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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Apr 1968, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIJURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1968 To Produce 70 Up And Down The ook Stocks U // j Newcastle 1Golf 18 fiOLE- PAR 70 -6485 YDS. 1 Mile East of Newcasïtle on Golf Course Rd. 1/ mile North of HwY. 2 Mid Week Week Ends, $2.00 $3.00 9 Iloles - 1/2 Price Seasoual Rates lPHONE 987-w485:1 For Starting Times Il ~Rae Daiory Products Cigarettes- Ice Cream - Pipe Tobacco Cigars &ift Drinks- Candies Dry Cleaning Agents Timex Watc hes- Bands - oete MATTS BARBE and CONFECTIONERY A, LàE- Municipal Hall Fnom 1 p.m. to 10 P.. Daily FREE ADMISSIONz THURS. a cnd R1. -m Catte Oreingdin AssýociationP, resident, IHarry Ken- nedy, of' Cavai, says lie expects the merger off the, COCBA w7itli thle Waterloo and Lambton Coun- t les breeding units will be officiai early in September. He said the thnee units, to, be known at United Breeders Iiic., wili serve aine central' Ontario counties from Lake Huron to Peterboroughi and mucli of Northi- cmn Ontario. He, said the associa- tions insemniÉated a combined to- tal off 200,000 cattie, annually. Tliey have 110 bulis of, dairy and (Contiaued page 6) APRIL 18 und 19, See the new 1968 line I McCULLOCH, BOATS - MOTORS - TRAILERS <Chain Saws - Lawn Mowers Garden Equipment - Marine Accessories, W A TSOuNS MARINE & C'YCLE Orono, Ontario - Phone 983-5343 aMillion Trees The Woodlands Improvement Act of 1966 lias substalitially con- tributed to this increase in orders for trees. For example, 400,000 trees wiIl be planted on private land in Durham County this year. This quantity is doubled that of any previous year. According to the Durham 'Management Fores- ter, "This' is only the beginniing." in order to meet the anticipa- ted demand,' nurseries, will pro- duce a higlier proportion of seed- ling stock and will, therefore, re- duce the number of transplanted stock' produced formerly. This means that a greater number of plants can be grown on a small- er area of land' than is -possible at present under the transplant oriented programn. However, the hiarvesting of seedliùg, stock suitable for out- planting creates certain problems Seedl ing roots become so entang- led and matted that they yield relue 'tantly, to the passage, of the tractor-mounted lifting blade. V'roduction per man-day, decrease when gahigs, using conventional methods, start to lift secedling stock. Greater care must be tak- en in separatingý the, root systems, to ensure' minimal dama,e, prior to counting and bindling. The answer to these problems is. to create a machinie that will overcome al of the idiosyvncrasies associated with the remnoval of seedlingý trees from the soul. It isýhoped..(that sucli a machine can be designied aii nd anufactured so that the aniticipated demand foir trees can be met. Knaidl News A fine E aster service was held ~Žin Ke'idal church. Our choir fav. oured us 'witli two numbers, an anýthemn and a trio. There was a large attendance with visitors from as far away at St. Cathar- ines and Burks Falls. A very ffine Musical evening jl was enjoyed by a large crowd in Keadal Sc'iool auditorium on- Apriil 2tli. The ladies of the Ex- celsior Choir were dressed la beautiful blue floor lengtli gowns The choir stood on the raîsed steps and were led by Mr. M. McCoy la the antliems of the Easter Cantata "Lord of Lords", The antliems were very fine la- deed but the part 1 enjoyed most was the soprano solos sung by Mrs. A. Merkley who si'ags the high notes like a niglitingale and every word. is so cdean, one lias no trouble following the story. Miss Vivian Sadler sang the con- tralto soios. Our Kendal Sehool Choir, dress- ed in blue dresseslike the aduit choir with the boys in white shirts and hlue ties, entertained us witli their festival selections. Little Madeline Merkley gave two selections on lier violin, ac- companied by lier mothen. She was first prize winnen at the Peterboroughi Festival. "Were you There" was perliaps the nigli liglit of the evenitg, sung so penfectly by Mr. M. Mc- Coy. Children aad, adults alike e'n- joyed the 'Barbenshop quartette' The last number on the program Over 100 librarians and Truist- ees attended the Spring Workshop of the Lake Ontario Regional Li- brary System lield at Belleville Public Library on April lOth. At- tendîhg from Clarke, Public Lib- rary were Mrs. Olga Beauchamp and Mrs. Dorothy Robinson. The sessions inciuded talks on inter-library loan by the librari- ans ofthe main resource libraries of this Region: Peterborougli, Bellevilie, Kingstoi and Douglas Library, Queen's, University. Mr. David Skene Melvin, Assist-' ant Director of the Lake Erie Regional Library System spoke on "INTER-LIBRARy LOAN US- AGE AND POSSIBILITIES IN A REGIONAL SYSTEM." The higli-liglit of the luncheon hour was a hat-judging contest with the millînery creatioh off Mrs. Jackso'q, Assîstant-Librarian of Deseronto winning the prize of a spring-gay bouquet of yellow daffodils. The key speaker off the after- noon was Mr. Robert Porter, Chairman of the Belleville United Services Agency. Mr. Barrie Rob- inson of the Lake Ontario Region- al Library System closed the Worksliop with a brief- talk on develôpments, in the Region in the 'near future. Continuous film showings and many book displays added to the worth of the Workshop. NEW BOOKS Aduit'Fiction The Desperate Days- Jordan Going oh Sixteeu - Cavànna Ail in- the Famuiiy O'Connor The Waiking Stick - Grahamý Adult Nonfiction How to Write and Speak Éffect- ive English - Allen Strike Zion! - Unis Letters from an Actor - Redfield qipsy Moth Circles the World -Chichiester Juvenile Beautiful joe Read About thle postma,11 Evolution The Pope's Back Yard THE WINNER! There is still a chancefor you to see the pictures of local horse- men and their first place horses. At the Clarke Public Library now and for a few more weeks! Flowers allways an Ideal Gift CANA WOOD SHOPPE Phone -983-5539 Orono, Ontario was the 'Hallelujah Chorus!' The members of the two choira were served lunch by the inem- bers of Kendal P.T.A. in one off the new class rooms. Mrs. Wm. Jackson is home again fromn Bowmanville Hospital after her bout with pneumonia, feeling fine again. We are glad to be able to re- port, that the three patients in Bowmanvilie hospital from Ken- dal namely, Mr. Lavern Hoy, Mr. Robert Morgan and Mrs. E. Geary are ail much improved. JACK RICAR"uD REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When B-UYing or Selliug conJ ,.WILF HAWKE YOTJR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Alembers of )shawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board RIAINY1 Confectionery Phone Oronto 983573 Tituex Watches L. P. Records- Gireeting Cards, Win. NeilSon Box Chocolates Cigarettes & Tobaccos Open Evenings until 9 excePt Wednesdays

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