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Orono Weekly Times, 9 May 1968, p. 3

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* W JA¾...-. h+ . ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1968 Cia im Must Be FuIly Bilingual To Now Rule Anyone who is going to rule a ijaited Canada lias got to be fully bilingual, the editor of Saturday Niglit magazine told a Trinity College Scliool audience Friday niglit duriag the seventli cetten- niai lecture lield in Osier Hall. Arnold. Ediaborougli, speaking to tlie sehool on tlie eve of the an!iual military inspection, added that this Dominion election mark- cd tlie end of prairie Frencli in -parliament. The speaker also suggested that tlie oaly way any politîcian eat be heard again, is to be würtli hearing. Ia refereace to 'the vote the Pearson government iost in Parliament befure the Liberai leadership convention, Mr. Edi- borougli contended that this issue was not settIed la Parliameat but rather la tlie coiitry before the television cameras. While, marveiiig ait the edo- quence of Liberal leader Trudeau in, the two founding languages, Mr. Ediaborough , also credited Progressive Conser vative leader Statifield for making reinarkable strides la the mastery of Frenchi ia spite of lis late immersion in it. 1The speaker said he was aston- ished at 'how mnaay eld-erly people had now started taking tougli French courses in order to con~- verse with Frenchi businessmen and associates. Mr. Edinboruugli drew a whim- sical thumbnaii sketch utf the early migration to Canada, relat- iag how they came tu settie here, The Scots, lie said came to rua the business, the English tu, rua the goverament and.the Irish tu do the work. "To day," lie said "the country is stili as big, the people stili as few and the internai strains are stili present." The country, lia ai- so noted was stili totaily invoived in'expurt trade. The second century of Coafed- eration, lie related, was linked to the communications revolution of the radio and television. "What 15 happening anywliere in the world suddealy îsn't very f ar away. "Whea I came liere the major- ity ot the people lived in tlie country, and the miaority was i the cities. Canada used to be the country of smail towns and cit- ies. But flot now. 'We have to do something a- Announce Land Purchases Alex Carrutliers, M.P.P., Dur- ham, anhounces the purchase by the Department of Public Works of 'approximately 188 aeres of land in Cavan Township, Durhiam Couaty. The, property forms parts of bout our political system. Be- cause we corne from differeat provinces, we have different strains of people." Mr. Ediaborougli, related liow premiers of the 10 provinces have différeht approaches which re- flect in dealiags ',witli Ottawa. "We have' potentialiy '10 separ- atist provinces," tlie speaker said. in Quebec, lie said, there is very littie capital owned by Que- hecers. There are very few Frehicl speaking people runaing companies. This is what tliey have come to realize. They want to rua their, owa show la French. The Liberals nationalized the largest pqwer programn and iatroduced an education system into the prov- ince. Quebec miglit one day suceed, Mr. Ediaborougli admits. He warns that English Canadians should not count on the ecoaomic motivation for keeping Quebec la Coafederation. Lots 9 and 10, ln the 3rd Conces- sioni 4 of the Township. The area will be under the supervision of the Department of Lands and Forests and will provide a gener- ai recreation area for public hunt- ing ahd fishing. Hope Township Puts On Freeze Hope Township couacil Friday gave three re&IJings to a "freýez- ing bylaw" to restrict erection of buildings south of the Macdonald Cartier Freeway la the township for a period of nine months from the date it was passed and sub- ject tu formai approval of the On- tarlýo Municipal Board. Purpose of the f reezing bylaw is to enable the township to have enough time to establish a zon- ing bylaw ili the township. The bylaw which appijies tu land west of Highway 2 along the lakeshore, does flot aply to farm buildings nQr the construc- tion of damaged- buildings. The bylaw states that no land shall be used for ahiything except for existing uses. The township have put 'a maximum penalty of $300 for each conviction of per- sons vioiating the bylaw. Sunday, May 12, Mother's Day Are you ready with your gift for Mother? See what TOMS &SONS ILTD. Newcastle, Ontario' The fashion Store forthe Entire Family has to of fer. Cotton Ni*ghtg.owns $2.98 - $7.95 'EP COATSý - Pink, blue, yellow. PRICED at $4.95 and $5.95 Plain colours or f10 floral patterns. Size 32 -416. $ .50 zular or tali fW finish that r m $3 d ,,ds ironing.r m $6 9 TsOne or two piece, ~sU I many styles and col- ors. Size 32-38; 38-46 h f abrics. 1rdigans M. L. li $9000 G loves, Scarves, Jer of the Family. RICARD REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Selg g ea WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONO AIEA REPRESENTATIVE 98"-274 Members out )shawa and DMs- trict Real Estate Board Flowers cilways an I1deal Gift CANA WOOD SHOPPE Phone 983-5539 Orono, Ontario R OLPH Hardware PHONE 983-520~7 JACK ..- 1

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