ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, 1'HURSDAY, JUNE 6th, 1968 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES <Aâuthorîzed as Second Class mail, Poet Office Depaanent, Ottawa) Published every Thursday at the office of publicatioe Main Stre et, Phone 109, Orone, Ontario Estblished in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Edtor and Manager THE KENNEDY SHOOTING Shock and disbeiief are th'e first reactions to the dreadful news that Senator Robert F. Kenniedy has been murdered. But the perso,,nal and national tragedy of the shoot. ing 18 shared by uis ail. The personal tragedy to.the Kennedy family seemns too great Wo contemplate. The unfolding story of the Kennedys is almost uLn- believable. The eldest son, a navy pilot, killed la the war. The secodson elected to the Presidency, then maurdered while in office. The third and fourth sons, both elected to the Senate. The youngest niearly killed in a plane crash, but happily recovered. Now Robert, i the moment of his greatest p)er- sonal political. triumnph, Mis drive to the Presidency 'once more very much alive, shot down in a hotel kitchen as hie headed for a victory television interview. The nationial tragedy is1 that the 'shooting of Robert Kennedy pin-points the growing violence within the United States for ail the world to see. Nor is the use of violence for politîcal objectives limited to the United States or the free world. Belgrade, Paris, Rome and Berlin are aflaine, or have been in recent weeks with battle and internaI strife. Senat or Kennedy believed that from one, to whom much has been given, much will be asked. Hie lived to the lirait of his mental and physical capabilities, and they were great. Wth Senator Kennedy's death by -an assyssin's bullet, it seems like a good tîme for each of us to examine our own conscience and decide if we are givÉig enough of ourselves to our country and.our felloW man., A G001D ?ROPOS4L The investigation by the Orono Po lice Trustees, as reportedà last week. into the possibiiity of establishing Senior Citizen Apartments in Orono appears Wo have coni- siderable menit. The cost Wo the community is practicaly, ilyet its service could be momentous. In speaking with Mr. Woodyard, he states that some local citizens have aiready made it known that they would bie wiiling to donate Vo such a cause. Hie aiso states that they would have the support of the' Federal Government and would also hiope Wo recc4ve somne support from te Provicial Government. As costs continue to spiral, and this is noted in liv- ing accommodation, the existanice of a non-profit housing. scheme for senior citizens could become even more war- ranted. Not only ,would such aà scheme ease the burdet of costs but such a coýmplex couild produce, for later-day cit- izens, a social atmosphere which cannot be attained any other way. The Trusteeý are to be encouraged to delve into this matter further and aiso Vo seek the suppsort of the people of this community. Housing is being cited as la dis- aster afid suc h a scheme in Orono. couid provide some re- lief even though minute. 85 PAINTNGS GO ON DISPLAY The paî,iningsý of Bow-ýmanville area night schoI1ol students are now on disp-lay in the auditorium of thie !Bowinmnille Librairy. The tw-week showing involves 85 paintings, miostly oils but also a few watercoliors and pen and inh works. The artists, who come from every walk of if e, took the art courses under the Aduit , Art Crafts of Bowmanvilie -prc;gram. No admission is charged. The show is open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 2:30 p.m. Vo 5.,30 p.m. and from 7:30 p.m. Vo 9 p.m. IV wili. also be open Saturdays from 2, p.m. to 5 p.mf-. STARKVILL LADY 90 YEARS OLD About thirty-fîve friends gath- ered recentiy at the hoime of Mr. and.Mrs. Russell Savery i Stark- ville to, celebrate with Mrs. A. Smith ohi her 90th birthday, Mrs. Smith came Vo Elizabethviiie from Peterborough a number of years ago when her late husband, Har- old Smith died, and she lived with b:er nicce, the laVe Mrs. Violet Walter, until last summer when she moved to niece's home, Mrs. Savery at Starkville. Mrs. Joe Bothwell (nece Savery) had done most of the planning and eerved afternoon tea along with iý birthday cake, Pictures were taken and laVer Mrs. Smith was taken to the, Acres for dinner. j j i I Mrs. Jack Williams and Mrs- Lawrence Hars were co-hostes- ses at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Diane Evedene of Toronto, whose marniage to Mr. Bill Wil-' liams takes 'place on June 22nd. The shower was held at' the home for Mrs. Jack Williams. The bride to be received many lovely gifts,-for which she grac- iously thanked ail present. A de- licious lunch was served Vo the guests by, the hostesses. NOIROST REFRIGERATOR -FREEZf FATHER'S DAY CARDS' and a full ne w Une of BUZZA GREETJNG CARDS M1DU O' ORONO, ONTARIO 1Reg. NOW PHILLIPS MILK 0FMGE i2 oz,....66e BROMO SEMTER,........................ 88e 89C. Z.B.T. BABY POWDER,.................... 77e $1.35 MENNEN STICK DEODORANT ............. 67c 75c. WILKINSON SWORD BLADES, 5's........... 49e 2 for- $1.09 NOXZEMA ROLL-ON DEODORANT .... 2 for 88c $1.59 ARRID DRY SPRAY DEODORANT ........$1.28 ANACIN TABLETS 100s .......$1 .35 ..9 SCOPE MOUTH WASH .............. ...... 88e $1.25 NOXZEMA TROPIC TAN........... *....... 88e $1.39 GUARD INSECT SPRAY,....... $18 $1À.49 NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM ................. $1.07 $1.49 SUDDEN BEAUTY HAIR SPRAY .......... 88c. CREST TOOTH PASTE .,.................. 62e Stut's harm cyOrono, Phone 983-5009 Saturday, June 8th The Swimming Pool, Orono, wiII be open on Saturday, June 8th, 1968 TIMETABLE FOR JUNE ONLV Weekdays - 4:00 p.m. Vo 5:00 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 pm Saturdays and Sunday 12 noon to 8 p.m. SEASONS TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE BY CONTACT- 1NG EITIIER ELAINE FORRESTER or ALMA CUTTELL The prices for the Season's Tickets (exciuding Sundays) are as follows: $5.00 FOR ONE CHILD $8.00 FOR TWO CHILDREN $10.00 FOR THREE CHILDREN OR MORE SINGLE ADMISSION 50c. FOR THE DAY C A -~ I~-~~--- ~ -~ - -- - -~ - - - - -