ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1968 IN SURANCE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 983-5032 Res. 9835142 Orono's Licensed Aýuctioneer And Vlao Specialize in Farn anýd FurnitureSae Consuli mne for ternis and dates PHONE ORONO 988-5914 Monuments and Our quality, and service leaves .nothing te be desired Ask the person who bogh rom us, a neighbour, friend or relative The RU'TTER GR--".CANITE 73 Ontarjýo Street PORT HOPE "lLargest display ln Southern Ontarl" M 1CLLCHBOATS & pMOTâ'ORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs te al makes of Lawn ,Mnwers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY P UM WPIY<1G OUT SEPt1IC TANKS WHITE WASIHNG STABLE~S Bert Tonapkins Phione 786-2552 Building A New Home? .or Eemodelling9 JOE BECKErR 9835713 rono LYCETT Pumbinig & H-eatirig Oroo, ntario FOR SALE FOR SALE I1960 Ford Standard. Good con- Dried ,shelled seed i B rn s u am dition. $400.00. ce1 'nt quality ourn s & yen Robt. Robinson, phone after 6, Phone Bob Cruh PLMIGand ETN 983-5156. ap manville R.R. 1, 623-5 Slsand Service -HOUR BURNER SERVICE! I B-A FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phoncs: S Tyrone 263-2650 Hampton 263-2288 îOrville, Cha-,ttertilîon lElectrical Contracting Electrie lleating and Ser-vice PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario O0RONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duvali 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING, ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - IFI FRIGIDAIRE - R-.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- Fire FHamiity ond, 9 FiS rvige Lg 0 oauto, a *to 0i po e .3o51 Box 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Brothers Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturors of ('enietery Memorlals Dealers ln Demestie & Foreign Granites and Marbies. - Inscriptions Cut and Cemetery Repoir Work FOR SALE A Rotisserie, it bakes and fries and grills; also fowl Rotisserie. Almost new, chrome finish. Phone Orono'.983-5570. a-c FOR SALE 3-bedroom Bungalows and 4- bedroom spl'.it level Hbuse with garage. Phone Jan Ochonski, Contract- or- 983-5709. t-f AUCTION SALE Auction sale Saturday, May 4th. Complete dispersai of 85 head of Abe-rdeeh Angus Caàttie, ý38 cows, registred and grades with calves at foot, a number of 2 year old heifers and yearling- steers and heifers. A full lino of nearly new implements, antiques. The proper- ty of John Wright (Rob Roy) Farms, north at Garden Hill Lake, 1 mile off Cout-ty Roadi No. 9, 10 miles east from Kirby 35 and 115 Hwy, 4 miles west from 28 Hwy., 1 mile south' of Bewdley Terms cash. No Reserve. Impile- ment sale at 12 noon, Cattie sale- at 2' p.m. Catalogues on request., Auctioeers- MURRAY NOBLE Baltimo-re , 372-2486 RO0SS BAILEY, Uxhridge 985-7583 A U CTr'ION SALE I have receivcd instructions from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris of R.R. North Orono on the 8th Cocession of C arke. at their res- iden.e at 1:30 p.mi. the 4th of May tr) he sold by public auctiot the fo)llowîng ar-ticles: 2 deseschs adtable, kichnchir,2 wscs 3 stoves pulotbc, rewngmchine, 3 lawn chalI, wode),3 airs draipes, kitche cpbads ktei en table, electAric iron, coffee table, 6 scatter rugs, pots an-d pans, wheel barrow, garden tools. One mile north of Kirby, , mile cast. Terms cash. James F. b-17-p Wood, Auctioneer, Callyour S'licensed ?lumbing & Mechanical Contrac Wor Who selis, install qiid quarantee 1t CARâý%MAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EMASON S W. Scbniahl 983-5606 Specializing ini ail kinds of STONEWORK and:, FIREPLACES We also do Chhmney Repairs [corn. Ex- lers, Bow- ý5485. a-c FOR SALE Deep Fr ',eze Vis Count 14 cubic feet. Like new. Phone 983-5570.8- WANTED Womian for light houseclcaning. Phone 983-5009. a-c LOST One pair of black Kid G'oves." Finder please phone 983-5851. 