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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Mar 1968, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, ARE4t,1968S i - - -~=~ _ -~4"~j _ w - -au-_ General INSURANCE SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE~ - MAIN ST., ORONO Plàons983-532 Res. 983-5142 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctxioneer and Valuatur Specialize in Farni and Furniture Sa1es. consult tue for terms and dates -PHO~NE ORONO 983-5914 F amily e mo rials Our quality and service leaves' nothing to be desired Ask the person wbo bought from us, a neiglibour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "lLargest dlsplay in Southern Ontario" Orono Phone 983-5343 MeCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes of Lawu Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WHITE. WASHING STABLES Bet Tompkins Phone 786-2 Building A New Home? , emodelfing? Cail JOE E CKER LYCETT ~Pitiumbing & Heating ( S PHONE 983-5407 g (rono, Ontarlo ( Barnes & Byam i PLUMBING and HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE; - B-A FINANCING Lowv Int erest Rates P-'hons: S Tyrone 263-2650 Hampton 2632288 Orville Chattertonî Electrical Cotracting Electric lleating and Service iPHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Oronio, Ontario Oa'ROà%NO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING E LECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR TV. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS -'THOR - GUARANTEED SERVICE - 0AUtoo Bond g is Srvige Lan SPhne 9311 Box 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Brothers Llmïted 318 Dundas St. E. Wbitby, Ont. Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials Dealers In Doinestie & Foreign Granites and Marbîes - Inscriptions Cnt and Cemetery Repair Work COMING EVENTS. Kendal P.T.A. will sDonsor a Cantata ofEaster Music featuring the Excelsior Choir and Kendal School Choir, Friday, April. l2th at 8 p.m. Rýendal Sehool Auditor- ium. Admission, $1.00, Children 50c. Tickets available from PTA members. a-c ORONO FIGURE SKATING CARNI VAL Time: 8 p.m. Friday, Mardi 29 and Saturday, March 3th. Price: Adults, $100; Cliildreti 50 cents. -Guest Skater: Keith Lawrence, Novice Men's Chamipion, Central Ontario Section' c-12-c WANTED A round table ,with or without chairs. Phone 983-5673, Mrs. 'Garbutt, Kendal. a-c FOR SALE Hay, first and second cuttitg, good sized bales. Phone 983-5972 Orono. b-c WORMS A PROBLEM? Use Pamovin Tablets or Liquid Tie single dose treatment for Pinworms. Available at Stutt's Pharmacy. 16-k-p FOR SALE 3-bedroom Bungalows and 4- bedroom spli level House with garage. Phone Jan Ocionski, Contract- or,,- 983-5709. t-f NOTICE Sewing Aarai n rd Repairs done at home-c:' For Women: Aterations in skirts dresses and Cots. For Men: Turn shirt collars and cuffs, siocrteni and lengtien trousersad draping and back seamis; as zippers and pock-, ets. Mrs. M. Dow,ýns, corner Park St. and Churci St. Phone 983 5493. t-f Callyour lcensed Plumbing . Mechanical Contracter who selis, instails ajd gîuarantes- C ARM AN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EMASONS W. Schmahl 983-5606 Speclalizng ln ail kinds of eTONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do Chimney Re paîrs TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE TENDER FOR TRUCK AND MATERIALS Sealed Tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received not 1later than 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, April 2nd, 1968, at the Municipal Building, Orono. (A) One 32000 G.V.W. Truck complete with Dump body, snow plow and wing. (B,) 1. Weed and Brusi control chemicals. 2., Snow Vence, 1000 feet. 3. Gasoline. Diesel Fuel. Furnace Fuel. Township Tender forms must be used for item A. Part (B) to be on bidders own stationary. Furtier informations and Ten- der forms may be iad from the undersigned. Lowest or any Tender not nec- essarily accepted. M. L. Ross, Road Superintelndent. Township of Clarke. Gord impsong Phone Orono 983-5808 g O Orono, Ontariog g PAINTING CARPENTRY0 gREMODELLING0 GENERAL REPAIES Interior Extercior g Cut the work and cost mf u la g A Bisseli: Eleetric rug shampooer EfT&SAVEI $2.50 per day Rolph Hardware, 1Orono, Ont. ip-o =o =c=c o; Oc=> W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED f REALTORg 21 KING ST. WEST Bowmanville 623-3393 g Toronto 923-9174g Port Hope Office-g 98 Walton- St. - 885-4548 FREE APPRAISALS Exclusive Agent for O'MALLEY HOMES g Port Hope, Ont. g N.H.A. approved Brick Bungalows ROY FOSTER Kendal - Phono 983-5801 f ROSS GILBART o !-rono - Phone 983-5533g 1 large selection of Farms,' iomes, Lots, Retreat Pro-o perties lu this area g DlED F-'MTTH. Vila- At BowmanvillO,, Memo,ji lHospital, on Monday, march llth, 1968, Viola Smith. Beloved wif e of the late Thornae Smith in her 95th year. Rested at the Barlow Funeral Home, Park St., Orono, Ontario for service, Wednesday, March l3th at 2 pmIn interment Orono CemeterYý CARD 0F THANKS I wish to express my sincEre- thanks to ail those who remem- bere-ýd me with cards, letter, fo~ ers anid visits during mY stay in Bowmanville and,î Oshawa Hospit- ais. MY special thanks to Rev. - Long, also Dr. McKenzie and Du- Ugray and the nurses ahéd staff George P1a~ a-t> ROUNýD ABOUT US 0Organizer, Mr. Brown of the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club,wa well" satisfie d with the Snownl'i- ple races held last Saturday at Mosport iinder their sponsorship- Because of wet tra k conditions s peeds, did- not exceed 60 miles per hour.- 237 persons entered the races and the Kinsmen made a profit on the venture- Highway1 35 near Kirby was the scene of two accidents Sunday. A two-car crash took place inr which David Jubb, Oshawa re- ceived broken ribs and 'a broken shoulder with lis car being dam- aged to an extent of $7W,~ The second car was damagedi tu an ex- tent of $1000. A second acident invoIving,' a Downsview car amounted te a&, estimated damage of $3501. The new area- Provincial 'Po- lice Station in Newcastle wýas Mf- ficially opened last Saturday. Furnishîngs were moved into th' new offices on Wednesday.. JACK R EA LTO0% R 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Selling COI YOUB ORONO AIEA' REPRESIENTATIVE 983-5274 .%embers ai t3Sarv and fl trict Real 'Estate Boar-d Building a House? or remodelliug yeur pmeea mne, the contact Floyd Nicholson ORONO D. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO WE BUY AND SELL Old Glass, China, Pine Artice--s *Toys and Oddities IF IT'S OLB CALLUS WE PAY CASH! Phones 983-5210 or 623-312, éfione 983-5207

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