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Orono Weekly Times, 9 May 1968, p. 1

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Clarkce Pas! The Township of ClarkeCoun-merdiai, industrial, open space, cil.on Tuesday passed a b,' -lasw to development areas anrd agriculutur- regulate the use of land aid the ai areas. It also sets regýulations character, location arid use o cifi-for.proid-ing parking areas fior bidnsa-nd str-icýturewihinreýsidential dwllngs-, commrcia the Tonship. This b -la my a nd industraî,lrsinudg cited as a Zoný-ing by-law a-d des& uhuidigsa chrchsreni- set otcertain areas of t he as, nmotelsofie adpr-ivate Township for certain for-ms of club",s. The pakn r Asuta- develop-ment. soch constructed ta certain Th e by-law establiý-ses t o saards as se forth in the by- *ypes of reoidebtial zones lt ong 11law. witharasdesigntdfrcn- Lard- subject 10 flooding are Orono Wen..ekl3 VOLUME 31, NUMBER 18 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TI P.C.s and N.D.P.*5sSet Nomination Meeig NORTHUMBERLAND- BURHAM PCs SET NOMINATION DATE AI Morris, presîdent of the Port Hope Progressive Conserve- tive Association announced the nomination meeting for Nortbum- bclad-p'~--eriding woudbe lheld May 14 i Lie Port HDýpe higiî school at 8 Guest speaker for thb c umina- tion meeting will be Eldon Wool- lains, MP for Bow River, Alta,, iu the last parliemeht. Mr. Morris said so, far noý can- idates' narnies bas bjeen rclcas'd, but hie seid the at had some- ,00od pros'pects." The nomination meeting date was set Tbursday nigbt et an as- sociation meceting iu the munici- pal hall lu Soubth Monaghen. SCHOOL TEACHTER TO SEEE ND P NOMINATION The hecd of the histo)ry de- partment eof Donevan Collegiabe Institute lu Oshawa bas announc- cd his candidecy for the New- Democretic Party nomination in tbc redistriblted riding of North-. umiberlaad-Durham. Wilmer Hill, 32, a native of Genanoque County, near Xig ston, and a resi dent of the Dar- lington Township village of Hampton, about seven miles north of Bowmanville, announced he wouald seek the nomination Thuns- day nigbt. Mr. Hlli, who bas neyer run for office before, but ani NDP memben since 1962, bas worked for the perby i Dur-ham lu bbc election campaigus of Eileen Coutts, 1962, and 1963, Tony Ket- chum lu 1965 and lu bbc provinc- ial -campaigu for Douglas Moffatb in 1967. Mrrnicd to the former Marjonie Young, also of Ganahioquc County, the ilils have tbnec elîdren, John 7, Beth 5 and Mark 1. Mr. ill was cducated in Gan- anoque County elementary and seconery schools before enteriÉg Queen's University> in Kingston where he graduated from a four- year honour course lun history and obtaincd a scbolarship. In 1958 he won a Woodrow-ý, Wilson. fellow- sbip and enteredi Columbia Uni- versity jn the United States where ne rcccîvcd bis masters degrec. le startcd teacbing lu Do ne- v~an CoýLegiate lnsitute lu 1959. Hie has been head of the bîstory department of bhc sehool, for, the past six years. John Albert Reid Following a lengtbyý illness, tbc death occurred May' 5, et the Osba"af General Hospitelof John Albert Reid, RR 1, Orono. lHe was iu bis 53rd year. A lifelýoig rsdetof Clan-ke Townbipthe eceased wes son of the lete Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Albert Reid. Wcll known througbojuzthbbcdistrict, Mr. Reid ha d been an ýauctioneer for 25 yeers. A lover of honses Be had been a breeder for meny yeers. He was a miember and director of the Canadian Trotting Association and a member of the CaËnadien Stanidard Bred Associatýin. Very active lu community ef- fairs, be 'was e member of Orono United Cburch, and wes a mcm- ber of tbc committee of stewards. Hec was also a pest president . of thc Clarke Township Progressive Conservetive Association anid a member of Durham Lodge. AF and AM, Newcastle. Mn, Reid is survived by bis wife, the former Ileen Wîddis; a daughter Petsy of Toronto; a son, Charles, et home and a brother William, of Orono. The funeral service' was held lu Orono United Church ci -.Wed- nesdey, May 8tbh at 2 P.m. con- ducted by Rev. Besil Long. Inter- ment Orono Cemetery. 1A mesonie service was held et Se.s Zonung Bym-Ia prohibited- for development nor shall any building orsewag e sys- tem- be installed any dloser than one hunidredl feet to auy stream within the mnunicipality. iIESIDENTIAL Ri ZONE In the Residential Ri zone land mnay' be used for single famiiy dwellings,-senji-detached or du- plex dwelling bouses. It also per- mits churches", el irics, schools and hospitals. There is provision ['HURSDA Y, MAY 9tÙ, 1968 To G& $29.4$300 Properby owncrs of resideutial property in bbc Township of Clarke axec b reccive a sum of $2960 lu bbc form of a, rebabe_ on thein taxes this ycar duc to the Provincial Shelter Tex nebete sebeme. This ý7as sbated lest week by MnH. E. lVillson, clcrk of bbc Township. The hete rehate sebeme was passcd rccenbtly by thbc legisiabure and bbc nebate is calculatcd on bbc firsb $2,000 of 'Provincial cqualized asscssment. Properby in Clarke TowushiD is asscssed et 12%~ of the nroviPrýial standard, heing besed on sPot checks of Township assessmcnts and bakiug into considerebion bbcprnice of ne- cent sales. The rebete is due cveny resi- dential propcrby owncr for bis dwclling as well as a $29.60 ne- habe for evcýry epartmcub. Owuers arc obligcd te pass on bbc rebate Io theirtebns tbc Northcutb Eliobt Funeral Chapel, Bowmauville, on Tuesday evening .et 7:30. for certain business to be carrieda out in a dwelling such as a doc- tor, iisurance agent etc. but ad- v ._ tisvng is