.......- ... ORONo IWEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1968 Triaîngle *- Seminr rSet Plans are nearing completion ï7r a joint seminar of Port Hope, Cob)-,ourg and Hamilton Township te be held et Cold Springs May 23rd. Officiais of the three neighbor- in,g municipalities met Wednes- day at the township municipal buligto make final arrange- ments for the semihar. The select committee has 'in- vited four notable authorities on municipal affairs to 'participate ia panel discussion under the theme "The Diamond Triangle - Planning Has Future." The public is invited to attend the meeting. A registration fee wnill be charged. Registration will be at 9 a.m. wth an officiai welcome at 10 a.m. The panel discussion will -aeup the rest of the morning. Guest speaker at thç noon u henwill be Hasting County cierk Carl Bateman. Guest panelists are Ronald For- est of Kitchener, who wiil speak u~planning; Charles Onley, Tor- o~twho will take the legal as- -eets, and Scarborough mayor A. I Campbell, who will speak oni financés. The se'ect committee pointed out it was not seeking new legis- lation but would be asking ques- tions which could at some future time affect the linking of the three municipalities. Mayor Michael Wladyka of Port Hope termed the semînai "an act of self, defense". With the probability of regironal govern- ment, the three. municipaliies with common interests are trying to solidify their relations. "'We believe the municipal councils, beîng closest to the pro- blems of the people, are best suit- ed to ;analyze and evaluate the ad- vantages and disadvantages en- tailed in larger administrative un- its," he said. The purpose of the seminar is to 'evaluate the positions of the thrce muncipalities in a rapidly changing political financial struc- ture. The committec, said the mayor, is concerned' primarily with the future and potential ofl 'the dia- ,mond triangle' - Cobouýrig, Hamil- to-i Township south oýf the Mac- donald-Cartier freeway and Port Hope. Ultimately the entire economic region will be considcred. Northumberland-Durham Liberal Association "This is just an example of ühe great involvement of the Canad- ian people in politics that is hap- ncningc everywhere in Canada", R,îs sel! C. Honey, Durham M.P. in tbe last Parliament told a jam- packed Liberal nomination meet- ing, for Ontario Riding in Port Perry Friday evening. Mr, Honey crédited Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau with creating the excitement and desire for partici- pation iii Canadian palitics for the fîrst time. Hie stated that Lib- eral organizers in Northumber- land-Durham and througbout Can- ada aie receiving dozens of of- fers of voluntary service from people who previously stodd a- boof from pohtics. "Mr. Tr udeau is a strong fed- eralist and ail Canadians find it easy to identify witb him because he 'says it as it, is' ", Mr. Honey said. The meeting, held at the High School Auditorium, overflowed into the corridors and outside on the 1awn. At 2:00 o'clock Satur-ý' day morning Norman Cafick was, chose'n Liheral Candidate for the Ontario Riding. Ottawa, May 3rd, 1968- Tenders wilI be called on May 6th for con- struction of a nexv dam at Hast- ings, Ontarioý, it was announced here by Russell C. Honey, M.P. for Durham in the last Parliament The dam, which will regulate the water of the Trent Canal System, wiIl be located south of Lock 18 east of the existing dam, at a total cost of $400,000. v UNITED CHIJRCH1 Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1968 Orono United Church Sunday School at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Sundày Leskard- Suniday Service at 9:45 School at 11.00 School at 9:45 ourds ith raw Roman Catholic schoal bo3ards in Durham and Northumberland counties have withdrawn from merger talks which mig'ht bave amalgamated them with boards in Ontario Coutity. The six boards are instead, considering, amalgamatio-, with boards in Victoria' and Peterboro Counties. Representatives of the four boards met Sunday inh Peter- b-ough th make a definite cern- mitment. M. J. Redmond, chairman of the Cobourg separate school board. said the main reason for reachin g towards- Peterborough instead of Oshawa is.that merger with\ tthe Oshawa board would make the new unit too large and that boards in Durham and North- umberland Counties* are in the s;ime district as boards of Victor- la and Peterborough Countics. There