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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Mar 1968, p. 6

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OlIONO WEEKLY TIMES,'TIIURSDAY, MARCH l4th, 1968 Taken from a sermon preached by Rev. Basil Long. Seripture Lesns: Mark 2: 18-22; 11 Coriathians 5: 17-21. Durig the course of Jesus' eexperiences with Ilis disciples .so(me people came ta Hum and .nsked why H1e and his disciples 'Ui thiings differently than John .adhis disciples and the Phari- sýecs and their disciples. In'his .answer Jesuis said, "No one. puts' xiew wine in old wine-skins; if he ýdoes, the, wine will burst the ,--k1ins. ai the wine is lost and soarc the skins." Back of the conversation was the question of ëchange. A short while ago saine of 'our -young people told us that change -es what they are longing for but *bÊht thev have hiot had the ex- perience ta know what it is they \-want. They believe there is value rlh il and that we, should al ýstrive ta bc open ta that which is new. Two ministers were talking - unie was a yaung man who was intensely interested in ail that tLhe new thinkers have ta say; ir-e 'other was an aider man of rigid andcanventional orthodoxy. , he oider man heard the younger mac iwith a kind of hall c,antemp- ýtuous tolerance and finally closed the conversation by saying, "The -When we try ta look at life in -soiety. thraugh the eyes of aur yroung peaple certain facts be- corne very important. We realize -that they live ini a generation where very few thiags are nat ,subject ta rapid change. It is a urewhen people are restless, t-neecrtain and dissatisfied; a time ..>hien most people have launched Týhemselves on an expeditian of cýeeking new thrills. They live in - turne when responsibility is hot readily accepted by the great nma- jority of ail ages, and most look £or the easy way out. Our afflu- «ut society'is money coasciaus ta Ithe extent that we feel that we ca'n buy almost anything. Our yowung people quite aaturally be- came part of our Society which Iýas ahnost everything done for x. -In the line of food you 'have ~aiyto inaffe it and you can have vt in a tin or package. Nor is it .%ecessary ta wait because we blave "instant' everything. Jesus said, "See k ahd yau wil ~lnd ."Strive ta enter in," _,1 f whîch indicates that there __tre no neat packages of faith -,mýd truth. Patience, faithfulness -ami energy are necessary if one is ita. discover abundant living, Maby seek changeý for thre sake e~ ,Iange. In this Point of view eaiiunething goad will be thrown -iside for something i'iferior just for the sake of chanige. This at- ,ýitude taward change is immature an,' deèidedly shallow. It is ap- ,parent in the area of T.V. enter- 1aietbeautiful music which ts changcd ta horrible off tones on dd beats, and even in the xzprid change of marriage part- ,acrs. Saine hold the opinion that th;,iat which is new is superiar and Ut ïought ta be with al aur new .andr marveilous discoveries but it .,s nat always s0 wheli we experi - ~ence the inferior warkmanship, )or materials and dishoaest ad- wetsirig which is a part. of rnany of the new thi'ngs which surround mu.There is also the belief that 8h lad is valueless. But is it? We -aeincreasingly aware of the val- aa f antiques. We have often ý the antique chair, high- ..aled as it sits in the living oain f a home. One would hreas a shevwniece and is nat ~natfor practical use. Our, younh people have cvery justification in ehallenging, us ta do is to scrap something entirely and ta begin again. There are forins of church governinent, there are forms of ch îrch service, there are forins of - dswhieh eXDress our beliefs, which we sa often try to adjust and ta tinker wvith ia order to bring them up to date; we try ta patchl them. No one would willingly,, or reck1essly, or- callously abandon ihatwhihbas stood the test of- timne and of the, years,1 th at in which former generations have found their comfort and put their trust; but the factý remains that this is a growing and an expand- i'ng. universe; and there cames a time when patches are useless, and when a man and a chureh has ta accept the adventure of the new, or ta withdraw inta a back- water, where it worships, nat God, but its own past."1 Saine things neyer grow aid: Love is the oldest yet the newest of experiences. Man's spiritual need does 'Pot change no matter how saphisticated he may be- came. The Bible tielis'(ils that Jes- us Christ is the same yesterday, taday and always. We are neyer ahead of Hlm; He is always a- head of us. H1e cannot be outdist- aiiced. No matter what aur age or the nature of aur soiety the answer to aur needs is