ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRI 25, 1968 No, Coaches From page 1 28.boys who wanted to play býard-. bail, 21 boys who wanted to play softball and il boys didn't care either way. There was -aiso 6 -iris who would like to play soft- bail. At the registration night we did not hear. from any coaches for Box 37 either hardball or softball. The Eastern Ontario Basebali Associ- ation sehedule for hardball has been drawn up for Tykes, Pee Wees and Bantams and Orono is not on the schedule. Whether the kids play softball within a Village league or play hardball they do need coaches, so let's hear from any interested adults who would like to help. Orono Amateur Athletic Assoc. Medical Services Orono, Ontario Phone' 983. 5404 Local News Mfr. and Mrs. Kay Lycett and MVr. and Mrs. Floyd Nicholson left on Thursday for a holiday in Jamaica. Mr. Larry Miller from Eastview Y*M.C.A., Toronto, spent the weekend wîth his parents'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller. Mrs. Fred Tamfblyn has been moved to Sunset Lodge in Bow- manville. Mrs. E. Couvier is a patient in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Jesus Asks A Question Taken from a sermon preached by Bey. B. E. Long. Scripture: St. John 21: 1-17. Following the excitement of the first Resurrection appearanc- es of Jesus, Peter and others of the disciples had gobe back to the old life by the sea. Perhaps they had faced the ridicule of the village streets and such taunts as, "the great adventurers are back, again!" Suddenly Peter's patience snaps and he announces to lis comrades, "I'm off for a fish." "We will go too," say the others. For themselves this may have been a wise move because idie- ness is a precarlous cobidition. We know that if grief cornes, it is' best not to sit soiitary, moping and desolate, but to get back ýto ones' daily work. When the mimd is confused and purpose seems to J UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, AJPRIL 28th, 1968 Orono United Church Sunday Schooi at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 Leskard- 1Sunday School at 9:45 have departed, it is wise to seek the health giving therapy of work. Yet whiie ail this is so, At is between the shore and the de- parting boat. For if these men are caught into the old life 'again, with alarm that we match the narrow ribbon of water widening will there be,- can there' be, a Christian church at ail? The se ýptural accounts tell us that at this crucial time Jesus ap- peared on the shore and spoke to them. Wheh it was apparent to the disciples that it was Jesus who stood there, Peter immediat ely left the boat and hurried to shore where Jesus eventualiy ask- ed him the disturbing question, "Do you love me more than these" In this question Jesus may have been asking if Peter ioved Hlm more than the other men who were with him, but it is more likely that Jesus was asking if hîs faithfulness to the old way of life, the boats, the nets, and the, fish was greater than to, Jesus Himself. Perhaps Jesus was ask- ing Peter if his response was more than the emotion of the mo- ment, if it was more than shallow sentimentalism, or was it of an eternal quality. 'n re sponse to Jesus' questioni, Peter answered, three times that ho loved Jesus and in return heard the command of Christ. "Feed my iamhs, tend my sheep," As we think of this, we realize that Jesus' command is a chal- lenge for Christians in ahy gener- ation. ýAcceptance -of Christ and ioyalty to Hlm must always re- suit in the shepherding of the fiock. The young ones in our midst, to a great extent, are a Droduct of what we are and ouIr oWni outiook in life. Their young lives are easiiy, twisted and dist- orted if we are careiess or irres- ponsible in our reaction to God. The branch of the mature tree can be bent but when it is re- leased it snaps back into its for- mer position, but not so with the tender shoot. When it is held in a different positioný , it may, be trained into ,a permanent shape of almost any pattern., .The command "feed my lambs; feed my sheep" is fulfilled when we take up our cross as Jesus did and spend our lives in sacri- ficial love. So often we speak, of the crosses we are caused to bear - sickness, difficuit timfes andj disappointments, but the cross of Christ is the taking up voluntarily of that which brings blsigto mankind'. The test of our evcry action is to be found in Jesus' question to Peter. "Djo'we love Christ?" "Are we feeding His iambs, lis sheep", Attention It is brought to the attention of parents that care should be taken flot to permit children to play with battery operated toys where the battery is leaking. Dr. C. M, Horner, Medical 0f- ficer of Heaith, advises that be- cause of the construction of the battery any leaked material would bc irritating iand corrosive but not too toxic. However, al steps should be taken to avoid ingestion. Children'should not be aliowed to play with a toy or other ap- pliance that has a leaking dry cel battery. Ahy article which' has contained a leaking dry cell bat- Lery should be w ell cleaned be- ore giving it to a, chiid. Ladies' Dresses Don't miss seeing dur Spring and Summer Dresses - Another shipment has arrived!! This - minute styles i Cotton, Arnel, Terylene and other easy-care fabrics. Bright, beautiful shades in prmnts and plains. Sizes ranige from 9 to 24%. $8.95 mntoh299 Ail-cWather Coa«ts Ail weather Coats ini water-repeilent materials, including - Durable Pressed Fortrel and Cotton which is washable and neyer needs ironing. Scotciigard treated to resist rain and stains. Beige, g9ld, blue and navy. Sizes 10 to 18. $185t $32,95 New- Summer' Wear Arriving Every Week INTERRUPTION SUNDAY, APRIL 28 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 pI.m. SOUTHI END 0F ORONO O'NLY ORONO IIYDRO Mr. M. Downs, Manager NOý INCREASED RATES FOR MEDICAL CARE The Durham County Co-operative Medical -Service provide medical care insurance with extended cover- age on a non-profit basis. . . you save money oni our premiums. . compare sur rates with others. 2 Plans to Choose Front Extende d Mledical Doctor's Services in Hos- pitai, at home, in office) Single plus 2 or more - $132.00 Single plus 1- $126.00 Single - $63.10 Durham County Co-operatiîve Surgical, In-llospii ai Medical Plan (Doctor's Services in .Hospital) Single plus 2 or more. - $72.00 Single plus 'l - $66.00 Single $33.00 Dr. P.I.Maartense DENTIST Orono, Ontario Orono Medical Centre Office Hours:- 9:00 to 1:00, 2:00 té 6:00 Saturday 9:00 to 1:00 Phone 983-5825 v H M , w"ý" ý il - -1 -1-1-111,111- PONG ri il