limited and there is no external storage of goods or materials. One family residential houses in the R11 zone require 15,600 square' feet where no water or sewage, 7500 square [cet where there is municipal water. The dweliing requires 960 square feet of living' space. Each living unit of a semi-detach- cd orduplex requires 840 square feet. Residences in, Agricultural or Open Space Zone must be one acre lots and have a living area of 720 square feet. RESIDENTIAL R2 ZONE In the'residential Zone 2 only single family dwellings are per- mitted and as lu Residential Zone 1 certain businesses may be con- ducted lu accordance with the regulations of the by-law. Lot ar- cas lu this zone are one acre and the minimum ground floor living area must be at least 1200 square feet. COMMERCIAL ZONE The by-law sets forth. regula- tions for the commercial zone and il does not permit a shopping centre tobcheestablishied uhless it is in accordance with an approved site plan and in an- area re-zoned -, . i iur se -egulates the buirudnb ýare& on th-, lot as weli To HoId On August lOth a re union is to be held lu Orono of members who a t one time or another played soccer lu this area. Mr. llarry Davey of Bowmen- ville is orgahizing the event and expects close to one hundred aud tweuty-five lu attendance. The re- union is being held lu the Orwoo OddfelloW's Hall commenciug et 6:30 p.m., with a banquet. Tickets are now available for the outin ,g. Clake thitesInteir-scho. olChaion s Clarke High school was the champion of an inter-sehool meet last Monday in Courtice when the local athietes ran up a score of 281 points. Their closestî rival was Courtice sebool with 224 points. Bowmanville tallied 221 points while Millbrook ended up the day with 70 points. In effc t the meet w as la runaway for thie Clarke students. Lu the Junior girls division, Car- oline Jobuston w%%as runncr-up to tbc champioýi and lacking only one point for a tic. In the Inter- mediate girls Joan Kimbali and Lee Aun Hoar were ticd for the cbampionship.,Both girls were bbc winners of tbree events. In the eriàor giris division June Robin- sou wes the champion witb Dar- lene Wcstdetermiued bbc runner- Lu bbc boys competiti*on .Paul Perry was the Junior champion of the me et. Larry Johnson and Erie Duvall wcre tied for bbc nunner- up of the fIntermediate group as was Frank Sawyer for bbe crenio division. The Ciark'e students also com- pctcd on Wednesday in an erea competition. Mr. Art Low Appoilnted Zonîing By-Iaw Admiïnistrator The Township of Clarke Coun- cil, ou Tucsday, appoinbcd a Zou- ing By-lew Adminîstrator in bbc person of Mr. Arthur Low. Ib will be his duty to enforce bbc con- ditionlïs of bbc by-lew and bo make inspections bo sec bbý t these con- ditions arc carricd out. Wibbin bbc couditions cf the- zou iug by-law lb is now nece-sarv- that applications for bui'ding pe. mils must bc accompàniL;d o; plans in triplicate, drawn to ap- propriate scale, based upon act- ual survey and along with other conditions and must be submitted first bo bbc Zonitg Administretor. This application geiniug bis ap- provel then goes bo bbc Township road departjncnt for their epprov- al and finelly bo bbc building lu- spector. The by-law gives authonity to tbc Zouihg Administretor to meake inspections of any pnoperty or premises efbcr first giving ep- propriebe notice to tbc owncr. A penalty under bbc Summary Conviction Act hes been estab- lished for àhy breach of the pro- visions of the new by-law. Piotured above are a number of the Clarke athîctes wbo were in top cotention at bbc Intersehool meet, Back row (l to r) Mn. Lynn Lowcry, Pbysical Education beach- er, Paul Pcrry, Lerry. Jobuston, Frank Sawyer, Erie Duvail and Miss Williams, Physical Education beacher. Bottom row (l to r) Lee AuIn Hoar, Caroline Jobnson, Dar- lene West, June Robinson and Joan Kimbail. - F as the heght of the building. This is also truc of all other zones for other purposes. INDUSTRIAL ZONE The by-law esteblishes an in- dustriel zone prohîbitiug use of iand for purposes that mnay ere- ate obno xious uses. Lt also estab- is-hes set back from surrouudings such as roads and üther zones. OPEN SPACE ZONE Some permitted uses iu an open space zone, are resort dwell-, ings, public or private p!arks, pools, golf courses, public buid- ings etc. No building lu this area will cover more than 5% of tbe lot area. DEVELOPMENT AREA The by-law also establishes dev- clopinent areas ansd luthese aeas only the exîsting uses at the time of the passing of the by-law arc permittcd until sucli timie as'tbey are re-zoncd to a specific urban catcgory upon ment. It does per- mit la fermer to, retein a lot iu this area for residential use under certain conditions. AGiCULTURAL ZONE lu the agnicultural zones per- mitted, uses are for all farming uses *vbich 'are not obnoxious to the public wclf are. Also permit- ted is tbc ctcction of schools and public buildings, recreational, parks, resoýrts and under certaih conditions rural home occupation. CONFORMITY The p urrose fo r which. any land or building ils now used shall not becbcanged if tbc effeet of such change creates a situation iu w hicb tbc conditions of the by- lew are contravened. The by-law idoles not prevent the use of land even though it contravenes tbc by-law if thîs use was ln effeet prior tol the passing of bbe by-law. A paragraph lu the by-law does permit, certain uses in industrial and open space and devclopment zone&s suh as an apiary, field irlgreenhouse, market gardeln, orchard etc. Imes

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