell for several months. Heir daughter aecompanied her home. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Cornish and family are spending two weeks it the southern States, Mr. and Mrs. N. McNally of Coîborne are visiting in Orono. Mr. Norman Griff an and Mr. anid Mrs. Bill Preston and Mms, Ethel Horton of Oshawa spent Satirday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy M organ, Somerville Drive. Mr. Charles Cooper is a patient in the Bowmanville Hospital. Commerce financing and bank services! 'ped this farmer buy a tractor and equipment to fit the jobs. Are you planning any purchases? Corne, to the farmer's ba nk. CANADIAN IMPERIAJIOÀNK 0F-COMMERCE A request made to the Council of the Township of Clarke last week for a building permit by Mr. H. Hoensch on behalf of Curvply for an extensiohi to their plan-t of 15,0 00 square feet at the south of Orono.was tîrned over to the Clarke Township, Plan- ning Board for their cYnsidera- tion. Mr. Hoensch said that the building inspector had referred him to the council for the build- ing permit. Coutii1 also decided at their meeting that they would not en- tertain the payment of a Fox bounty within the -municipality. Gilbert and Sullivan RU DOIGO0RE "Witches Curse" Presented by the Oshawa Choral Society,,, Affiliated with The Oshawa Recreatinàl 'Dept. Under the, direction of Hugh Martin Stage Production by Mr. Howard Russel EASTDALE COLLEGI1ATE Harmony RM. N. THURSDAY- FRIDAY- SATURDAY MARCH 21, 22, 23 Curtamn time 8:15 p.m. Students: $1.00 Aduits: $1.50 Saturday Matinee: 2 p.m. Students: 75e Aduits: $1.00 Tickets available: Mrs. Jas. Quinton, Centre St. Phone 983-5609 Ith. Introducing.... NEW, P 73 King Street East