ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1968 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Autlhorized as Second Class mail, Poet Office Departsnent-, Ottawa) Published every Thursday at thie office Of publicatb@ Main Street, Phone 109, urono, Onario Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager A Good Plan The Clarke Township Counil lias given three read- ings to a land use by-law and have thus instituted the first big step in this municipality in planning. Aiso they have appointed a Zoning Administrator which notes the f act that the conditions of the by-law are to be enforced. The new by-law appears to be ;a reasonable one fur this municipality being somewhat flexible in some of its conditionis but also establishes a definite policy for devel- opment for residential, commercial and industry. This pol- icy has been lacking in Clarke Township for some time and development has been quite piecemeal and scattered dtrirtg the pnt few years. The new by-law cornes at an loppirtune time as the Province, last week, brought the establishment of ten acre lots under the conditions of the Planting Act. The land use by-law or Zoning By-law now establish- es a guide for the Committee of Adjustment and will make their function more meaningful. The establishing of residential Ri Zones in and around the four populated certres of theTownship is a most reasonable move and wîll consolidate services for such development in these ' particular areas. South of 401 highway as an industrial zone also moves in the direction taken by other municipalities in the district. Np doubt the re will be some opposition to the by- law but during the past year or two there has been an in- creasing amount of support for planning. The development 04' 10 acre lots has created considerable discourse as farm land was beihg cut to pieces linto these small parcels,, parcels too large for residential use and too small for f arm- ing. The Clarke Council and Planning Board are toy be congratulated on this latest 'move to -bring some order and direction to development in Clarke Township. Elsewhere i this issue the financial statement'of the Oronlo Amateur Athletic Association appears, showing thle winter operation expenditures including hockey and the operation of the rink at a figure over $10,000.0. This ser- vice te Oroio~ and district was certainly a great asset over the past year anid members of the Association are to be con- gratuilated in seeing that this public service did exîst for the children of the area. The statement shows that this service is no small accomplishment. It is more noteable when it is understood that the Athietie Associatiot- is in no way connected with any municipal govermnent as it would be in other centres. The job is done withi very little backing and it is done voluntarily. Let us express our, appreciation for this service i OÈono a good place to live! MIOTHER'S DAY GIFTS see Our large selection of CAMERAS - COSMETICS CHOCOLATES -BOOKS MOTHR'SDAY CAI'DS AT STUTT'S PI-ARMACY An int- ',st îing ciurch service was held iin Kendal on Sutday, May 3 vwhen the Bowmanville ChaPter of theý Eastern Star held their annual church parade in Kendal -United Church. Per.haps forty ladies attended. Our judiior choir sang "Oh Jesus, Lord and neighbour I give myseif to Thee." Rev. T. Snelgrove gave the ad- dress. Other visitors, were Mrs. E. Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gay, Mr. Evan Quantrill and Mr. F. Truli. Next Sunday is Mother's Day and the babies will be baptized. The Kendal United Church Wo- men met at the home of Mrs. W. Hoy oni Wednesday evening, May lst with the president, Miss C. W. Stewart, in the chair. The meet- up 0 men of God,", followed by a ing opened with the hymn "Rise prayer. A psahn was read in un- ison. The roll caîl was "Oneway to keep our church open." Several suggestions ýwere givet, the best being, "Keep the Pews fîled."' The Rev. Mr. Snelgrove led a discussion on Evangelism versus Service to Mankind. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. K. Woods. A dollar in talent molney was given to each member. 1 Money was voted to send camp- ers te Quin-Mo-Lac camp. The next meeting will be June 5th at the home of Mrs. Jack Stapleton. A deliclýous, lunch was served by Mrs. Wm. loy. A great many from Kendal at- te'nded -the--funeral of Mr. Jack Reid in Orono United Church on Wednesday, May 8th. Our sym- pathy 'is extended to his wife, Ilean, and te Patsy and Charles. Kendal's Penny Sale will lie lield on Saturday evening of tAhis week in Kendal School auditor- ium. LOCAL NEWS Nrs. Robt. Rosseau is a patient iii the waivle Memorial Hospital. Mr. Lyn Kiýnett of Napanee spent the weekendi witlx his bro- ther, Mr. an'd Mrs. Carl Kîmmett. A Tyke Basebaîl club lias been oûrganized' in Oroiio and will play this year in a scheduled league. Other entries in the league are Kendal, Newcastle and Welcome. The local team is being coached by MrI Raye West. The Orono Junior Band held a Sunday afternoon concerts 'last Sunday afternoon in the Orono Town Hall wîth about seventy- five in attendance. A featurle of the performance was the appear- ahice of a vocal trio of Messrs. Raîpli de Jonge, quitar, Bill Ar- nott, string bass, and Jim Basker- ville, lead vocajist. This group was well rece*ived by the audience with their three numbers. The Junior section of the Jun- ior band made their debut with two selections and performed miost commeýidably. The1 Junior Band won acclaim with theiE playing of "Curtain .at Eight" a strring march. MOTHR' S Fresh Boxed Chocolates New Records TÎmex Watches Gift Wrap M«her's Day Cards MIDDCLetONe Cnfectonery Gien Rae Dairy Products I Cigarettes Pipe Tobacco Ice Cream - Soft Drinks Cigars; Candies DPry Cleanlng Agents Timex Watches - Bands - Novelties AB aind CONFECTIONERY c A at the ORONO PUBLIC SCHOOL SATURDAY, MAY 1llth From 9,.30 te 2:30 $1,.50 per car Proceeds will go towards the Grade 8 School Trip to Ottawa THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER 0F Section 2 (1) of The Municipal Corporations Quieting Orders Act (R.S.0. 1960, c. 251) and Sections 6 (1) and Il of The Territorial, Division Act (R.S.0. 1960, c. 395) - and IN THE MATTER 0F e application by TIte Corporation of the Township of Clarke for a quieting order to establish its legal existence, corporate status and proper area and bound- and IN THE MATTER 0F By-law 1562 of the ap- plicant corporation NOTICE 0F APPLICATION AND APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING, TAKE NOTICE that The Corporation of the Town- slip of Clarke lias applied to The Ontario Municipal Board for a quieting order under the said Acts for the purpose of establishing its area and boundaries ini accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto. AND TAKE NOTICE that T'he Ontario Municipial Board lias appointed Tuesday, flie 2lst day of May, 1968, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon (local time) at the Council Chanbers, Municipal Hall, in the Town of Cobourg, for the hearing of ail per- son§ interested in support of or ini opposition to the said application. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a plan and description of the boundaries in question in the said application niay be inspected at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Clarke at any tirne during regular business hours prier to the date appointed for the said heWjing. DATED at Toronto this Sth day of March, 1968 (Signed) R. SCOTT, Secretary TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE ROY A. FOSTER, Reeve H. E. MILLSON, Clerk