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Orono Weekly Times, 2 May 1968, p. 4

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ORONO _WEEKLY TIMES, THUI(SDAY, MWAY Znd, 16 Russeli C. Hon1ev. M.P.. Durham My last officiai duty this week as chairmah off the National Lib- eral Caucus was to preside at a Caucus dinner to say good-bye 'to Mr. and Mrs. Pearson. For their new home the retiring Prime Minister and Mrs. Pearson were ecd given. a desk ahid chair. In return, they presented the caucus with an officiai. gavel and a Can- adian Flag, both off which now remain permancntiy h ii the Na- louai Caucus Room of the-Pýarlia- ment Buildings. It was an emotionai meeting as Members said good-bye to, their former leader. The close relation- ship between gr. ýPearson and the Liberal Members has, often provoked comment from Members of other parties and Press Gallery members. Each Member off the Caucus vould iiteraiiy have donc any- thing' for Mr. Pearson probabiy because this resulted from the knowledge each Member had that Mr. Pearson would stand bhind each one off them throughi thick and thi n. 1-is ioyalty and confid- ence in the Members off lis 'Cau- cus may have been one off' is politicai weaknesses but .~ was a relationship which xvi le long cherished by those who served with hlm. The mariner in whici Mr. Pear- son pr.otected the Members off tle Caucus is now a part of history, H1e stuck by Favreau, and Tremb- lay (boti iow prematureiy dead) and Lamontagne, who is now in thc Senate,_when it woiuld have been politicaiiy expedieut to let thcým go. But it would not, ln Mr. Pearso'n's view, have been mor- alIv justifiable to icave his col- leagues bchind because they were in trouble. This strong sense off loyaity was reciprocated by Lib- eral Members in a manner and to a degree that outsiders couid, nev- er understand. Tuesday was my iast day as Member off ParliameIit for Dur- ha.On that day 'the riding off Northumberland and the riding off Durham disappcared. At the same time the new riding off ment to represent you xiii be the "Honourable Member for North- umberland-Durham," who ilii that be? We xiii know on the ev- cning off June 25t1 . . . but that is another story, and reminds me 1 should le on my way! It bas been a priviiege to represent you in Canad's Parliameut. OA NO-FROST REFRIGERATOR iFREIE Hydro Pays Off Icank Lon At a recent meeting off the Or- ono Hydro Eicctric Cozimission the manager, Mr. M. Downs, re- ported that thc Commission was in a financiai position to be able to pay off a bah-k ioan off $2500. The news was acceptqd with enthusiasm by the Commission who gave the manager authority to pay off the ioau. It has been reported over the past few months that, the financiai picture off tht local hydro system has been imp roving and tiat funds xiii be avaiiabie for future im- provements. The good old daysl Our village was thrown ln great excitement one morning last wc -ek by a "woman tramp" and one off our "game-legged' carpen- ters" fighting a duel on our main street. Weapons chosen for. the occasion were rocks and brick- bats. After a great many shots had been fireei by, boti duelists with- out ahy serions effect, the female' tramp, who hpd been working on the defence so far, determined tJened the affray. After selecting a good size stone, she hurled it wi*th ighning force at the man's lead, and truc to her aim ît struck him above the eye, itfiict- ing, an ugiy wound, and eudcd the duel. It might be_,nentioned that the woman cailed severai times for assistance, and our Chef was sitting at the same time. on bis owIn door stcp smoking his "short dlay" and taking it ail in,- but neyer offered to go to her assist- ance. As Mr. John Payne was on his way home from Mr. Huuter's with haif a ton off hay, and wheti uearing Mr. J. Donneiiy's furni- turc warerooms, he was attacked by ia gang off roughis who upset ils hay' (which was built on a wagon box) and uhhitched his horses, and then ran for dear life. Afier a great deai off trouble Mr. Payne succeeded in getting his load on and had oniy got about a lundred yards farther whehn tiey again weut for him, this time covering tic poor fel iow over compietely with hay and showering stone s ai hlm at a fear- fui rate. H1e managed to get lis hay home at about eleven, o'ciock that night. Now, Mr. Editor, I think i is disgraccffui tint such conduct xiii be ailowed in a civ- iiized village, where we have paid officers off the iaw to guard us, as we have here. This racket took place withiu fifty yards off our Chief's door, and to ahl appear- «Ince he paid noattention to it. One off our farmers came in the Village one day lasi week with a load of watermeious to try and seil them on the street. H1e had no more than got his stopped beffore a crowd be- garn to gatier. The oild feliow Iôokcd happy percied up on his wagon box watching the crowd gatier, i anticipation off making some desperate sales; but his countenance soon changed when le observed a young mat walking away with one off his largest mel- ons. Not caring to lose such, a valuabie prize, thc oid gent gave chase, ieaving the crowd to guard his remaining melons. Ycs, they giuîârdéd them, for when le re- turncd after a "fruitiess chase", off bis forty melons but ten re- mained. The Iast we heard off him h'd gquc to Newcastle to get out a searci warrant for lis melons. STRAGGLER Orotio,- Sept. 14, 1880 This article appcared in tic i3owmanviiiýe StatesmPan dated Sept. 17, 1880. John Payne was tic third hus- band off Jane MeCrae Biilings. Mrs. Payne began a bakery bus- iness around this time or a uitile later in the same location as it is to-day. Sic also rau a restaurant at tic same time. 11cr husband John 'left for parts unknown' (ac- cording to a paper off 1883). If he wasu' t trcated any better duriug the ilirce ycars affter the Hay cp- isode, it's no wolidcr! Report From Ottawa Jane Fonda Ail Seats $1.00 THURS., FRI., SAT., SUN.- MAY 23 - 24 - 25. 26 Peter Sellers, Ursula Andress <CHILDRENYS MATINEE SAT., MAY 25 DISNEYF FESIVAL Disneyland, WnieTePooh True Life Adventure andi Cartoons ALL SEATS 50 CENTS THURS., FRIL, SAT., SUN. - MAY 30 - 31 JUNE 1 .2 Tommy und the Millionaire also The Shakiest Gun in the West Don Knotts - Comedy SHOWTIS Thursday and Sunday - one complote, program starting at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday 2 Shows at 7 and gpprox. 9 lVatinee every Saturday ai 2 p. 1968 SPRING PLANTING Il ,E! Shade and 'Fruit Trees Flowering Shrubs & Trees Ornamental Evergreens Peat Moss- Fertilizers CALL AT RICHiARDSOuN FARMS PHONE 983-5180 On llighway 35 just North off Pontypool, Ontarl o R 0 YA L HONE623-556g9 MAY CALE NDAR <THURS., FRL., SAT., SUN. - MAY 2 - 3 4 - 5 EASY COME, EASY GO Elvis Presley, Dodie Marshall THURS., FR1., SAT., SUN. - MAY 9 - 10 11il 12 EL DORADO John Wayne, Robert Mitchumý THURS., FR1, SAT., SUN,. - MAY .16- 17 - 18- 19. The Good, the Band and th e UgIy Clint Eastwood,' El! Wallach One Complete Show Nightly at 7:30 SUNDAY MAY 19 -- MID-NITE SHOW AND MÔNDAY MAY 20 at 7:30 P.M. THE,'HAPrPENINGÊ" Anthony Quinn, Fay Dunaway and- 111E GAMmmE IS "V' R

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