,W~NO WEEKLY TIMES, TMMRSDAY, APRIL llth, 1968 INSU- ANC SEE OFFICE - M1AIN ST., ORONO Phono 983-5032 Res. 983-514Z JACKiREID Orono's Liceniscd Auctioneer and Valuatoi Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates PHONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments and Fuiiy Memorials Or'ý quality and service leaves nothing te ho desired Aek the person who bought from a%> a neighbour, frlend or relative The RUITER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontari o-Street PORT HOPE "'Largest display i S*uthern Ontario"y 'WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phono 983-5343 McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Ropairs t. ail makes ot Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS> WHITE WFASHIG STABLES Bert Tounpkîns Phe79-2552 Buildng, A New iferne? *r I.ernodeUing? Cal JMR BECKER iLYCETT Plumblng&fleating jPLUMBING andi HEATJNG ji - Sales and Service IâU LeURNER SERVICE1 B.-A FINANCUN( - u nteflest Rates, 'U l houps: j Tyrone 263-2650 Hampton 263-2288 Orille ChattertonI Electrical Contracting IElectricfleating and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Oronn, Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC ýj Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-Fi FRIGIDAIRE - RC.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE - Famitonsg Insurance g Service gAuto, p ireU Package Policies fi FIdeity Bond, Llability First Mortgage Loans ýSadie HamiIton'u Phone 983-5115 Box 133 Phone 668-552 Stafford Brothers 1L1 mlted 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturera of ('emetery Memorials Dealmu lln Domestie & Foreiga Granites and Biarbles - Inperlptionm Cet and Cemetery Repair Werk Building a House? or remodeflhg your preemt one, thon contact HELP WANTED Experie'nced farm labour wnnt- ed. Sawmac Farms, Phone 983-5703 b-15-p AUCTION SALE Selling by Public Auction on April 17th at, the Orono Armour- les at 6:00 p.m. the household ef- fects of Mr. Jack McKeever, lin- cluding a GE.-washîng machine, G.E. Refrigerator, Moffat Electric stove, Easy Automatic dryer, Tel- evision, Telephone table, a beau- tiful oak dining room suite, an- tique dlock, set of Susie Cooper dishes, mahoghany bedroom suite, kitchen dinette set, many more important household items. Lawrence Harris, clerk. Charlie Reid, Auctioneer. a-c AUCTION SALE 3 Tractors, S.P. Combine and Implements, propexrty of Pldlip A. Johnson, Lot 13, Con. 6, Da- lington, 1 mile souith-west of Ty- rone, 5 miles north of Bowman- ville. .Selllng Saturday, April 2th at 1:00 p.. Terms cash. No. reserve, Steve Liptay, Auctioeieer WORMS A PROBLEM? Use Pamovin Tablets or Liquid The single dose treatment for Pinworms. Available at Stutt's Pharmacy. FOR SALE 3-bedroom Bungalows and 4- bedroom split level House with garage. Phone Jan Ochonski, Contract- or - 983-5709. t-f NOTICE Sewing Alterations and Repairs done at homel: For Women: Alterations in skirts dresses and coats. For -Mon: Turn shirt collars and cuffs, shorten and lengthen trousers and draping and back seams; also zippers and pock- ets. Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park, St. and Church St., Phone 983-5493. CalJyour licensed ?lumblq & whe selis, instails CARMAN, PLýUMING AND HBATING Phone 983-5207 Oreno Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EMASONS W. Sehinahi SPecializîin al hinds, ef STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do Chimney Repairs NOTICE There will be a General Meet- in,ý of the Orono Home and Sehool Association in the main hall of the United Churcli on Tuesday, April 16, at 8:00 p.m. Guest speak- er will be Mr. Robinson, Dean of the Durham College in Oshawa. Everyone welcome. a-c NOTICE The Orono U.C.W. are holding a Smorgasborçl in aid of the hymn book fund. This will be field Wednesday, April 24. Bring your favourite casserole or des- sert and enjoy a time of fellow- ship during the supper hour and afterwards a programn put on by members of