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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Apr 1968, p. 5

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7-ý =1 1, -;77-,,-7 U. C.W. MNew%;îS UNIT NO. 7, U.C.W. Unit 7 met Tuesday, April 2nd, at the home of Mrs. Alex Watson with 8 'members and 2 visitors present. The meeting opened with liymn 'Beneath the Cross of Jesus,' fol- lowed with prayer by Mrs. Hilda Wood. The minutes were read and the roll called. Visits to homes 27; ta hospital 15. Mrs. Jean Duvali gave the de- votional, reading from Corr. 1, werses 1-11. Easter is the found- ation o the Gospel; followed with prayer and a reading of how Easter is celebrated in other countries. Announcements of future meet- ings, catering, packing of bale, etc., were made. Mrs. Irwin gave the study on Japan whîch was very interesting A vote -of thaInks was extended to Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Robinson, and the meeting closed with the benediction and a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. UNIT NO. i, U.C.W. Unit 1 of U.C.W. held their Ap- rul meeting in Orono Ulnited Church mait hall with a good attenda>rice. The committee in charge was Mrs. C. Fisk, Mrs. C. Tamblyn and Mrs. A. Pos. Two units combined for the ev- ening and Unit 1 was pleased ta have as their guests Unit 2 with Mrs. C. Taylor as leader. 1Mrs. C. Fisk welcomed ( ,,r guests and commenced the de- votional by reading a poem 'God so loved the world'. Bible read- ing anid hymn followed. An appropriate story depicting the scene in the Garden of Geth- semane was read, Mrs. R. Chap- man read a selected passage of scriptur? dealing with the 'Cruel- fixion. Several Easter hymnns were s1iwnc. Mrs. Fisk read a poem "Is it P", explaining the betrayal in the upper room. A reading 'Res- urrection' dispiayed the happiness of Mary at the sepuichre, conclud- mcwith hymn "Christ the Lord is risen today." We were favoured with a solo by Mrs. R. Chapman 'The Cross was His Own', accompanied at the piahio by Mrs. R. Berry. Mrs. Fisk closed the devotionai with prayer. We were privileg3d tg hive Mrs. C. Billi'.igs bring us informa- tion on Japan, thecounty we plan to study during the year. Mrs. Fisk expressed thabks to Mrs. Billings for her educational ahd detailed remarks which we feit assisted aur group immcnsely Necessary business was deaIt with and Mrs. C. Miller and Mrs. W. Armstro'ng expressed thanks ta everyone wlio assisted with the prugramn. Refreshments were. served, bringing a dellghtful evening to a close. NO INCREASED RATES FOR MEDICAL CARI rhe Durham County Co-operative Medical Services provide medicalcare insurance with extended cover- age on a non-profit basis,. . you save money on our premiums... compare our rates with others. 2PlaUS to Choose Front Surgical, Etne In-Hospital' Medical Medical Plan Doctor's Services in Hos- (Doctor's Services in pital, at home, in office> Hospital) Snl ls2o Singinelplplss22or J more -$72.00mre-$12O Single plus 1i - $126.00 Single plus 1 - $66.001 Single- $63.00 Single $33.00 DUurham County Co-operautive .Me dical Services. Box 37 Orono, Ontario Phone 983- 5404 DX-DX -DX-DX--DX-DX -DX-DX $b Be Wise: . .. ECONOMIZE! ~$AVE$$ FUEL$ $ Phone 668-3341'$ D: D X=D X- DX -D X DX- DYXD X Mr. an~d Mrs. Edgar Middleton bave purchased the Confectionery Bus2 ,.ess of' Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Rainey and take possession May lst. Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Cooper have e aken up residence in' the house on Statioin St' formerly owned by the late Mr. Porter. Mrs. Dorothy Robinson, Libra- rian at the Clarke Public Library and MVrs. Olga Beauchamp atterid- ed a Seminar at Belleville on Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Manly Kimmett, Miss Lois Kimmett, Mr. Lyn Kim- mett of Napanee and Miss Wetdy Fiddle of Picton were Sunday' visitors of Mr. and Mrs., Carl Kimmett. Mrs. Russell Major returned home . uo Sunday from the Osh- awa ilospital where she had been for two weeks due to a car . acci- dent. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn returned Frîday evenîng from a very enjoyable trip by the Nancy Colmer Bus Tour to Florida. A number of studeats from Or- ono attending Clarke High school competed in a gymnastic meet for girls held in Port Hope last Saturday. The students of Clarke are how in the midst of exams which will, be completed today. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral 'Marge Minister Rev.