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Orono Weekly Times, 23 May 1968, p. 1

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Exnpect Harness RacmnqU Last wv made betv Pierre 1Trudeau. "Statement Russell C. Honey, a canididate for the Lîberal 'nomination in Northumberland- Durham last Thursday hight, endorser the statement of Prime Minister Pier- re Elliott Trudeau that there can be ohly one mailing address for invitations to International con- ferences. "That address must be Ottawa, Can;ada, and not Victoria, Toronto or Quebec City or aiy other provincial capital," he said. Mr. Honey was speýaking at thc Annual meeting of the Cobourg -Liberal Association. Mr. Honey said Marcel Fani- bauht's entry into the campaignI as a Conservative candidate had placed P.C. Leader Zobert Stan- field in a very difficult position. Mr. Fariba--1t, wlio is Constitu- ai' adviser to Quebec Premier Daniel Jolinstoin, favours prov- inces making International con- tacts in areas falliag wîthin the. legishative competence. He advo- eates that Provinces should have niembership in International or- ganizations like the United Na- tions Economie, Social and Cul- tural orgahizations, The former Durham M.P. said thnt the confusion la Conserva- tive poicies is in direct contrast to the precise position of Mr. Tru- deau wliolias stated that Canada maust speak wth one voice la alI Înterhnational relations. Sol Margles was elected Presi- dent of the Cobourg Liberal As- sociation. Ot her officers elected 'were Past President J. P. Richard- son, Secntary Mns. Helen Den- lanty,' Treasunen Peter Cortesie, and Vice Presideats - J. S. Hin- man Dr. Ian Wilson, Ray Bowen and M. J. Redman. Contract Let For Po.ntypo.ol Office A contract lias been awanded this week for the construction of a new Post Office la Ponty,%ooh Russell C, Honey Member of Par- liament for Durham ih the last Parliaiftent announced recently. The Post Office will be built by Gerrits and Willems Construction Company of Newtoaville, Ontario. The building will be a Stand- ard Post Office plan, brick ex- tenion with forced air oil heating. The Pontypool Post Office will be constructed on property pur- chased from tlie' Public Sehool Board. Maintenatnce Of PC Party Unuty Strsessed The mainteniance of unity in then Progressive Conservative Party following the eleclion of Robert Stanfield as leader was stressed recently at the nomina- tion meeting of Northiumberland- Durham PC's in the auditorium of the Port Hope High School. Gordon Aitken, member of the last parliament for the riding of Parry Sound-Muskoka , told the meeting many of ýthe Stanfield team had run agaiist hlmn in the leadership race but "Inow stand, behind him for the forthcoming election."1 In contrast, he said, ciglit for- mer *cabinet ministers have with- drawn or announced their ihten- tions to withdraw from public life following the election of Pi- erre Elliott Trudeau as leader of the Liberal party. Former Liberal At PC Meeting A surprise attebdant at the Progressive Conservative nomina- tion meeting was Cobourg Coun- cillor Wilfred Huskilson. Mr. Huskilson is the former president of the Northiumberland County LibQral Association who resigned from his position and the Liberal Party during a meeting to select delegates to the recent Lbh- eral leadership convention ln Ot- tawa. At the time of lis resignation Mr. HuskilsQn spoke "of a back room diabolical plot designed to get me." He was referring to a group of party members from' Durham County who were againSt hi§ "public stand for John Turner in the leadership race.", At that meeting lie said he was convinced "1there are some a- ,moligst us tonig ht who would negate the basic principle of Lib- eralism- the inalier#able right of a person to make his choie."' Liberal Caucus leader Russell C. Honey, then MP for Durham_ spearheaded an "Ontario for Tru-' deau" committee in support of Pierre Elliott Trudeau in the leadership race. Mr. Huskilsohi's announcement la support 'of Mr, Turner came a few days following the formation of the committee. C oed$191.00 At Orono Fr ewosSh A good crowd was la attend- ance a7t the Orono Fireworks hcld at thc OrcooFair Grounds oh Monday eveniag, Thc cvcning was sponsocd, by the Orono CharnIer ,of Commerce. The show this ycar was an aerial show whidli did meet witli a lot of ipï rovqsl. Prior to thc fireworks bicycle races were huld under the direc- tioni of Mr-. S. Mather. Most of the childrecn of -the commurit,;y were ou t la force for tuis part of the program to compete. Tic speed races wc,,re foir both boys and girls and divided i-nto varions age groups from six years to aduit age. Yes, the aduits were la the competition as well.'la the boys races the Robinson boys lield tic cdgc whilc Bonnie Partnen was a keen comipetitor la the girls div- ision. Prîzes for the winners wenc donatcd by Middlcton's Confec- tioncry. Thc Oroio Firemen assistcd with the ignition of the flrcworks which were hcld in thc complete darkncss which addcd to their splendor. tral Agric Oshawa D The agreei ______ed and wi sure this Corrctins:it is ant Correcionsstart on in last week's issue of the Or- and contin obro Times an article was -printed, mer and f in which we reported a discussion, Friday hig centering on the use of the Ken- mutual w. dal General Purpose Room. This The Os] discussion took place at the reg- agreed to ular meeting of the Clarke Town- heafteji slip Public School Board. he Oste their race, Mrs. H. H. Barlow