are about 8,000 muis in Ontario County and about 7,000 in the area of the proposed amal- gamatiosi of the four counties. Ivan Wallace, chairman of' the Oshawa separate school board which initiated taiks eariy, this month, said he is not disappoint- ed about the decision by boards in Durham and Northumberland Counties. "It will probably be better for Oshawa resideits," said Mr. WaI-1 lace. "If we had to, extend our ser- vices as far as Port Hope an d Cob-ourg, it, would get a littie costly." Ontario County schoi boards will meet as scheduled this Thurs day in Whitby. Mr. Wallace saîd he wili ask sehool board delegates to vote in favor or against amalgamation and be prepared te - forward a recemmendation te., their own boardi. Mr. Redmond said the boards in Durham and Northumberland counties have unofficially agreed to amnalgamation with boards in Peterborough and Victoria count- les but representatives to the merger talks this Sunday have authority te make a -definîte commitment. uncpal Dump, The Hope Township municipal dump was described as being "a, mess" Friday by Councillor Sali- ford Haskill, ýoungest member on council. Reeve Weston Bannister told th,- cdLneîl that the dump could. not sidetrack very much longer. "We shiould try and find a 100, acre f arm which is junk land,"' he said. C )'ncillor George Stapleton commented that he thought the township was five years too late- Councîllor Haskill said that he didn't mmnid people from other tawnship s using it, but he didn't want Pýort Hope using it. Council! learned that there had been complaints of carcasseo be- ip.g left at the dump which were creating a terrible stench. Township clerk Willard Lord commet-ted the township had had a dump for only 10 years. "Farm-, ers used to have their own dump on their farmland," he saàid. The townsbip's problems with obtaining'new dùumpý, land are in- creased because of 5'creasing., landý speculation. Farmers are ai-- 50 r eluctant, to seil portions of' tbeir faims for dumping because, of depreciation in the land valueý of the remainffig part. Members of council were re- quested to study various suitable sites in the township for a future dump and to contact the owners. Orono Building Contractor Bricks Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry- Cabinet Work Floors -Tule 983-5441 ORONO E Gift Suggestions For Mlother...ý DRESSES Caa ýyen think of a nicer gift for Mother than one of our Summer dresses incotton linene, arnel or Crinp-Nit? The latest styles in belautiful Summer shades. Sizes 9 te 24%. Priced from $8.50 to $29.95 BLOUSES Taiýlored and des blouses iii cet- ton, rayon crepe and polyester. Choose her most flatteriag shoide frein prints and plains. Sizes 10 te 20. Prieed from îq2.98 to $8.50 SLIMS AND SHORTS Surprise Mom with a pair of well- tailored slims or shorts by Gaytewn or Sabre. Stretchy nylon and viscose fine woel, Fortrel and Cotton. Sizes 10 te 20. Price, Slims - $5.95 to $13-95 Shorts - $3.95 to $5.95 SWEATERS Mother would gppreciate one of our Kitten sweaters. Semi-bull<y orlon or fine woel ini llght shades for summer. Sizes 36 te 42. Priced from $11.00 to $17.00 Nightgowns and Dusters Dainty gowns in ainel, cotton and Fortrel, several with dusters te match. Sh~es of jink, -bine, orange, green and rirown. Sizes S, M and L. Price - Gowns, $2.95 to $6.95â Dusters, $5.95 to $6.95 SLIPS 1he can neyer have enough pretty slips. Give ber one of our arnel or nylon full slips or halE slips. Lace or embroid- e7ry trimn. Average and short lengths. Sizes 32 te 42. Pricedfrom $2,95 to $5.95 SLIPPERS Glimmering metallic basic slippers by "Lyons" Vinyl pouched. Geld and sul- ver. Sizes 6 te 1l0. Price per pair, $4,.00 Iiandbags, Scar-fs, Gloires and Oose- Sheet Sets, Pillow Cases, iJowels, Blankets and Bath MYat Sets. ARMSTRONG,' NO INCREASED RATES' FOR MEDICAL (ARE The Durham County Co operative Medical Services provide medical care insurance with extended cover age on a non-profit basis ...yen save money on our, premiums . compare eur rates with others. 2, Plans to Choose From SurgcalExtended In-Hospil ai Medical Medical Plan Doctor's Services in Foes- (Doctor's Services in pital, at home, in oE.il e> Hesptal)Single i)1us 2 or singe plus 2 or more- $132.00 more - $72.00 Single plus 1 - $126.041 Single plus 1 - $66.U6 Single $63.00 Single $33.00 Durhum County Co-operative Mledical Services Box 37 lOroio, Ontario Phone b,83. 57404 -' j il ý il r,