- B. E. Long SUNDAY, APRIL l4th, 1968 Orono United Church Sunday School at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 Leskard- Sunday - 4 School at 9:45 (Cantinued fromn Page 1) finals. In the f al of 1967 the group W'13.3 extc'nCý,ed, and presented three one-act plays called Trio. This was staged for two nights in the Newcastle Hall with about si-x hundred attending. The major effort then came for the newly-formed Clarke Players in the production of 'A Man of Ail Seasons.' "I have neyer been s0 proud of anything that 1 have been assoeiated with," stated Mr. Stubington. This production cost $2700.00 with ail expenses oeing met. Mr. Stubington pointed out that fifty-five students were in- volved in this production bath on and off the stage. There is a limited amount of outiets for cul- tural activities i rural areas and this programme bas given a good opportunity for participation, lie said. "This . lias, been successful. It bas given the students self« confidence and poise and lias been a priceless asset ta them," he said., Mr. Stubington also pointed out that there was a possibiiity that some of the students may continue in the theatrical field and that, in fact, two were making application to carry on in this field. The adventures ta date have been Sa successfui that we' have decided ta, carry on amore am- bitiaus venture. The new venture is ta provide an oPpprtutity for students ta ,came ta this area this summer ta take part in plays both on and off stage. We are having a professional director ta direct the plays and this wili pro- vide- an excellent opportunity for other groups in Canada making an effort ta supply experience for young people. Ultimately we aim, said Mr. Stubington, ta provide scholarships for students but not this year. Mr. Stubington stated that .a non-profit organization liad been incorporated with a board of dir- ectors of twenty. We are going ta stage three, Piays from August 8th to Augustý 3lst which will cost around $9,000.00. We hope ta recover thisîý cost through the sale of tickets" and that we intend ta, draw our, audiences fromn a 50 ta 60 mile radius. Mr. Stubington pointed out that the Festival will bring many vis- itors into the area which would benefit everyone. In clositg his address Mr. Stubington asked the support of those present in at-. tending the plays during August. Th.e Un predictable Insurance companies get many- dlaims relating to, freak accidents- Here's one, reported by the On- tario Safety League: The driver of a truck trans- porting a load of new cars ex- perienced headlight trouble. In- stead of pulliàg lover and waiting for a repair truck, this quick thinker turned o'n the lights on the new car perched on the rack above the truck cab and roarecI on through the night. Before long he met an oncom- ing motorist, who panicked whert he saw a pair of headlights bear- ing down on him from 20 feet i the air. "When 1 saw that thing coming at me I figured the, roadi was no place for me," he told his insurance company later, To get clear of the phantom truck he wheeled his car off the road, and struck a telephone pole. His dam- aged car was repaired under hîs collision policy. lis nerves' re- covered on their own. Oron'o Building Contractor Brick, - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry- Cabinet W.rk Floors Tii. 983-5441 ORONO Dr., P.I.Maaortense DENTIST Orono, Ontario Orono Medical Centre Office, Hours:- 9:00 to 1:00, 2:00 te 6:00 Saturday 9:00 to 1:00 Phone 983-5825 r Girl's Squall Jackets Headed nylon Jackets with cotton flannel lining and zipper closing. Blue, red and black. Sizes 3 ta 6x years and 8 to 14 years. Priced from $3.95 to $4.9à Kangzaroo Shirts Fleece-lined--cotton--Jackets.-witlh hood. Ideal for boys or girls on cool days. Assorted colaurs in sizes 1 ta 3 years; 4 ta 6x years and 8 ta 14 years. Priced from $1.98 to $3.00 Girl's Cotton Jackets Printed cotton Jackets- with- hood and flannelette lining. Attractive prints in bright shades. Sizes 3 ta 6x years. Price each $4.00 Nylon Fleece Sets Easy-care nylon fleece sets for boys and girls. Set consists of hooded jacket with zipper closing and sllms to match. Machine washable. Pink and blue. Sizes 18 and 24 months. Priced from $'7.95 to $8.95 Girls Knee Socks Knee-high stretch nylon socks in a lacy- pattern- B"ight- new--shades- for Sprlng. Sizes to fit 5 to 7 V2; 8 to 91/2 and 9 to 11. Priced from 75C to 1.19 Pr. Girls Jeans Girls "Tuf-N-Tidy" Western Jeans. Gold or green with white stitching. Sizes 12 to 18. Price per pair - $5.95 Girls Slimis Corded cotton sllms in bright shad- es of yellow, orange, green and blue. Sizes 4 to 6x years and 7 to 14 years. Price each - $3.00 1~ A T ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL llth, 1968

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