ORONO WEEKLY TIMJES, THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, 1968ý IYemorial, *Bock-Plates The Lake Ontario Regional Li- brary System lias supplied its member libraries witli memorial book-plates. Wlien someone pur- chases a book to donate to the Library as a memorial to a late relative or friend, a book-plate is affixed to tlie flyleaf. Usually tlie book cliosen is one whidli refleets t he past interests, hobbies or work of the lionoured person, This is awelacpe custom in many libraries in the US. BOY SCOUT PAWaPER COLLE CMION and Orono Chamber WHITE ELEPHANT SALE COLLECTION Leave paper and items' for the Sale a.t the curb fer pick-up on SAT., JUNE 15 by 9:00 amn. Flowers alwysun Ideal Gift CANA WOO D Phone 983-5539 Orono, Ontario Anyone interested may see a sampie hook plate on the bulletin board at the, Clarke Public Lili- rary and furtlier information ynay bie obtained from the Librarian or any Library Board member. Pamphlet Rack The Library Board has installed a liolder in the entranceway to the~ Library. You are welcome to lielp yourself to any bookiets, pamphlets, or magazines in this rack. NEW BOOKS Adult Fiction With Banners - Loring Gun in the Dust - Park Nine Coaches Waiting - Stewart Billion Dollar Brain - Deigliton Adult Nonfiction Child of the liolocaust - Kuper Collected Poems> of Robert Ser- vice Canada At War - Hannon Flower Arrangemetts & Their Setting -Smith Juvenile Bibsy -Cleary Bread & Jam fer Frances Ho- ban -Chester Let's Go To Stop Air Pollution Homes Areund the World - Jackson. Donated Paperbacks Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine The Moon-Spiiner - Stewart My Brother Michael- Stewart .Wildfire at Midnight Stewart The Incredible Journey - Burn. ford The Source - Michener Fantastie Voyage - Asimov An American Dreamn - Mailer Return to Paradise - Michener Judgement ot Deltchev - Amb- ler. 4-Il Cor. Silage Club The, first -regular meeting of the South Durham 4-H Corn Sul- age Club was 'held on Tuesday, May 21 at 8:00 p.m. at Depart- ment of Agriculture in Bowman- ville. 'he meeting was opened by the president, Murray Yellow]ees. We' repeated the 4-H1 Club pledge and then answered the roll caîl. Summer Assistant, John Mur- pliy, lectured us-on the composi- tion of soil and soul management, then lub leader Jim Rickard gave us a lecture on the texture and properties of tlie soil. We then split into our senior ahd junior diývisionis oft and while Jim Rickard keeping crop r-ecordsm juniors, John Murphyè the 1968 senior project. The secretary, John read the minuTtes of thei tlie Club dîscussedl witli the described Larner, organiza- tien meeting andtlie meeting was adjourned by the preýsîdent., Neil Alun-., Press Rep. Loc~iI News Mr. Roy Winter report ýs îliat lest week he came up with a per- feet hand _in cribliage wh3n lis wife turc zd up a fix e/in lier cut of the deck. In thirty-five years of playing crilibage Roy states that lie lias oftet corne close to a per- fect liand but just neyer made it until last week. A brush and grass lire took the Clarke Township F ire' Depart- ment into action Tuesday at noon. The fire was soutli of Morgan's coIners and was soon brouglit under contrai 1w the department. Mrs. J. E. Armstrong of Tim- mins visited witli relatives i Orono, last week and attended the wedding & ler grandson in Pet- erborougli. Mr. F. W. Truli spent last week- end witli lis son, Mr. Llonyd Truill in Kingston and attehded tlie con- vocation of lis granddaughter, Miss Nancy Truil, at Queen's Un- iversity. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Armstrong have purchased a hbuse i Peter- boroughi and plan to move *there later in the summer. Mrs. Ben Madili is a patient in Bowmanville Memtorial Hospital. Mr. Gary Hancock has; sold lis home on Division St. to Mr.ý and Mrs. Harry Cowan. Gary has pur- dliased a home i the Ochonski Development. Mr. Wm. Moffat is a patient in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Assessors' semînar, at Sault Ste. Mr. Aif, Zohnston/ attended an Marie, jast week Miss Marlon Brom R.N. Osh- awa visited for a few d'ays with lier mother, Mrs. J. D. Brown. UNITED CHURCB Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E.- Long SUNDAY, lUNE 2nd Orono ,United Chnrch Sunday School at, 10:00 Service at,-11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 Leskard- Sunday -Sdhool at- 9:45 J J ~ g1 Another shipment of Ladies' Canvts Shoes made in Canada. Good quiality i-nb- ber sole, arel bar and ful cushion insole. Skipper blne, wheat, black and white. Sizes 5 to 10.----- --- Price, per pair'- $3.25 Harvey Woods' Ladies' Panties in rayon or fine cotton with elastie or cuffed leg. Nobeit waistband. White enly. Sizes S., M. & L. Price, Rayon, each - $ 1.00 Cotton, each - $1.25 Kendial Newms Sevxeral from the Kendal area attended the funeral ýof Mrs. Wm. Moffat in Orono United Churcli on Sunday afternoon. She was tlie iormer Ruth Squair ýof Salem. She tauglit sclool at MVorrisli. She married Wm. Moffat and came to live on the fiftli line. Twenty-two years ago an accident Ieft lier a w-heel chair victim. She acceptedi lier condition witliout complaint. Her clieerfulness was an inspira- tion tolier friends and family. She will lie missed. We extend our sympatliy to ier husband and f amily. Mr. Bill Stapleton is geittng his new'house shingled, this wveek. There seems to lie a farm sale every two weeks. On S'aturdayý-- aU And Down Tlhe o ok Stacks z, Ladies' Dus ters, Cotton Dusters lu attractive priiits as well as plain shades. Pink, bin-e or gold predominr.atin.g. Sizes S., M. and L. Pr;ced from $4.50 to $7.95 A new stock of Boy,'s Socks by Har- vey Woods. Cotton and lli-BuIk Nylon or 100% Nylon stretehy. Biue, red, grey and brown. Sizes te fit 6 to 7, 7 to 8, 8 to91/ and 911/2 to 101/2. Priced from 75c to 85c per pair Men's Short-Sleeve W.hite Shirts with short sleeves, poly- ester and icotton, permanent. press. Ideal for business or leisure. Sizes 15 to 16%/. Speciîal, each - $2.40 SWIMIWEAR For Ail 0fài The Family ricroký-s Coianis liaving his Kendal Sunday Sehool Anniver- sary will bce June 23rd at 11:15 a.m. On June 13 the ladies of Ken- dal, Shiloh and NeWtonville plan to seli home baking etc., in Osh- awa toi raise money for thePar- sonage. The exterior needs paint- ing. A stranger remnarkeci to me that Orono was sucli a pretty place. Every strue~tyou travelled the lawns, id~sand homeies were a pictux btobehold. jACK l1%EALTOR 99 King st., Es. Wheu fluying or Selling mgU WIV'1L F0HÀWK E 'YOMR «0» O IEA 983-524 O&emlb.m of i)shawa and DI& trict Real Estate Bouad Orono Building Contractor Brick -Block -Cencrete Stone Work Carpentry Cabinet W>rk Floors Tile 983-5441 ORONO ANNUAL ENTI ONS> BAR B-Q TALENT SHOW HARNESS RACING SHOPPER'S MALL To beheld ki Orono JULY 10-13 - - -1- 11 - 1-1- --- --- - -- - ----- ........ .... ..... nndllrànvtb