ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL lSth, 1968 Easter Holiday visitors with MrLis. Ken Garnsby were Mr. and Mrs. James G'amlsby, Melanie and Steven, Loirraine, Quebec; Mrs. HaodSnell, -Danny and Bobby, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John H. B-Iydd Terry, Orillia. i NO INCREASED RATES FOR MEDICAL (R Uhe Durham Caunty Co-operative Medical Services provide medical care insurance with extended cuver- age on a non-profit basis.. . you save money on our premiums... compare * ur rates with others. 2 PlanS to Choose Front Surgical, Extended In-Hosit aiMedical Medical Plan Doctor's Services ini Hos- (Doctor's Services in pital, at home, ini office) Hospital) Singl plus2 orSingle plus 2 or more - $72.00mr -1120 Single plus 1L - $126,00 Single plus 1 - $66.00 Single - $63.00 Single $33.00 urhalm County Co-operative Medical Services Box 37 Orono, Ontario Phone 983- 5404 DX- DX -DX -DX -DX -DX -DX -DX $p B e Wise: .$ ECONOMIIZE I $AVE$'$ dbWITH FUEL,$ $ OIL ýDk-DXý--DX1- )X -X -DX -DX -Dx. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McKen- zie and Michelle, Aylmer were Easter Hýoliday guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKenzie and Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cooper and family, Birmingham, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Owen Faean and Karen, Markham visited on the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. O Cooper.11 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Drummond, Toronto, spent Sunday with his rntMr. and Mrs. A. A. Drum-mobd. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd King were dinner guests on Thursday with Mrs. Ken Gamsby, while on th:eir way frgnm Montreal to Torontoý O.P.P., Report' The followinig are the statistics for Newcastle Detachment OPP ,for the, month of Mvarch 1968: Break & Enter 16 Auto' Thefts 1 Autos recovered 1 Thefts 19 Other criminal investigations 14 Prov. Statute investigations 10 Value of stoien pronertv $8.088. As a resuit of the above invest- igations, 7 persons have been cha'rgîed with criminal offences and 4 persons have been charged with o;fences against the Provi- '~Accidents investigated - Fatal accidents Persons killed , Persons injured Persons charged und( i Persons warned under U.T.A. 85 Vehicles safety checked 139 Perscns charged with im- paired, drivîng 0 Persons charged with fail to remain at the scenie of an accident ,o SAFETY TIP FOR THE MONTH. Why speed to save a'second, if the second You save is your last? AREA- FRUIT & VEGETABLE SPECIALIST APPOINTED The Ontario Department of Ag- riculture and Food has announced the, appointme'nt of K. B. (Bey) Ells as Fruit and Vegetable Spec- ialist for the counties (Ytario, Victoria and Durham, effective April 1, 1968. Mr. Euls is a native of Nova Scotia, graduating in 1960 in Horticulture from Macdonald Col- lege. He worked as a specialist with the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food in Wood- stock .a'd Simcoe leaving for ap. Proximateîy one year to work with the British Columbia Depart- m&a'lt of Agricuiltuire in Extension work. Mr. Euls and, his wife Betty are now living in Bowmanville. Mrs. Elîs is a graduate of the Univers. ity of British Columbia Home E- onomics and was formerly a Home Economist with the Ontar- io Department, of Agriculture an Fod 26 Farmers with problems in er fruit and vegetable growîng '298 should contact the Ontario De. partment of Agriculture and - ~Food, 14 Fracik Street, telephone 623-3348. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral ",harge Minister Rev.i.B.--E. Long SUNDAY, APRIL 21st, 1968 Orono United Church Sunday Sehool at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 Leskard- Sunday School at 9:45 DURHAM COUNTY ASSISTANT APPOINTED 1.Continue>d from page 4 taken part in the 1I'terclub Coin- petitions at Guelph in both grain and dairy. In 1961 hie was the winner of the Dau-forth Founda- tion award a'ad in 1962 attended, 4-H-1leadership Camp' at .Guelph. H1e also won the eold watch ini the dairy club and the Lindsay Cleaners Trophy in the grai club in 1962. John has been the win'oer of the Championship Showman at Lindsay Fair on two occasions; was ohi the interprov. incial 4-H exchange in Saskat- chewahi in 1964 and lias been .a leader of the Kiwanis 4-H Grain Ladies' Cotton Sleepwear Attractive styles in ladies' gowns with dusters to match. Tex-smooth durable pressed fortrel & cotton with embruidery trim. Bright shades of pink and orange. Sizes S,, M. and L. Price - Gowns, $3.95 to $5.95 Dusters, $5.95 to $6.95 ioned haif tie of fine 'suede with soft lea ther trim. Coral, bone and toast. Sizes 6 to 9. Priced per pair........ $4.O "tqIDDY GADDERS"I - Haif tie lu newest- pattern fabric. Yellow predomin. ating. Sizes 6 to 8. Priced per pair .....$4.O Club. John will be working out of the Bowmahville office and can be contacted at 623-3348. Hoùme n S0o From page 1 veloped to complete the spectrum of education in the Province of Ontario. "We at Durham College are excited with what we are do- img", he said. The Office rs of the Home and School Association were 'officially- installed into office by district officer. Mr.. Gilbart reported a membership of thirty-seven while- Mr. Quantrill reported a bank bal- ance of $74.00. Mrs. H. E. Milisun was apit ed to represent the Oroho Home and Sehool Association on the, District Association. The next meeting of the Assoc- iation will be held in October, stated1 the president, Mrs. Wm., Bunting. Requires T E NDE for the following P001 POLMAINTENANCE- Chlorinating and vacutuming. 2. POOL ADMINISTRATION Hiring and sched- uling Lifeguards.' 3. PARKING ATTENDANT Sundays. 4. BOOTHI CONCESSIONAIRE - Operating Park Booth. 5. POLICING PARK - Speedin g, Rowdyism and Litter Control. Tender to, be submittedl to the Secretary, Miss AIma Cutteil, Orono, by April 25th. 983-5441 ORONO Ladies' Sneakers A new stock of Canadian made can- vasý slues with good quallty rubber sole, arch bar and full cushion insole. Skipper blue, wheat, black and white. Sizes 5 to 9. Price per pair - $3.25 ýîM "'HAPPY HOPPER HALF-TIE" - You know thçé value in this style. Genuine cuwhide uppers. Outside sole with wedge. Bone, yellow, green, copper and black. Sizes 6 to 9. Priced per pair---------.$4.50 x'HAPPY HOPPERS" - New and li- pruved, Canada's most popular slipper/shoe Good quality suede with new wide toe. Toast, curai, grey and green. Sizes 5 to 10. Priced per pair ......... $3.50 "GOLDEN CLASSIC" .- Glimmering tVetallic basic, foam llned. Vinyl pouched. Priced per pair .. $4.00' Orono, Building Contractor Brick .Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry- Cabinet Work Fluors -Tile Dr. P.l. Mua rtense DE?;TIST Orono, Ontario Orono Medical Centre Office Hours:. 9:00 to 1:00, 2:00 to 6:00 Saturday 9:00 to 1:00 Phone 983-5825 -- - -- - - Ladies'ý Shoes by 'Lyons' "j