ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAR(I Report From Alex Carruthers, MPP, Durham O0ntario and Bilingualismn An observer from tic Manches- ter Guardian wrote a few. years ago: "Canada seems to be a na- tion, wrappcd in tic darkcst self- doubt." Ticre is a datiger that some of our people may feel 'lost' and per- haps tic time has came to de- velop for thcm a dynaraically con- structive role in nationial life. Tic speech of tic Prime Min- ister of Ontario in tic Thronic De- baVe of lasV week outlincd in un- inistakable tcrms, tic concern of tic governmett of Ontario as to tic future of Canada and tic pol- icy it is preparcd to, and must assume, in tic devclopment of a new confederatioai in wiich tic above aim can be realizcd. As part of thc solution to thc present national crisis, Mr. Ro- barts empiasizcd ..tic following- policy features of ils govefliment vith respect to the rigits of French speaking Canadians. (a) IV is an attenipt Vo ensure o French spcaking residents of Ontario tint Viey w-ill have tic means ta preserve ticir language and ticir culture. Tic Ontario Governmeit feels this is a smal price to pay for our national sur-, vival. (b) It is not an attcmpt, nor siould Viere be any attcmpt, to force tic FrenchIlanguage on any Canadian wio migit not want it. (c) Ontario, in tic opiion of* tic Goverumnent, siould not bc declared officially a bilingual pro- vince. (d) There is n'o attemipt being made to appease tic Province of Quebcc, or any ýotier part of Can- ada; nor is tic poiicy adopted without regard for thc feelings of tic, people of Ontario. (c) An attempt will be made to ensure tiat boti Engclisi and French spcaking residents of On- tario will be aile to deal witi thiir local and provincial govern- ments and bc educatcd in tic language of ticir choice. 1 (f) Wiilc the. Govrnment of Ontario has acccpted bilingualism Q ueen's, Park it has not alceptcd biculturalism. <Canada is a multi-culture mosaic, anid nowherc is tuis more appar- cnt tian in Ontario. (g) Tic Ontario Government endorses tic pricipie tint bath officiai languages be recognizcd wierevcr tic minority is numer- ous enougi to form a viable group and it is practical to do so. (h) The Governmeant of Ontar- la wili provide, whcrever feasible, bilingual public services so tiat tie people of Ontario will be able to deal in itier tic Englisi -or Frenchi languages at tic various levels of goverbnment. (i) Any member of tic Ontario Législature shall have tic form- ally rccognized rigit to address tie Législature in itier Etiglish or French. (j) Tic Dcpartment of Civil Service and tic Department of Education will establisi language courses for civil servants, wbo require a knowledge of Frenchi in carrying out Viir duties. (k) Govcrnmcent dcpartmnents will be encourag-ed to provide bi- lingual services ini tiose field of- fices located in areas where there is suffiient concentration of French speaking persons cg. eastern and nortiwcstcfii Ontario Alternatives In considering the policy- of tic Robarts governmeht witi re- spect o tic rîgits of our French spcakig citizens, considération must also be given to tic altern- atives. Some of tiese may be out- libed as foilows: 1. The possibility of Canada di- vided into, two or tiree or four or * any numiber of sections wviti great barriers bctween tiem. 2. A possible attempt on ice part of somie sections to lik up wîtb United States. 3. Tic complete dlisruption of al our countrywidc domestie markets. 4. Tic cessation of free flow of goods, agricultural products and people back and forth across Canada. 5. Tic disappearance of al tint we have come o know and to love as Canadians. In summary, tic policy of tic Dispute (Continued from page 1) er of this extra burden to give- more time to the rest of thc class. Mr: MacLeod said tiat tixce or foutr i a room can be a trial on the regular teacher. 'In this mat- ter Mr. Stutt statcd tiat a bril- liant child could do as much damage in the classroom . Mr. MacLeod stated it %vas now the policy to give enriched curricu- lumi to the brilliant student but to keep imi- in the class. Mr. Stutt said this could also work for the slow learner that lie or sic rcxnain in the class but be givdn extra help outside the ýclass ini certain subjects. He said that this, child had to play and livel with the rcst of the cildren and that segrcgating them from tic other could also be damaging. Mr. MacLeod said that this was being donci the M. J. ilobis schoodl in Hampton and that it lad a lot of menit. The superintendett of Public Schoois also pointed out tint ticy would not get a grant for Oppor- tunity classes unless the teacher held a certif icatle i Auxiliary teaciing. Mr., Stutt said they now Flowm'ers Ideal G19ft Phone 983-5539 Orono, Ontario Ontario Goverument is to provide equality of opportunity * Aoal Canadians so thatthey siare in tic prosperity of Vtils province. As Mr. Robarts stated in tic course of bis remarks, "The costs wc shall have Vo bear pale in insignificance with tie rewards he shaîl rcap." Al ex Carruthers, M.P.P., Dur- ham, lias ainounced the award- ing by tie ilonourable J. R. Sim- onett, Minîster of Encrgy and Re- sources Managemenit, of a con- tract for $8,00W.00 to Cccil Good- berry Well Drilling Limited of Kingston. The contract calis for the -in- stallation of observation well s i the Bowmanville, Soper and Wil- mot Creeks drainage basin. Alex Carrrthers, M.P.P., Dur- ham, annoutices tic approval by tic Hlonourable J. R. Simonett, Minister, of Energy and Resourc- esManagemehit, of a Provincial grant of $4,000.00 to tic Central Lake Ontario Conservation Auti- ority. Tic grant is designated for im- provements to tic, Enniskillen Conservation Area of Darlington Township. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Dur- ham, announces the approval by tic Hohourable tJ, R. Simonett, Minister of Energy and Resourc- es Management, of 'a Provincial grant of $1,000.00 to Vhe Central Lake Ontario Conservation Auth- ority. Thc grant is dcsignated for capital improvements in tic Long Sanît Conservation Arca of Dar- lington Township. 'E ils w rry a COTT'IAGE CHEESE SALAD S O 81 23 Ilb size 35e SOUR CREAM 8 oz. container 130e j IN TRODUC ING INSTANT eý7CROCOLATE Coùpare Vils with what you are now paying. This is a sprirfiavoured, fuit bodied chocolate which will dissolve instantiy ohen added to hot or eold mPk. Akyonr driver for a sample with a 10 cen~t Premium attaclied AL.sk today. c - MARCH WINDS .BLOWS, YOU THESE SP ECIALS> Hybrid Amaryllis Plant Kit, with soit .. 88e 4 Double Begonias in the following cotors pink, red & copper.......box 69e 1 Fancy Leaf Caladium only .......... 67e FLOWERING BULBS- Hanging Baskets, Begois,..3 for 69c Gloxinias, pried alat.............. 67ç MelGregor Stretch Marvel Sox made with cordroy, size 10-13, available in white, black, bronze, powder, tan,., only $1.,50 Glenshite Super Stainless Steel double Razor Blades, ............... 10 for 85c. Kican Klay Animal Modelling Set with moulds, priced oIIy ................ 88e Baby Biiss Baby Pants, S., M.,L., 4 pr. 88c Jockey Sleeveless Undershirts, fit con- toured tail, only .................. $150 Jockey T-Shirt with nou-say collar .. $1.75 M~I-Steel 'E agie' Toy Whieelbarrow only $2.29 Jleavy Cameo Window Curtians in yellow and pink, priced only....... 1........ $1.99 Girl's Bulky Knit Sweaters, reg. $5.98 in small, medium and large at....$3.98 Glencraft Melmac Ware, setting of four, reg. $10.00, Special, $5.83 in Tahiti Turquoise Men's 4-in-Iand Ties, reg $1.00 Special 75c. Men's Heavy Sweat Shirts in grey and burgundy, S., M., L.,, price only .... $2.59 CH l4th-, 1968 _________ had 3d' teachers in Standard onie who have made littie- effort Vo>ý imprové their standing. How are we goig toj get someone to, take this course?~ Mrs. Barlow asked if tic cour se would not have to, be, given ini at least an eight-room sciooL Mr. MacLeod said tiat it wouid if it *as Vo be oh a rotary system but othcrwisc it could be icld in aniy school wiherc tieclcass would stay >intact. Mr. Stutt tien -asked if atutor- il system would noV be of more advantage, ter wich Mr. MacLeod agreed aithougi it wouid require a number of tutors Vo carry it ont. Mr. Stutt feit the children should be kept withi the system, and in tie mass, not segregatcd. Mr. MacLeod ýsaid tint in some schools they use a -Remedial teacier wio takes students of, slow lcarning ont of the class for certain leng- ths of time for extra aInd individ- ual ielp. Mr. MacLeod poîntcd out;îthatJ grants. for such classes had been increased considerably diiring the past year. Grant purposes for 'a junior class were based on 2,380 in 1967 and in 1968 $5000. Clarke grant would be 62.2 percent of thus amount. Mr. Stutt said he was in favour of anyting that would assist the education of the students but feit tie matter should be given fur- tier intenisive study before any concrete actiýot was taken. Tic Board now awaits the de- cision of the Legal Brandi -of the Department of Education on wietier or not tic 3-2 'vote in this matter carnies tic motion. L 1 A Unit 7 U.C.W. Tic Mardi meeting for Unit 7 U.C.W. was ield Tuesday, Marci 5th at the home of Mrs. H. Mer- cer witi 15 present. Mrs. Gilbart gave a reading, "Bear one an- otiers Burdeb." Tic scripturc was given by Mrs. Tamilyn, Mrs. Downs and Mrs. Tiompson. 'O Master. let me walk -'witi Tice' was sung and Mrs. Giibart contViued her aik on lending a heipingc hand or a word of isym-ý patiy or encouragement, wiat it mlgt -mean Vo a fiend or neigh- bour wio lias probiems. -Mrs. Gil- bart ûcee~d with prayer. Mrs. Jeat Duvail gave a short rcading, 'I'm sure I willhiiot pass hils way again.' During tic business period a motion by Mrs. Tamiblyn, second- ed by Mrs. Veinia Watson that Mrs. Jean Duvail be treasurer. We are asked to help cater toý the Go-op banquet Mardi l3th. The meeting closed witi the Mispai Benediction and lunch wâs served by the hostess. RAINEY'S GOnIfectionery Phone Orono 983-5733 Glen Rae Dairy Produ ts Wm. Neilson's Ice Cream, Assortment of Chocolate Bars School Supplies C0garettes & Tobaccos * L.P. Records Open evenings, until 9 except Wednesday 0oo GordSimpso Phiome Orono 983-5808 91 Orono, Ontario gPAINTING 0CARPENTRY- g REMODELLING o gGENERAL REPAIRS Q Interior Etre