the Hi-O group. Supper commences at 5:30 p.m. duits - $1.00; Children 12 yrs,. d under - 50c. Pre sehool child- n, no charge. b-15-e NOTICE The General -Meeting of the ,U.C.W. will be held on Thursday, April l8th at 8 p.m. in the main hall of the Church. Our g'uest will be Mrs. Rev. G. K. Ward. of Bowmanville who wîll speak and show a film on cancer. There will be a question and answer period. Ail ladies of the community are invited to at- tend. 1a-c O c (.oc : ocg<=0c o = CDC >c Gord Simpson g Phono Orono 9803-5808 g Orono, Ontario g g PAINTING g gCARPENTRY g O GENERAL JREPAIRS g Interior Exterior g Cut the work and cost of rug cleaning! RENT A Bisseli, lectric rug shampooer ENT&SAVEI $2.50 per day Rolph Hardware Orono, Ont. Phono 983-5207 W. FRANKg Q REAL ESTATE o Q LIMIThDg O REALTORg O 21 ING ST. WEST' SBowiuanville 623-3393 Q Toronto 923-9174 g Port Hope Office- a 98 Watoi St. - 885-4548 g QFRIEE APPRAISALSg Exclusive A gent for 0 OXLLY HOMES g N.H.A. Baows Brick g ROY FOSTER Kendal - Phone 983-5801 J R0O3S GILBART g oOrono -, Phone 98353 gA largo selection of Farms,g OHomes, Lots. Retreat Pro- porties Îmi this area f IN MEMORIAM 1XOLLINGSWORTH - in ever loving mefiory of a dear husband and' father, Ëowland Hill, Who passed suddenly away April lSth, 1967. Lovingly remembered by Jàis wife, Annie and family. a-C CARD 0F THANKS To ail those who were se kind during my illness. thahk you sincerely. a-c Carolene Lunn CHURCH SERVICE St. Saviour's Anglican Church Service April l4th, 1968 at 3 p.m. Rector R. H. Hayne a-e BASEBALL NOTICE The Amateur Athletic Associ- ation are endeavouring to arrange the basebaîl leagues for the' coin- ing summer. On Monday, April lSth there will be a registration in the Arena from 6:30 tili 7:30 for ail boys and girls in the area who would like to Plav either hard bail or soft bail. There will beto, registration fee at this time as the Association is interested only in how many boys and girls want to plaý' either hard bail or soft hall. Please plan to register Monday April 15.a- COMING EVENT Kendal P.T.A. will sponsor a' Cantata of Easter Music featuring Excelsior Choir and KeIndal School Choir, Friday, April 12,ý 1968 at 8 p.m. in Kendal Sehool Auditorium. Admission -$1.00, Cbldren 50e Tickets available froin P.T.A. members, a-e COMING EVENT The Eastern Ontario Basebal Association will hold its sehedul- ing meeting at the Port Hope Town Hall, April 22, 1968 at 7:30 p.m. -A limited humber of open- ings for teams in minor to senior ball are stili available. For in- formation and applications con- tact the following prior to April 15, 1968 - R. W. Rock, Secretary, 428 Roosevelt Drive, Kingston, 613-389-1907 or J. S. Gilmer, Pres- ident, 8 Alfred Street, Port Hope, 416-885-5727. a-e BABY SITTING Experîenced day care offeredl for baby or pre-sehool children, while pareats work. Lunch pro- vided. Phone Mrs. Johnsoh 983-5658. b-15-e TEEN DANCE Saturday, April 13 at the Orono Town Hall. $1.00 per person; $1.50 a couple. Music bythe Chessmen Review. Sponsored by the Orono Hock- ey Mothers., a-e ,qq l'Fr Tn, ÙIIFIFD Ans Gkïi ÈËb DIED. VTJTTON,- Georga H-At Mem- orial Hospital Bowmanville, on April 3rd, 1968 George H. Hutton age 78 years. Beloved husband of' th~e 1,ta H-e1en Hutton, dear fath- er of George, Shiloli, Manitoba; Charles of Orono North; Jack of Toronto; Aileen (iVrs. Jack War- den) of Stayner. Resed at the Barlow Funeral Home, Park Street, Orono. Ser- vice was held on Saturday, April 6th at 2 p.m. from the Lang Char.el. Intermený Oronio, Cern- etery. IN MEMORIAM B3ROWN-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Colin Brown, who passed away April 8th, 1967. He is gone but not forgotten, And as draws another year, In our lonely hours of thitking, Thoughts of him are always near. Days of sadness will come o'er us, Many think the wound is healed. But they littie know the sorroW That lies in the heart concealed. 1Sadly missed and neyer for- gotten by iloving wif e Ettie and