points Out but are ir that we did bot extend our cover- summer. age to, include ber1 reason for her decision. At the meeting Mrs. Barlow did point out that the ex- cessive use of the general purpose STRIKER room by ot1'prs than the school ERT could interfere with its use by VERT the school. She stated that thc Striking school could have displays in the dliallenged room of an educational nature lic 'talk-in that could not be left up. She feit Kenacti that this would be a hindrance the Union to the scliool and against the main to sit arot purpose of thc room. fore a pul ________________________ day in the I chahl there in fi Orono Juniors liegand i No corn Need Players fr The Orono Junior Rasebaîl Club played their first game of the ua scason last Subiday alternoon in JJfA Port Hope. The Orono club ai- Uw~u thougli holding a lead of 2-1 in the seventh inning was defeated by a score of 7-2 by the Port Djur Hope Club. - The Du ,Paul Jonc,,s and Joh~n Smith shar- Higli Sdi cd in the pitching duties of the saîary neg, Orono club. teadliers2 cent. This The Orono Club is coached by uine with Dr. Peter Maartcnse and holds and Trert practices at the Orono Park ev- ery Wedaesday eveting. Dr. Maar- Salaryc tense states that there is still five schoo a need for more players for this jurisdictico club and everyone within the age cest yer group will be wecomed. atyr cent. The club is expecting to play Salary in the Orono Park this comlng secondary Wednesday evcning when Port come effel Hope is to be present to give the as follows opposition. Categorý BlSsoM week negotiations were tveeh the Durhiam Cen- [ultural Society and -the )riving Club which will Orono fourteen nights s racing this, summer. ement is now being draft- with the signing wîil en- sport in Orono. nticipated that racing will Friday evening, June 21 nue throughout the sum- fall for the next fourteen glts. There will be pari-, vagering. ýhawa Driving Club bas oinstal lighting for the enable the races to be wclark. shawa Drivilng Club lield es at Port Perry last year noving to- Orono- this ýS CHALLENGE GOOD- '0 PUBLIC 'TALK-IN' grubber 'workers have id management to a pub- in'. ,h Hooper, president of m called on the Goodyear aund a debating table be- ublic meeting set for Fr1î- .e town's areha. -, lenge them to sit down front of the general pub-, we wvill show, who's fool- * Mr. opr mment was forthcoming company. ge Boost For hum Teachers Wrham Couaty District iool Board bas settle.d its lotiations by granting its ahi increase of 5.6 per s, it was rcportcd, is la h Toronto, Peter.borougli nton ,board settlements. costs for teacliers la the ols unden the boaild's on have riseh 20 per ng the past two ycars. rtlie increase was 15 pýen sciedule changes for y sehool tendhers to lie- ýctive Sept.. 1, 1968, arc vs: ry (1) $6,400 up from Toul Sunday, Ma) This Sub~day the Orono Cham- ber of Commerce are holding the annual blossom tour of the dist- rict along witli a sliowing of films at the Orono Troc Nurs--ry. 'n contacting thc Ontarî Depart- ment of Agriculture, it is feit ~ them tlhat given two or le good days of warm weather i.hatý the blossom on Sunday should lie outit llii lon. The tour ýagala starts at Lamb's road just east of Bowmanville and carnies on to the Tree Nurs- ery and noti of Orono to visit the sceÊic spots of the arca as a tour tlinough tie Ganaraskai For- cests. The route williec marked witli yellow sigas for thc i'our. At the Tree Nursery a new film wil le shown at thc hours of 2:00 and 3:00. This film was made by Mr. Bunting aad was rclcased for the first time last ycar by thc Departmcnt of Lands and Forests. $6,200 to $10,500 Up fnom $10,000; 1Category .(2) $5,700 'up from $6,500 to , $11,000 up from. $10,- 500; Category- (3) $7,500 up from $7,100, to $12,400 up, from $11,600 an& Category (4). $8,000 up from .$7,500 to .$13,300 up from $12,500. The annual incremient for teacli- crs is, to licS$400 For qualified, $300 for unqualificd but tlie ac- cclerated increment for the flfth sixti and scventli years of tcach- ing is to be witlidrawn. (Tlie pre- vious increment was $300 exccpt ia the fiftli sixth and seventh ycars wlien it was $400. r26th Tihe Durhiam Co-operative Stor- age la Newcastle will distributre free apples. N iLa tIs ay3t The Nominating Convention to select a Liberal Candidate for the .Riding of Northumberland-Dur- liam will bic icld la Cobiourg Dis- trict Colegiate Institute East on May 3lst it was announced recent- ly by James H. Clarke, President of the Northiumberland-Durham Liberal Association. The gucst speaker will be the Hotiourale E. J. Benson, Minist- er of Finance and President cf the Treasury Board., Mr. Benson is a Cobourg --ntive. Mr. Clarke said tic constitution of tic Northiumberland-Durham' Liberal Association provides for 5 voting delegates from ecdl of tic 139 pohhling subdivisions in the Riding, but ail members of the publie arc cntitlcd to attend. He said that Russell C. Honey, Member of Parhiameat for Dur- ham la tic hast Parhiament is the only candidate at tuis date to an- nounce bis intceition te seek the nomination. Mn. Wayne Mîiller, son ýof Mr and Mrs.' C. E. Miller, Orono, lias been named to the Deans Honour Roli' for first class acadenlil standing et Waterloo 1University College. Wayne receivcd' his Bachelor of Arts degree at the Spring Convocation hcld on May 20th ahd plans to furthcn lis cdu- cation next year, at Guelphi.

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