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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Apr 1968, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. THURSDAY, APRIL l8th, 1968 ORONOWEKYTIMES 4Aut-honzed as Sec-ond Class mail, Post Office Lepartment, Ottawa) Publislied every Thursday at tlt off ice of publicatiS Main Street, Phnone 109, urono, Ontarro Established in 1938 by R. A. Fori-ester Roy C. Forrester - Edîtor andl Manager Awkward Legi 1siation Mr. Alex Carruthers,' M.P.P.,, in a recent address in Port Houpe, referred to the Slielter Tax rebate plan as somewhat awkward. This may become ani understatement if more information is not lianded out to the general public. Everyone will welcome the tax relief which Mr. Car- rutliers lias placed around $51.00 per residential assessment. The rebate is designed to benefit owners as well as tenanits. There are, however, a number of unanswered ques- tions in tlie relationsliip between owner and tenant. In a case sucli as Clarke Townsliip whrcli this year lias increased its taxation, does tlie tenant benefit to tlie extent of the fulI provincial rebate or only the difference between the re- bate and tlie Township increase? If tlie latter is true, and it seems reasonable, tlien problems càn arise between tlie two parties. Another area not too well defined so far, weild aiso affect tenants in tlie apartment buildings. It has been said tlie rebate is on tlie first $2000. of residential assessment. Does tliis mean on tlie wliole building or per apartmnent or family dwellîng? If tlie rebate is $51.00 per building, then it is 'feasible tu see tenanits in a fifty apartment building receiving a rebate of $1.00 eacli. Sucli a plan would dis- criminate against tlie apartment dweller and tlie larger tlie apartment the greater tlie discrimination. It would appear tliat tlie rebate slould be on the first $2000 of residential assessment per apartmelit. Rebates to tlie tenant will, no doubt, have to be adjusted in accord- ane witlitlieir cost of accommodation. The field for debate in this piece of legisiation is wide open and we expect this will be especially su in tlie owner-tenant relationship. More facts may clear up many of our questions but the human element will always be present to be' considered. This is going to be interesting Now? Mr. Jack Gearin writing in the Oshawa Times recent- ly. states tliat tliese must be tebse days for Russell Honey,, M.P. for Durham. Mr. Gearin is of the opinion tliat Pierre Trudeau must find Mr. ýHoney's rimme cropping up every time lie ponders the men to fil is top cabinet positions. It is a fact that Mr. Honey jumped on tlie Trudeau band wagon early in the game and dîd head a higlily or- ganized and effective group in Ontario in support of Mr. Trudeau. Mr. Gearin refers to tliis work by Mr. Honey and also states tliat Mr. Honey bas impressive credentials, being tlie head of tlie caucus and lias been oni some other important ventures witliin tlie Liberal party and govern- ment. Writers in tlie Toronto papers liave not included Mr. Hohiey's name in tlie Trudeau cabinet grouping even tliough some writers have listed members of the Ontario for Tru- deau group as possible cabinet contenders. The game at tliis point is for big stakes in the Liberal Party and no doubt there are many in the field in one way or another. Though there are five cabinet positions to fili there are stili a great number of top brass sluffling around and ne doubt keeping tlieir fingers on tlie pulse at Ottawa. The decision will soon be lianded down by Mr. Tru- deau and local liberal supporters are hopeful of seeing Mr. Honey's name in that list of cabinet ministefs. THOSE PINK ENVELOPES Support Easter Seals The campaiga for Easter Seals wiIl soon come tu a close and we would like to remind you that if you liaven't returned your pink envelope witli your donation now would be e splehdid: time. Ail ftrnd raising campaigns of this nature do need a little effort by the general public-and the Easter Seal campaign is no exception. The need and tlie cause are both great. Your don- ation now wili lielp put the campaigu over the top. Act now! A. CarthrsS ak Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P, recently infoirmed the Port Hope Progressive Conservatives' at a Ladies' Auxiliary meeting that property taxes would be reduced by a refund of ýaround $51 to each homeowner on his or lier first $2000 of assess ment. "This, formi of refund was the obly way we could get' money back to the taxpayer without the municipality absorbing it," hie said. The grants, hie said, would lie made to the, municipalities. They in turn would require to pass the benefit on to the home- owner and landiord, who in turn would be reqired to pass the behiefit on to the tenant. "It is' a rather awkw.ard miethod of re-ý fund," lie said, "but it is the only way it can be done." Mr. Ca rruthers empliasized the refund would flot only go to the homeowner but to the tenants in bouses and apartmnent buildigs. The landiord would eitlier reduce rents or make a direct payment to the tenant. Tenants liad the riglit to ask for tlie refund. "If the landiord refuses to do this, a substantial fine will be imposed lie said. Government for Little Man H1e said it was the first time in any jurisdiction that thîs type of legisiation. had been introduced "This government is hiot against the little man, which is the dlaim of, the opposition. It is for the littie man and this type of legis- lation proves it."1 Mr. Carruthers said jhe Govern- ment had had to introduce a cer- tain' amount of tmpopular legis- lation sucli as the increase in wel- fare payments. "These could have' been absorbed but the Govern- ment had to bring homne to the people that these welfare bene- fits are not just free," lie said. lie was 'beconùngz more and more convinced that something had to be done to preventý the over use of tlie welfare services. "Docfors' offices are full of people, liospitals are full of people. Something lias to be done to prevent the over use of of these services,'" he said. Britain and other countries were almost bankrupt because of a uÈiversal welfare plan. A second look' had to be taken at the Can- adian welfare program because the very people who needed wel- fare were not getting it, ylile tlie better-off were being subsi- dized. HUBERT GROOT Your Representative f or North American Life IMfe Mortgage 1Protection InoeReplacement and Estate Planningý Phone: Bus.: 728-9427 Res.: 623-3958 19" Rectangular Tube eAY'LITERt Fresh, Clean-line styling contrib- utes quiet appeal to this deluxe Table-Top TJ.V. Vinyl covered metal cabinet in two-tone finish. Costillan Gbo1d with, Exedutive Walnut grain. LESS WliTH TRADE Oro no Electric PHONE 983-5108 THE IDEAL SERVICE PROGRAM FOR NEW AND OLDER CARS VERIFJED C AR'KmCARE PROTECT YZU HANDS RUBBJERý G LU0VES Priced fromr 89c-$1 .49 Stutt's ar cy )ron.,, juntario Phone 983-5009 j The easy, convenient, reliable way to keep your car going great and your warranty in force. Verified car care is per- formed right here in Orono, by qualified mechanies. it in.- cludes ail normal services your car requires and it works for any make or model. You get a permanent record i case you require adjustments under the terms of your warranty. For Further Information E. Bowens Tex'facod PHONE 983-5130, ORONO ORONO. ÔNT.

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