ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, M1AY 3th, 19G8 OROÎNO WEEKLY TIMES (A-uthorizerl as Second Classa mail, Post Office De-pýartment, iubli-,ùed every Thiursdiay althti offic~e of pubictiw Main Street, Phone 109, orono, OnTario Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Edîtor and Manager Let>s Resolve This The move by the local Park Board to close the Orono >ark and pool is most regrettable and otie that should flot set too well with the generai public in this'area. The park and pool plays ia major part in the recreational facilities iri and arouhd Orono. To have it closed will hardly solve any problem. The issue appears to have started last Septemnber 19e,7 and sinc e that, time neither party, up until recently, has made ah effort with the ýother to resolve the issue. Both have held forth in their own baliwick to critize the other, It is to be hoped that the issue can be resolved with some speed and that barriers of opposition can be elimin- ated. There is a common purpose for both boards to see that Orono is alive and active through co-operation the assets of thiscommunity can be increased rather than torn down. Hydro Skowing A Profit Mr. M. Downs, Orono Bydro manager, reported to the Com- mission on Monday evening that t.he Bydro after payîng bis a- mounatîng to,$7864.68 would have a balance of $4000. He further sýaid that there was another $1000c toi pay out for equipmient yet to be received. This, he said, left hydro; in a good position with a lojt of stock qand supplies on hand adpaid for. The -ýCo-mmisside set a yearly charge, of $75.00 for both the, Or- oàno- Park and the Agriculturai Sn- ceyfor the use of Village water. The Commission mnet wiÀth rep- resentatives of the Ontario Hydro wýhen! they discussed the outright prurchase of the Street Lighting plant in Orono by the Trustees. A um of $1158.00 is now ojut- standing. It was considerad advîs- able by both parties that it would be better te make the outright purchase. A definite decîsion is to be made when the Village fln- ancial position is better known. A general rateý for smail com- mercial, commercial and industry was also deemed advisabie by the Ojntarie Bydro representatîve. At the present time there are three different rat es for the three cat- eresand he said the use of power is as much benefit te one as another. Further cohsideration Mosport To Oe Mlosport Park's opener for the 1968 season is the Grand Prix of North Amierica, an inte.rnational racing moutorcycle event. The (Grand Prix is sanctioned by the inter national geverning body, the Federation Internationale Moto- cycTlists and the Canadian Moter- cycle Association. Early entries show that the $5000 prize money is creating i- terest from as far away as Cali- f ornia. It is aiso sparking the par- ticipation of the American Barley- DaLvidson factory riders. The programi of events in- cludes international races for the 125 cc. capacity motorcycles, the 250 c.c. and for the first time in North America, an unlimited capacity international elass will compete with the 500 c.c. riders. This wili permit ifhe same con- frontation betwecô the 750 c.c. side valve Harley-Davidsons and the 350 c.c. five port two stroke twin Yamnahas that was seen at Daytona eariier this year. At that event the Yamahas had te blanli o-ff one of their five speeds but at M1osport they can use everything. National races for the exciting sideýcar class wil aise he featured and the increase in this ty,,pe of cemp&iti-nvil! make for daring r Oi n Mspert's twvisting 2.5 Celebrate Golden .Anniversary Mr. and, Mrs. J. L. Johnson, Or- ono Ont., ceiebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on May 26,. 