ta be found in Hum. If we would seek ta show the way for aur yaung people and if they will honestly seek, the an- swer is given by Jesus himself when H1e said, "I, when I arn lifted upfroin the earth, will draw ail men ta myseif." We have every assurance that we shall not fail if we wili be fnith- fui in "Lifting up Christ. We may nced new ways of ex- pression and communication but we da not need a replacement for Christ. Ktendal P.T.A. Mveeting The first annivers.ary of Ken- dal Parents-Teachers Association was hîld la the new School Aud- itorium on March 5, 1968. At our Euchre Party on Friday evening there were 15 tables. Don't forget the next Euchre on March 22. Arrangements are, being made for an Easter Concert featuring the Excelsior Chair aad Kendal Public School Choir.' Mr. McCoy spoke on Education Week with it's theme - Dcon't Quit - Choose. Our Guest, Mr. G. A. MacLeod, Area Superintendent of Durham 1, spoke ta us about Education - The Challenge Of our Times. As school routine was being lnterrupted by telephone calîs the following recommeadation was approved at this meeting: 1. Ail complaints will be con- sidered. 2. Complaints must bei~ the forin of a letter ta the Principal. 3. A Committee of 4 parents, the Principal and teacher will meet with the parents invalved ta discuss the problem., 4. Suitable action will 'be takea as recommeaded by the Commit- tee. 5. Any telephone cails for an apcintment ta discuss the child's schoal work wil be accepted. S chooBuin (from page 1) On Reing Open To change Rebekah Lodge (Continued froin page 2) Visiting Cammîttee gave a very good report on her wark. Communications lwere read aad deait with. .At the next meeting la March a Represeatative and' Seholar will be nominated ta at- tend the Rebekah Assembly Ses- sions being hcld in the Royal York, early in Jute. The members werc asked ta ca- ter ta a weddiag carly in May andi it was decided it wiouid be conivenient ta do so. Due ta the very baid storim, the members of Maybelle Lodge in Part Perry were unable ta at- tend and take part as planncd. Sister MeLean braught a very interesting and itspiratioaal message, along with greetings from the Rebekah Assembly. Sis- ter MeLean quotcd Ia Fricad- ship, Ia Lave and Be Helpful, us- ing as her motta, Peace, Harmony and Prosperity. If there is Peace and, Harmony it is easy ta be Prosperous. It is iateresting ta note that in, Ontario there are 280 Lodgcs with 28,000 members and 50, Districts. Sister MeLean wiil visit 38 districts persanally, the Vice President and Wardea visiting the remaing Districts. where this ma bg , esaid. Mrs. Wintterhelt asked how they could bus kindergarten eidrcen w hen they have al problem -with chi'dren in grades one to three. M\r. Gibson, principal of the Kir- by schoal, said that in a month when the Kirby School is comn- î leted ail students will be under one roof and that should imprave conditions. Hie said it was impos- sible to let same pupils or grades out of school before others. Mrs. Winterhelt. and Mrs. Johinson said it would only take a haif hour to take the students home frram the sehool under a new route system.' Mrs. Johnson said she would, like ta see aruling made that to chiki travel over a certain period of time on a bus. ý"This," she said. "lyou do in the morning." Mr. Greenwaod saîd he would make an effort to correct the present situation and that he was in favour of spelling out times. Mr. MacLeod,ý public school superintendent, said it should be corrected ta some degree within a month when the Kirby school is opened. Mrs. Winterhelt stated that they had been seeking a correction since December in this matter. On motion of Mr. Stutt an ex- planatory letter is to be sent ta Action Line and that action is. being taken to correct this. Comrnittee S Set For Interrn Group Mr. L. Greenwood, Clarke Pub- lic Sehool representative oh, the Jnterim School Committee, re- ported that the cammittee had held one meeting at whi lh time they selected their chairman, vice-chairman and secretary. At this meeting, he said, nothing further- had- been done. Mr. MacLeod further reported that in this èconnection the super- intendents of the area had met and had set forth six committees who will in turn study the trans- ferring of the school system into the two-county uhiit. Each- com- mittee will be in charge of a cer- tain aspect of the change and will compile facts and information for the, hew Board taking over in January of 1969. Thirty to thirty-five question- aires will be sent out to each Board to gain information and this information 'will be compiled by the various committees. 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