8-p FOR RENT 2-bedroomn apartment newly, re- niovated, heated, ail services._ Contact Roy Forrester, 983-5301. SOFTBALL REGISTRATION On Tuesday, May 7 at 7:09 p.m. there, will'be Registration for a Softball League within the Vil- lage, at the Arena. Ail boys who want to pIay bahl this year please attend as teams will be set up on this night. Registration fee is MISSING HOCKEY EQUIPMENT There is'quite a number of H-ockey Socks that are missing, followiig this years season. Would any boys who have these socks pîcase bring them to the Arena on Tuesday, May 7. Thanks. Orono Amateur Athietie Assoc. NOTICE Sewing Atrtin2nd Repairs dlonc at homne: For Womecn: Alterations in skirts dresses and' coats. For M1en: Turn shirt collars and c uf f s, shorten and lengthen trousers and' draping and back seamfjs; also zippers and pock- ets. Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park St. and Church St. Phone 983-5493. g Phone Orono 983-5808 g 0 Orono, Ontariog PAINTINGg o CARPEN TRYg g GENERAL REPAIRS g .0 Interior Exterior g 0 nI 0W.FR ANK ~REAL ESTATE 0 LIMITED 0 REALTOR0 0 21 KING ST. WEST Bewmanville 623-3393 g o Toronto 923-9174 0 Port Hope Office- O98 Walton St. - 885-4548 0 o FREE APPRAISALS g Exclusive Agent for 0 O'MALLEY HOMES 0 Port Hope, Ont. N.H.A. approvedl Brick 0 0Bungalowsg ROY FOSTER 0 o Kendal - Phone 983-590J g ROq8 GILBART O ~'Orono - Phone 983-5533g A, i arge selection of Farins,0 OHomes, Lots, Retreat Pro- Ô pertis inthis area TENDERS AMicaîonsfor tenders for, Sexton of Park Street United Church, Orono will be received up until May, 154h., 1968. Arplications to be sent to HL Cobbledick, stating salary expect- ed. The duties of Sexton may be made known on request. a-c COMXING EVENT KENDAL -Penny 'Sale, Saturday,, Iayi in Kendal Sei ool auditor- ium. A beautiful appliqued quilt ard nany worthiwhile articles. School age and over, -â;Dc Lunch. b-18-c COMING EVENT Variety Show, basement of Or- ono United Church, on Saturday, May llth at 8:00 o'clock. Spon- sored by the Orono Horticultural Society- Admission 50c; school ci ldren 25c. b-18--e :NOTICÇ~ The Senior Citizens' will hold their monthly meeting Thursday evening, May 2nd at the Oddfel- low's Hall'at 8 o'Clock. Everyon.e welcome, a-p Smo6h0- See FOR BODY AND CURVES-NOT CURLS! RIT $3.75 REFIL $2.25 Stutt's Pharmacy Orono, Ont. 983-5009 CARD 0F THANKS I wish to express my smncere thanks to Dr. A. F. Mckenzie, Dr. H. B. 'Rundle, Dr. I. K. Ugray, Op- erating Room Staff aând Nursýng Staff of Memorial Hospital, Bow- nianville. I extend this to Rev. Basil Long- and to the Doctors and Staff of Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto for the care and consideration given to mne durihg my recent confinements to both hospitals. a-c Marian A. Kilpatrick.ý CARD 0F THANKS 1 would like to thank my friends relatives and neighbours for the many kindncssess, flowers, gifts ahd cards sents to me when I was a patient in Oshawa Hospital and also when I returned home. John Hooey. CARD 0F THANKS We would like to express our sincere thanks ta relatives, neigli- bours and friends. for their mes- sages-of sympathy during thé Ioss of a lovibg husband, father and grandfather, Oscar Luxton. Thanks to Morris Funeral Home and the Reverend Rasil Long for his oom- forting words. Mrs. 0. Luxton and f amily.. J Building a flouse? or runodelling Vr pree mne, then conatact Floyd Nicholson