1968, at' Rock Haven, Peterbor- ough, with their childret, friends and 14 grandehiîdren, lovely gifts presented by ail, also our neigh- hors of Hilerest lane, Orono. Thie guests were from Toronto, Parry Sound, W hitby, Peterbor- ouîgh. They reccived a, personal telegram of congratulatiotis from the Governor Generai the Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Michener, aiso the Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau of Canada; Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Honey, M.P. Bouse of Coin- mrons., Also a framed cobigratula- tiens from the Hon John Robarts, Premie-r of Ontario. Mr. Robt. WVelsh, Provincial Secretary Min- ister of Citi enship, presented by Alex Carruthers M.P.P. with his congratulations. is to be given this matter. Mr. L. Lowery asked the re- moval of a hydro pole £rom in front of his new garage on Main Street. The Commission stated that they were seeking the policy of other centres in such moves. It,,was stated to remove this par- ticular pole would cost arounid $300.00. Past Grand Club Holds Tulip Tea Oni Saturday -the Past Noble ,Grands C>ub 62 had a very suc- cessfui Tulip Tea and Bakc Sale and we wouid like to thank the girls who helped us in any way. The winners of the Penny Table and draw ar2 as foiiiws: Eveniing in Paris, Mrs. V. Wil- son; Avon Perfume, Mrs. C. Coop- er; Reiish, Dish, Mrs. H. Partner; Old Spice, Shirley Patton; Avon Sachet, Mrs. Nancy Gamsby; Bird Ornament, Mrs. L. Boyd; Pair of Tewels, Mrs. Len Pears; Booster Ornament, Gord Watsoii; Pyjama Set, -V. Watson; Tea Pot, Mrs. Bernice Stark; Noveity Pitcher, Mrs. Bernice Stark; Flowers, Wanda Kramier; Beets, Mrs. Fran- cis Cowan; Aven Cologne, Mrs. B. Luxton; Soap, Mrs. 'L. Hooey; Seap, Betty Newman; Apron, Mrs. H,azel Stapleten; Glass Dish, Mrs. F. Eddy; Cushion, Betty Mercer; Fancy Dish, Mrs. Toots Barrabali; Ornament, Julie Wood; Bread Basket, Mrs. Gardiner; Taicum Powder, Wayne Helson; Irening Board Cever, Mrs. M. Smith; Dish, Irene Bartsma; Necklace set, Marilyn Major. And the Draw: lst - Cushion, Wanda Kramer; 2nd- Towels, Lo- la Kennedy; 3rd DolIy, Gail Stapleton. Seek 'change In uildingUse The Orono Police Trustee Board heid their regular meeting on Monday evening- when a resolu- tion was passçd in which at least two prices are te be ýobtained for renovation te the Orono Munici-, pal Building te facilitate its use as a Hyrdo ýoffice, garage and stor- age area. Chairman of the Board, Mr. D. Simpson, stated he had one price te do certain works as outlined by himseif- and Mr. Downs. This 'work, he said, can be done within. the next month and we want it done within four te five weeks. Mr. E. R. Woodyard feit that if the work was done by Septem- ber it would be alright. Mr. Weodyard aise pointed eut that as the 'building had been estab- iished under the Communîty Cen- tres Act that approvai would have te be obtained from the lYinister of Agriculture te change its pur- pose. Te this end a resolution was passed iaskihg the Township Coun- cil te endorse this move and te seek the appreoval of the Minister. It is 'aise possible that further use of the building may be made b'y meving the fire department into the building. It Wlas stated that there was enough roogi te do this. Mr. Simpson suggested that the Village would set a rent arouýid $100.00 a month te, the hSidro. It i s the intention te move the offices to the front of the build- ing with garage and storage space behind this area, If the fire de- partment is included their area weuld be at the north of' the building.- The work ýiow anticipated does net include renevations te include the fire department. Considerimg Senior Ciizens Home The Orono Police Trustees re- ceived correspondence which was requested by the Board, from Mr. R. C. Boney and Mr. Beliyer i the matter of constructing, senior citizen dweliings. Mr. Bellyer stated that he was most interested in the fact that the Orene Police Trustees were interested in such a îreject in Orono. It was aise stated that $8,000 a dweliing seemed quite reasenable for such a projeet. Mr. Weedyard peinted eut that, boans up te 95% of the cost ef a 'senior citizens home ceuld be obtained thÉough CMHC with fifty years te pay back. Aise he saîd the province gave a grat IUST ARRIVED NEW RECORDS Long Playing and Stereo $1.98 -$4.98 SALE 0F CARDS Continues up to 50e value FOR ONLY 5 cents Dear Sir:' in answer, to Mr. Mercer's rýe- mark in liast week's paper, that Village officiais do not seem te have atny interest in the local park. Quite obviously, we had enough interest to instail water to the park at the cost of approxi- mately $1800.00. It would seem more to me that the lack of inter- est is with the, Park Board, who apparently, do flot eppreciate this ,enoug h to pay the connection charge and thus avoid the ieces- sîty of having the water shut off. It is a mystery to me why they haveflot paid this account, as ac- cording to the auditor's report, they are flot in fînancial difficul- ty. So how about it, let's save the tears tili sympathy is really need- ed. It also seems- te me that there must be news of greatier interest to print than this type of con- troversy. Surely our local admin- istrative boards. should be above this type of immature acting. Trusting we shah flot haive any further need to answer undue criticism, I remain, Yours truly, Douglas Simpson, Chairman Water Commission of $500 per unît for such work. Such homes, said Mr. Woodi- yard, provide living quarters at a reasonable cost for those who can quaiify to rent them. He said that in other centre s they neyer have vacancies and that such homes do pay their way eveti at th low rentais. As the cost of living in- creases there will be a need for such housing, said Mr. Woodyard. Mr. Woodyard also stated that he feit there was considerable in- terest in Orono for such homes and that prîvate funds would be avaîlable to get the project roll- ing. It was sÉaid that Police Vil- lage funds would flot be used. Mr. Woodyard was authorized to gain further information in this item of business. Cnt î~ rom page 1) many being unusuai night photo- graplis. They aise passed on seme ideas which they had found help- fui in taking pictures. They mentioned, tee, the Ont- arie Photographic Competition and urged members te participate- Mrs. O. Chailice, Show Chair- mýan, extended thanks te, the judges and te those exhibiting ahd read the list of prize winners which is as follews: Class No.'i 1 3 red tuips- Bey. Long, Mrs. Long, Mr. Wes Wood. Class Ne. 2- 3 yellow Tulips- Mrs, M. J. Tamblyn, Mrs. B. E. Milîson, Alf Jakeman. Class No. 3 - 3- pink Tulips- Mrs. B. Cebbiedick, Mrs.- E. Dent, Bey. Leng. Class No. 4- 3 any other- Mrs. Long, Mrs. Carl Billihgs, Mrs. H. Schmid. Class No. 5 - 3 lily fiowered tulips. Mrs. E. Brown, Mrs. M. J. Tam- thlyn, Mrs. H. E. Milisen. Clbss Ne. 6- 3 double tulips- Mrs. 'Tamblyn, Carl Biliings, M. J. Tamblyn. Class, No. 7 African Violet- Mrs. Wes' Wood, Mrs. Zegars, Mrs. Hilda Dean. Class 'No. 8 - flouse Plants- Mrs. Wes Weod, Mrs. Sehoen- maker, Mrs. Robt. Moffat. Class Ne. 9 - "lThreesome- Mrs. Zegers, Mrs. Bolmes, Mrs- Billings. Class Ne, 10- "Breath of Spring"Iý Mrs. Schmid, Mrs. R. Chapman, Mrs, Zegars. Class No. il - "SnMall Treasure" Mrs. Schmnid, Mrs. Zegars, Mrs, Harold Cobbledick. Class No. 12 Parrot Tulips- Bey. Long, Mrs. E. Brown, Mrs- M. J. Tamblyn. Letter To E itor Ninefy Exhibits Oià"%e, Rae ýai-ry Products Cigarettes - Pipe Tobacco Cigars Ice Cream - Soft Drinks-Cads Dry Cleaning Agents Timex Watc hes - Bands -- Novelties MATTS BARBER SHOP - I - Candies